#54 Sister

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Y/n Pov:

I held my head frustrated while staring at my phone. How on earth did this girl get in as well. I didn't even know she wanted to be an idol. Well not like I know that much about her. I don't really care whether she becomes famous or not I just don't want her to ruin Taes chances.
"Alright Y/n calm down. It's non of your business." I tried to calm myself until I heard a voice next to me.
"What is non of your business?" My precious boyfriend asked while yawning.
"Never mind." I answered and bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek. He smelt so good and his face was so soft and puffy. He is the cutest after waking up.
"Food will arrive shortly." I told him and a small smile appeared on his face.

" I told him and a small smile appeared on his face

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"You didn't have to order babe." He said still with his eyes closed with a quiet voice.
"But you wanted to and there is nothing at home." I answered and locked him in my arms while he snuggled into my chest.
"I will give you money to pay for it." I chuckled at what he said. He always wants to pay for everything but I never let him and we end up arguing.
"I already payed with Paypal." I answered and he sighed.
"I will punish you." He tried to sound serious but his sleepy voice and puffy cheeks just made it sound funny and cute.
"Threatening me with punishment doesn't work when you look like that." I laughed and he smuggled even more into my chest.

" I laughed and he smuggled even more into my chest

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"Just wait." He kept on going and I rolled my eyes playfully. As we were laying there and being cute, suddenly the doorbell rang.
"Oh that must be the food." I jumped up and was about to go open the door but Jimin grabbed my arm and went to open the door himself. I just watched him do so.
"Thank you. Have a nice day." He grabbed the bag and closed the door.
"What was that?" I asked while he started unpacking the delicious food.
"It's safer for me to open the door. You never know who is standing on the other side." He explained while grabbing plates and chopsticks. I blushed. He was so protective. I smiled and sat down before him to eat the amazing smelling food. It didn't only look good but also tasted so amazing. Korean food is the best.
"So I already texted my sister before arriving home. We will meet her near the park. We can show her around a bit. Maybe drink coffee and Jungkook will pick her up later." Jimin explained and I nodded while showing a big spoon of rice in my mouth. He chuckled.
"Is it yummy?" He asked while smiling at me.

"Is it yummy?" He asked while smiling at me

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Once again I nodded. I must have looked like a hamster.
"Enjoy." He also started eating and in like no time we destroyed everything. I guess we were really hungry. Well I was for sure. After we finished Jimin went to wash up and I changed into some warmer clothes. It was really warm outside so we had to dress warm. The kitchen was already clean so I was just waiting for Jimin to be ready. I heard the water stop and he walked out with just a towel around his hips. He went over to the dresser and started looking for something to wear. I lent back on the bed and admired his perfect body with a smirk on my face. He took a look at me through the mirror and saw the face I was making. This was enough for him to turn around and walk over to me also with a naughty smirk.
"You like what you see?" He asked while bending over and placing his hand and a knee on the bed so he could lock me in.
"Very much." I answered not shy at all and lent even more forward so that there were only two inches between us.
"Want a taste." He continued and I was already in the mood to just eat him up. But know we had other things to do.
"Later troublemaker. Get dressed." I stood up and walked out of the bedroom with a huge smirk on my face. I love to tease him. Once he was finally done we went downstairs to the car and drove off. As expected his sister was already waiting. We got out of the car and walked over to her.
"Took you long enough." Jina complained while she stood there with her arms crossed.
"Sorry, you know your brother. He takes ages to get ready." I pointed at Jimin and he robbed the back of his head.
"Guys it takes time to look this good." As always very modest.
"Oh pleeeeaaase." Both me and his sister said it at the same time. He just rolled his eyes playfully. We started walking around a little and chatted for a while. Jimin and I showed his sister where I go to college and also drank hot chocolate. It was nice to catch up a bit.
"By the way Y/n I hope you are not mad that I didn't tell you about this whole J situation. I just thought it was not my job to tell you." She explained and I nodded.
"It's alright. Let's just forget about that." We kept on walking for a bit longer until Jinas phone rang.
"Oh it's Jungkook. He is here. Well I will get going now. Don't want to make him wait right brother." She glared at Jimin and I laughed.
"Yeah yeah I got it." He said and we both laughed at him. Jina said her goodbye and we also made our ways back to the car.
"Oh by the way, I will have to go to the company for a short while. Do you want to come or should I drop you off at home?" Jimin started and I thought for a moment.
"Wouldn't it be weird if J showed up with a girl there?" I asked but all Jimin did was smile.
"Most people know at the company who I actually am so no worries." He explained.
"Okay then why not." I answered and after a small kiss on my cheek he started driving. Well now I was curious.

 Well now I was curious

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