#8 Early Christmas present

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Y/n Pov:

Time passed really fast that day. Well to be honest I couldn't really focus on the professor at all the whole day. I was thinking about Hyungwon and Rose and also the concert. I actually never been to a concert before. That is sad. I never had a celebrity crush or a singer that I liked that much that I would pay for the concert. What a boring life. But I mean his songs are really good. They caught me right away. And also. If I don't end up liking him in real life, I still spent some time with my friends. I really wanted to listen to his songs but I was at college so I couldn't. I also wanted to watch more music videos because they are really high quality. He really did look handsome in the one I watched. I wonder if he looks like that in real life too. Most of that is make up right? Nowadays you can completely change a persons looks with the right products.
"Y/n are you also coming?" Tae asked and that made me wake up from my day dreaming. I looked at him confused.
"Where?" I asked and he looked over to Hyungwon and he shrugged his shoulder.
"College is over. You didn't even notice?" He said and I looked around. Almost everyone was already gone.
"Oh...no I didn't notice." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. Tae hit my shoulder and chuckled.

"You must have been in your Dreamland again

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"You must have been in your Dreamland again. Maybe with Jimin?" He asked with a wink and I hit his hand away.
"Oh that wouldn't be new." Hyungwon also smirked and the two boys started laughing.
"You are such a perverts!" I yelled and quickly stood up to leave the room. Idiots. My private life with Jimin is not their business.
"Oh come on wait up. It was a joke." I hear the boys behind me and I slow down a little.
"You shouldn't be that serious." They say and I roll my eyes.
"Actually I was thinking about the concert." I say and Taes eyes lit up.
"Oh so you will come too?" He asked and I smiled.
"Yeah why not. Could be fun." I say and the boys high five each other and smile.
"Alright what about the high five?" I ask because it was a little weird that they are that happy about it. The boys looked at each other before they talked.
"Hyungwon needs help with Rose so we thought you could be like an undercover cupid and help him." Tae said and I rolled my eyes.
"So this is the only reason you want me to come?" I asked and they laughed nervously.
"No of course also to spend some time together. And also there is something we want to show you about that J guy." They say and I looked a little confused.
"What is about him?" I asked
"We will tell you at the concert but we have to go now. Hyungwon is meeting Rose and I need to stalk them." Tae said and the two boys disappeared after a goodbye wave.

Well that's on going home together

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Well that's on going home together. I went to my car and sat inside. First thing I did, of course, was turning on the music. I love to drive the car. It is so relaxing. Well only the times when there is no old lady before me trying to figure out how to drive after owning a driver's license for 30 years. Anyway, as I arrived I parked my car and went inside the house. It was so empty without Jimin. I couldn't wait for him to ask me to move together. But when would he ask? We have been together for so long now. We live near each other and most of the time he is at my place. I don't know why we couldn't move in together. Whatever I will give him time. We still had time after all. I changed into some comfortable clothes and sat down on the couch.
"Let's see." I opened google to search for the tickets. It didn't took me long to find them. After all the whole internet was full with his tour.
"Alright Saturday afternoon at 8 pm. We could even go eat something afterwards. Great." I smiled at my phone as I placed two tickets in the shopping cart.
"And done." I said as I clicked in the pay button. Great now this was also done. Now I only had to wait for Jimin and surprise him with the tickets. It was still little early for him to arrive so I decided to cook dinner. Just something simple. He loves meet so I decided to cook some pork with rice and kimchi. One of his favourits. Well I also love those. Thank god we kind of have the same taste so it's easy to cook. I also decided to chop some fresh vegetables because I only had some leftover kimchi. The food was almost done so I started to set the table. Just as I finished the door opened. Who else then my beautiful man.
"Just in time. Dinner is ready." I said as he stepped inside.
"Oh I can smell that." He said and smiled at me.

I got the food and placed it on the table

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I got the food and placed it on the table.
"Kisses first." I said as I ran up to him. He locked me between his arms and gave me a long kiss. I missed him.
"Before we eat I have a surprise for you." I said as I got my phone out.
"Oh really? I am curious." He said and I stick the phone in his face with the tickets.
"Concert tickets! It's next weekend. Marry early Christmas." I said with a huge smile but somehow he wasn't excited at all. It almost looked like he wasn't happy about the present.
"Oh baby...I can't go."


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