#38 Breakfast together

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Y/n Pov:

This hotel room was the absolutely the top of everything. It wasn't only beautiful but the bed was also so comfortable. Last night we went to bed really late because we have been talking and laughing almost all night. Even though we were in a relationship for 3 years now, we never talked that much as last night. I really enjoyed it. To my surprise he didn't try anything. We just talked, kissed and cuddled. Nothing more. It was good to know that not everything needs to be about sex. The next morning, a warm and soft kiss on my cheek woke me and I happily opened my eyes. Jimin was leaning above me with a beautiful smile on his face.

 Jimin was leaning above me with a beautiful smile on his face

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"Good morning Angel." He stroked my face and spoke quietly. I couldn't stop smiling while I stretched myself a little.
"Angel? That's new." I said and slipped closer to his half naked body. Before he used to call me babe, baby or baby girl. Sometimes even princess but I found that weird because Jungkook also used to say that to me so I told Jimin to stop. But Angel was new. His voice rang in my ears after he said that. It was so sweet.
"You are my angel." He kissed my forehead and I was snuggled into his chest.
"I don't want to wake up." I pouted a little still with closed eyes and held Jimin tight to myself so he wouldn't even think of disappearing.
"I know but we have to. The check out is at 12 pm." He spoke and I was really sad. I wanted to stay in that amazing bed with that amazing man on my side forever. It was just perfect. But sadly we couldn't.
"Alright." I finally answered and we both got out of bed. Jimin went on the balcony to get some fresh air while I made my way into the bathroom. It was a beautiful morning. While I was brushing my teeth, I could see through the window that it was snowing. The first snow of that year. It warmed my heart up so much. After I brushed my teeth, I leaned forward to wash my face and suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I looked up and immediately two strong arms were wrapped around me and my back was pulled into someone's chest. This was not just someone. That was my beautiful man, Park Jimin. I loved that man so much it was insane. My stomach was already hurting because of all the butterflies. I placed a kiss on his arm and smiled at him through the mirror.
"There are no paparazzi downstairs. They must think we already left. Usually the checkout is earlier." He explained while burying his face into my neck. I nodded and placed the toothbrush on the sink.
"We should eat breakfast." Jimin added. I was quiet hungry so that was a good idea.
"Alright." I answered and after I dryed my face, we walked out in the living room.
"Woooow." My yawn dropped as I saw the table full with any kind of food. It was decorated so pretty and everything looked so delicious.

 It was decorated so pretty and everything looked so delicious

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My mouth was watering.
"Where did this come from?" I questioned and looked over to Jimin. He looked over to me.
"I ordered breakfast before you woke up. It just arrived." He explained and I nodded still really shocked about how good everything looked. This whole hotel was like a villa. I never wanted to leave again and go back to reality. This was perfect.
"Shall we?" Jimin asked as he pulled the chair out for me so I could sit down. I smiled and sat down before the amazing dish. He also sat down in front of me and I just didn't even know where to start. There was everything you could be just craving for. Pancakes with ice cream. Sausages and eggs with vegetables. Croissant, bread and baguette. Coffee, orange juice and much more. I couldn't wait to dig in.
"Bon appetit." Jimin said as he placed some food on his plate and started eating. He must be used to this kind of treatment that's why he ate as if it would be just a simple breakfast. For me it was so amazing that I didn't even want to touch anything and ruin the amazing view but I also wanted to eat everything. I placed of everything a little on my plate and also started eating. My stomach was happy. It tasted so good that I closed my eyes in pleasure as I swallowed.
"Oh my god. That tastes like heaven." I said and could hear Jimin chuckle.
"Yeah it is really good." He added and we both continued eating. Even the orange juice tasted better here then anywhere else I have ever drank. Once we were done I leant back on the chair and breathed out really loud.
"I am about to explode." I said as I held my stomach that was so bloated that ti looked as if I was pregnant. We almost ate everything and there was really a lot on the table before.
"Me too. I feel like I gained 50 pounds." Jimin also rubbed his belly as he spoke. I looked over to him while he stroked his wet hair and leant his head back on the chair. His veins were popping out on his neck and his perfectly defined jawline was shoving. I couldn't take my eyes of him. That man was way to perfect. A smirk appeared on my face as I stood up and slowly walked over to him. He looked at me a little puzzled as I placed my arms around his neck and leant down to his ear.

 He looked at me a little puzzled as I placed my arms around his neck and leant down to his ear

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My hands were massaging his shoulder as I whispered into his ear.
"I think a little workout after eating that much would be good." He looked back at me quiet surprised as I was bitting down on my lower lip. I bit into his neck before continuing talking.
"Destroy me." My hot breath hit his neck and I could feel him getting goosebumps. I was really needy. Park Jimin time to get the monster out again.

 Park Jimin time to get the monster out again

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