#41 Terrified

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Y/n Pov:

I just stood there inside the apartment and scanned every corner to make sure he wouldn't find anything suspicious. As I looked over to the table I saw the two plates laying in front of another. Oh fuck.
"Cleaning wasn't on your to do list I see." Jimin chuckled and I awkwardly laughed.
"You know...I had other things to think of." I answered and slowly leant against the table right in front of him so he wouldn't see the dishes. He walked into the bathroom to put his back away and I quickly placed the dishes in the sink. Once again I looked around and saw the two glasses on the TV desk. Shit! I ran up to it and also put those away. That was close. Thank good nothing else was in here. Well I didn't know I would have Jimin as a visitor so I didn't care about cleaning up stuff. I sat down on the couch and breathe don't loudly. It was so frustrating to act like that but it was also for sure that I couldn't tell Jimin what happened the last days. I felt really sorry for Jin but I couldn't change my feeling. The only one I could love was Jimin and that's it. I just wished I could had change things so Jin wouldn't he hurt. As I was lost in my thoughts Jimin walking back outside snapped me out of it and I looked up at him with a smile.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked but for some reason he didn't look up and just stared down at the ground while standing in the door of my bathroom.
"What's wrong?" I asked and gave him a confused look. He looked up and the facial expressions he had on sent shivers running down my back. What was up with him.
"What is that?" He asked as he held up a fabric in front of his face. I realized just then that he was holding something red and blue in his hand. As I took a closer look of it my breathing almost stopped. That was Jin's boxer. I could remember him wearing that to sleep. Fuck he left it at my place.
"T-that's yours." I stuttered and that made Jimin throw the boxer against the wall and he started yelling.
"Don't try to bullshit me! Do I look like a fucking XL to you?! And you know I only wear plane boxers!" His loud voice took me by surprise and I gulped. I knew he would react like that but actually witnessing it in real life did shock me.

 I knew he would react like that but actually witnessing it in real life did shock me

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I had no idea what to say. There was no way out of that. I fucked up.
"L-let me explain it..." I started and Jimin brushed through his hair with his fingers. He was really frustrated I could tell.
"I don't need an explanation. Isn't that obvious? We break up and a day later you are fucking around with some random dick!" Jimin continued while I was just standing there really awkwardly and not knowing what to say or do. This was the situation I tried to avoid.
"We only did it once." I finally spoke and tried to make it sound better but that only worsened the situation. He let out a frustrated laugh and stepped closer.
"Oh so you did fuck with him. You are not even denying it Y/n, what the fuck!?" He was so loud that I really started to get scared. I tried to avoid eye contact and looked around in the room.
"No...I-I mean..." I stuttered and suddenly a hand grabbed my face harshly.

Jimin made me face him and now I had to look right into his eyes

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Jimin made me face him and now I had to look right into his eyes.
"Look at me when I am talking to you. Stand to the shit you caused!" As he said that with those dark eyes of his I was really terrified. I knew that he could get really mad sometimes but that was even for his behavior to much.
"Do you know how devastated I was!? The only thing I could think about was how hurt you must be. I missed you so much that I wanted to kill myself and you go around being a whore!" Jimin screamed the hair of my head while still holding my face really tight. It started to burn.
"Ah-Jimin t-that hurts." I tried to speak but he digged his fingers into my skin and it made it hard to open my mouth. He didn't even react to my pleading and just kept on holding me way to tight.
"Fuck Y/n, just after being with some other man you come to me and beg me to fuck you?! I am sick to my stomach!" Jimin's voice was so different. He sounded evil and dark. I have never seen him like that before. It was really terrifying.
"I'm going to kill that bastard but before that I will rip your pretty ass apart." My eyes grew as I heard those words leave his mouth.

" My eyes grew as I heard those words leave his mouth

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This was really getting out of hand. I know it was his right to be mad but this was to much. I was feeling really uncomfortable and just wanted to run away and hide somewhere.
"Get off!" Somehow I managed to push him off and he tripped a little. It almost made him fall over. I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around my legs really scared. He never acted like that towards me before. I knew he could be more the agressiv type but now he was violent and I didn't like it. He was scaring me to death. Where was this going to...

 Where was this going to

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