#62 Reality hit me

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Y/n Pov:

I sat there in the ground with now another bottle of wine in my hand. It was already really late and Jimin was still not back.
"Couple of hours my ass, it is 11pm." I complained as I took a sip of the bottle. Suddenly the door opened and Jimin stepped inside.
"Look who is home." I said without standing up. He had a huge smile on his face. Oh did he have fun with that bitch?
"You won't believe it. The guy who took the photos was found. It was indeed a trainee. The management fired him in no time." He explained as he removed his jacket. For some reason I didn't feel like celebrating. Oh right must be because of that FUCKING video. He walked over to me and looked a little confused.
"Why are you sitting on the ground in the dark?" He asked and went to switch up the light. As he looked back, he saw the two bottle of wines on the table.
"Did you drink that all today? Are you insane?" Jimin pointed at the two bottles and didn't look very happy.

"Did you drink that all today? Are you insane?" Jimin pointed at the two bottles and didn't look very happy

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Oh I wasn't happy either, don't worry.
"Yeah I did, so? You were out doing some shit so I entertained myself. Having a problem with it? *hiccup*" I glared at him and he rubbed the back of his head with a raised eyebrow.
"What the hell are you talking about? I was trying to solve things with the company." He explained and I laughed.
"Oh please stop. What is this huh?" I asked him as I showed my phone into his face. He took it and looked at the screen. There was the video with him and Jennie. He sighed.
"Y/n we were practicing. It was nothing." Jimin said but I just got even angrier.
"Practicing what?! This is her freaking second day at the Entertainment. What is she practicing for?! And why the hell are you that close to her? It's not enough that you don't respect me as your girlfriend, you don't even respect Taehyung. This was his girlfriend and you are holding her like that?! THIS FUCKING CLOSE." I yelled at him and grabbed my phone back. He was almost speechless after what I had to say. My blood was really boiling.
"We did nothing. We look that close because of the perspective of was filmed from. I'm trying not to cause any problems and just agree to everything the company is telling me so I don't destroy my image even more." Jimin started yelling as well and I just couldn't believe my ears.

" Jimin started yelling as well and I just couldn't believe my ears

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"Destroy YOUR image. PEOPLE WANT TO SEE ME DEAD!" I was screaming really loud and really couldn't control my emotions anymore.
"I know that's why I'm trying to solve things." He added and I rolled my eyes pissed.
"Well you are making things even worse. That girl broke up with Taehyung because of you!" I stood before him red like a tomato becaus of anger and tried not to explode any minute.
"But there is nothing between us! I don't even know her name! It was a one minute dance while everyone else was watching! It may look like something else but there is nothing else. It's just the video! You saw 20 seconds of a two hour rehearsal. I helped everyone there." He shouted at me and for a slight second I felt dumb. The alcohol was in my head and I saw three Jimins before me. I was a mess.
"I still don't like the fact that you touched Someone I hate." I continued but at this point I couldn't stand still anymore. My legs felt like jelly and I almost tripped on nothing.
"Are you okay." Jimin stepped closer and held my arm. I pulled it away and glared at him.
"I don't need your help. I'm going to sleep. Stay here or go home I don't care." And with that I slammed the door shut and collapsed into my bed. This was another terrible day.

Next morning
I woke up with an extreme headache. Everything was spinning.
"Oh my god. There is a reason why I never drink." I said it to myself as I looked over to my side. Jimin was not laying there. At that moment it hit me.
"Oh no." I jumped out of my bed and ran out into the living room. He wasn't there. He was nowhere to be found.
"For fuck sake." I held my head frustrated. I really crossed the line yesterday. Why do I have to be this stupid. I got my phone out and watched the video again Hyungwon sent me. Watching it now sober I really feel dumb.
"It actually doesn't look that bad. I am so stupid." I sat down on the couch really upset as I was watching the video. This was the worst. I got so overwhelmed that I screamed at him for no reason. Well not for no reason but it wasn't as bad as I had in my memories. Just as I was sitting there and feeling sorry for myself, a thought came to my mind.
"Oh shoot Taehyung." I quickly got my phone out and started calling him with FaceTime. It did take him a while to pick up.

 It did take him a while to pick up

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"Hi." He simply said. To be honest he did sound upset.
"Taehyung. I heard what happened. Are you alright?" I asked and all I could hear is a sigh. That made me so upset.
"Should I come over?" I asked again and this time he finally answered.
"No it's alright I just...I feel so dumb. I should have trusted you. It was obvious and I was so dumb. Maybe I should stop going after looks." He sounded so upset. I wanted to punch that stupid bitch in the face.
"Taehyung you are the best friend a person could wish for. You are funny, caring and so lovely. Once you find the person for yourself, I will support you no matter what." I tried to somehow cheer him up even though I for sure knew he was really upset.
"Well I guess life goes on. It's not like I was in love or anything. I did like her but it's not that deep." He explained and I hoped he was saying the truth.
"Well alright then." I said and decided not to bother him with this topic anymore.
"And what about you? How are you doing?" He asked and now I was thinking about Jimin again.
"Oh don't even ask. I don't want to talk about it." I held my head again frustrated. Why couldn't things just go the way they were supposed to go. There are always barriers.
"Let's meet at the cafe in 30 minutes." He said and after that hung up. Well now I was curious what he was planing.

 Well now I was curious what he was planing

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