#43 Begging

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Jimin Pov:

I ripped my eyes open and looked around in the apartment. For some reason I was still on the couch.
"Y/n." I thought to myself as I looked over to the bedroom just to find it pitch black and empty. The bathroom door was still locked. I looked down at my watch just to realize that it was only 2pm.
"So it was just a dream." I breathed out loud relieved and brushed my hair back with my fingers.

" I breathed out loud relieved and brushed my hair back with my fingers

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"What the fuck was I thinking." I spoke to myself after thinking about the fight that went down before I fell asleep and dreamed that shit.
"She is still in there." I stood up from the couch and walked up to the bathroom door. It was looked just as before. I knocked on it twice and spoke afterwards.
"Baby I am begging you please open the door. I swear I'm not going to hurt you. I won't touch you even with a finger. Just open the door." As I ended my speech a big silence filled the room again. Still no answer.
"I'm sorry." I said this last sentence really quietly and suddenly I heard the door being unlocked. I took a step back and waited for her to open the door. As she appeared behind the only half opened door, my eyes started to fill up with tears. Her neck had small bruises on it caused by my tight grip on her. It wasn't that visible bit I could still perfectly see them. My heart broke into peaces when I thought about that I was the one who did that to her.
"I am a monster." This thought never left my head as I was looking at her up and down standing there with her puffy eyes filled with tears and her small hands gripping tight on the door handle. That was a view I never wanted to see. She was scared of me. Without moving an inch I started speaking.
"Y/n I am really sorry for grabbing you like that and screaming at you. I know that I need to stop acting like that and I will just believe in me please. Give me this one last chance and I will change." I spoke to her but her facial expressions never changed. She just looked around blankly.
"I am starting to get tired." She spoke with a silent voice and my eyes widened. No that couldn't be. Not again. This time I wasn't giving up on her that easily. My next move took even me by surprise. I dropped to my knees before her and held my hands together.
"Please don't give up on me that easily. I know I messed up badly but I had it hard to. Let me prove to you that I would change my behavior. It was just way to much stress lately. Please Y/n." I begged her and finally she looked down at me.
"Look at me. I never begged anyone like that before. You know you mean the world to me. Y/n I want to grow old with you." As I said the last sentence, a small tear of mine dropped down onto the carpet. Y/n bent down and her beautiful body was wrapped around mine. I let out a relieved breath and slowly also placed my arms around her body.
"I'm sorry." She suddenly spoke and that made me hold her even tighter.

" She suddenly spoke and that made me hold her even tighter

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"It's alright. I am sorry. This was the last time I held you like that." I buried my face into her neck as I spoke and to my surprise I heard a chuckle of her.
"Well you are allowed to touch me like that but only at a certain time." This sentence of her made le look at her and all I could see was her smirking face. Obviously I knew what she meant but I didn't want to do anything because I was way to worried that I would scare her again.
"You don't want to touch me?" She asked and my answer was obvious.
"Of course I do." I simply answered and that made her lean closer to me.
"Then do it. I don't want you to be afraid of touching me. Just control yourself and let it out in bed." After this sentence I pulled her closer to press my mouth onto hers and started to make out with her. We were still sitting there on the floor before the bathroom door but I didn't care. This girl was driving me crazy in every way and I just wanted to finally feel her against my body again. She was like my own personalized drug that I was way to addicted to. I slowly made my way on top of her and soon after she was laying on the ground. Just as I held her face in my hands and held myself up with my other hand something moved down my stomach and stopped just before my jeans. It took me by surprise as her hand unzipped my jeans and she grabbed on my already hard member. This girl was really starting to get more dominant. Her cold fingertips stroked over my tip and a shiver ran down my back. Slowly her hand wrapped around me and she moved up and down just perfectly. It already felt amazing.
"Finish what you didn't this morning." After she said that I smirked down at her and with that already started to undress her.

" After she said that I smirked down at her and with that already started to undress her

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Just before I pulled down her panty I asked one question.
"When he fucked you...did you finish?" It took her a couple of seconds to answer because this question did surprise her but just shortly after a smirk appeared on her face.


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