#56 Studio Sex

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Y/n Pov:

"Should we have a job interview?" I asked as I slowly started moving down without breaking eye contact. There was excitement in his eyes as I got on my knees. My man you for should could be excited. I slowly stroked his member through his jeans and I could already feel it growing.
"Ah Jesus." He let out a loud breath as I put a bit more pressure on his size. I smirked to myself and slowly unzipped his jeans. Now I stroked him through his boxers which made him even hornier.
"Ah-Y/n suck it." Jimin said, almost begged and I chuckled to myself. Love to see a man beg for it. I slowly pulled his boxer down and and placed my hand on the Typ of his member. He was already leaking and growing even bigger. He was obviously really in the mood. I slowly placed his dick before my mouth and started licking it with my tongue.
"Hmmm...don't tease me." He said and after a smirk, I put his whole size inside my mouth and started sucking him. It was going so deep into my throat that it was hard to even breath.
"Ah fuck." Jimin threw his head back and grabbed a handful of my hair.

I was deepthroating his huge member and tried not to choke even though it was hard

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I was deepthroating his huge member and tried not to choke even though it was hard. I wanted to give him the pleasure of his life. While sucking him like crazy, I dug my nails into his thigh what made him moan even more. I love it when he moans.
"Huh-I'm close." He almost stuttered as he spoke and I just kept on going like I was before. Suddenly I was grabbed by the arm and he pulled me up on my feet.
"I want to destroy you so bad." He turned me around and made me face the wall. My pants were ripped off of me in like no time. I wanted to turn my head and look back at him but he grabbed my neck from the back and stopped me from doing so. It did excite me how he acted but I was also a bit afraid because of the last times he freaked out.
"Jimin...just know your limit." I told him and hoped he wouldn't take it the wrong way. It's not like I was scared of him, I just knew what he could become. He lent closer to me and whispered into my ear.

 He lent closer to me and whispered into my ear

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"Don't worry sweetheart. My only intention is to give you pleasure." He said and I was smiling again. This man really knew what he had to say to get me all light up.
"Hold it together beautiful." He said as he placed his member before my entrance and slowly started pushing inside.
"Ahh sweet Jesus." I moaned as he hit my g point right away. This was the first time he almost made me cum by the first push. I was seeing stars already. He moved in and out and was hitting the exact same spot the whole time. It felt like I was in heaven and hell the same time. We should be doing it in this position a lot more often. I reached behind and grabbed his hand that was resting on my hip while he was thrusting in and out. We locked fingers and I arched my back even more so he could go even deeper.
"Oh god yes." He moaned meaning that he was close again. Without stopping he continued pushing deep inside of me and this time shot right inside of me. I felt the warm liquid feel up my body and my fingers started to tickle. He was already done but he didn't stop and started stroking my clit. I loved when he did that. He put more pressure on it and I felt the adrenaline explode inside of my body. My eyes shut close and it felt like a firework exploded inside of me. I let my head hanging and breathed out really loud.
"Jesus Christ I don't even know who I am anymore." I said and Jimin laughed behind me. He held my arms and helped me sit down on his chair.
"Here let me help." He got some tissues out and cleaned me up. Why do I always end up like a zombie after we did it. Oh yeah maybe because he fucks me insanely.
"You are so beautiful." He said as he stroked my face. I smiled at him and kissed his hand.
"I really have to go to the trainees." Jimin explained and I sighed.
"I know. Show them what a real star looks like." I smirked and him and he rolled his eyes playfully.
"That was so cringe babe." We both laughed. He went to put on his wig and place some blue contacts in his eyes. I looked at him a bit confused.
"Is this really enough for them to not see something is of?" I asked a bit worried that the others would notice him but he chuckled.

"Is this really enough for them to not see something is of?" I asked a bit worried that the others would notice him but he chuckled

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"I will walk by my make up artist to fix the wig and put on some make up. Should be good." He explained and I nodded. Well that's safer I guess. After kissing my cheek, he stepped out of the room and started walking off. Well now I was alone. I was trying to entertain myself with the computer or the Tv but I got bored quiet fast.
"What to do now?" I looked around but after the fact that I can't play any instruments or make any kind of music there was really not much for me to do.
"Well I guess it's adventure time." I stood up from the chair and made my way out of the studio. Some people gave me weird faces because I must have looked completely lost but they said nothing because of the stud card I believe. Well I was a bit lost but I just had to find my way around I guess. There were so many different rooms. In one people were dancing around and in another one I could hear a band rehearsing some songs. I don't really have any idea about any of these stuff so I was really amazed and a bit confused. Soon I arrived before the practice room 5.
"Didn't that woman say Jimins meeting with the trainees will be in this room?" I asked myself and peeked inside the room. I couldn't really see or hear a lot because there were curtains before the door. Must be because of privacy. Or maybe to keep new coreos a secret? Well it worked because whatever is going on inside there, I was curious. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Once I was in the room I could hear Jimins voice from the other side of the curtain.
"This is a huge opportunity that you got. I'm sure everyone of you has the talent to become a real idol and live their dreams. But I'm still there, it's going to be a long journey, and I am here to support you." He explained to the trainees and I was so proud of my man. He sounded so supportive and amazing. I wanted to see more so I peaked my head through the curtain so I could see what was actually going on. My yawn dropped when I saw Taehyung and Hyungwon standing there while listening to Jimin. Oh god I completely forgot that they auditioned or this company. It was even more weird that Taehyung actually knew who Jimin was and we weren't really in best relationship at the moment. That was awkward. Well no worries as long as he doesn't see me. Just as I calmed myself in my head, my eyes landed on someone else.
"Jennie." I immediately rolled my eyes as I recognized her. Wow I really didn't want to see her anymore after the last time. But as I kept on watching, I got a really weird feeling. That face she was making while looking at Jimin really didn't seem normal to me. She was playing with her hair and blushing like a tomato. This girl has a crush on my man.
"Oh hell nah." I whispered to myself pissed. I knew she has no feelings for Tae. This little witch. Well as long as she keeps her hands off of Jimin there should be no problem.
"Oh Mr. Park may I ask a question." She suddenly said with a wannabe cute voice and I almost vomited. Oh please since when is her voice this high pitched. Jimin isn't even into this kind of stuff.
"Of course go ahead." He said. What!? Go ahead?! Is he kidding me?
"Alright Y/n calm down. It's his job to answer questions. He did nothing wrong." I tried to stay calm but her question made it really hard.
"Could you teach us some of your best moves? You are such a great dancer and I would like to learn from the best so one day I could collaborate with you." She acted all shy and sweet. Oh this bitch has to be kidding me. Throwing herself on my man? While her man is standing in the same room?! What on earth.
"Oh well that's the motivation I want to see. Of course I will teach you how to become a pro dancer. All of you." Jimin answered.
"What did you just say Park Jimin?!"...

💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜This part was a bit longer

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This part was a bit longer. Hope you enjoyed it. Some action is about to start. Look forward to it 🥳.

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