#67 Relieved

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Y/n Pov:

"I love you." I heard him say it but for some reason I couldn't see him. Everything was so bright and confusing that it almost felt like a dream. Was I dreaming?
"Y/n there are no more secrets. No more pain." He continued and my vision finally cleared up. I could see him standing there with tears in his eyes but still a huge smile on his face. My mouth dropped and I could feel the tears building up in my eyes as well.
"Jimin...if you love someone, you give them flowers but this...why did you do that?" I asked while crying, still unable to believe that this whole situation was actually real. He chuckled.

"I have no regrets

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"I have no regrets. This is what I want." He started and stroked my hair behind my ear before looking up at his fans. They still had no words for the whole situation. No wonder. It's not everyday that you find out your favorite idol has been living two lives.
"That's my teacher?!" Someone from the first row screamed not believing her eyes. Jimin looked over to her and chuckled.
"Misah I hope you finished your presentation before coming here." He pointed at her and she was speechless and extremely shocked.
"I know I surprised everyone now but you need to hear me out." He started his speech and I stepped to the side with my mouth open. This didn't feel real at all.
"When I was a kid I had two dreams. I wanted to become a singer and make people happy with my music but I also wanted to live a normal life and become a teacher. Have a normal family and grow old like a normal person. I really wanted to make both of the dreams come true and for a while it worked...until I met the love of my life. I wanted to give her everything I have and realized that cutting her out of this part of my life was everything what I didn't want but having her with me was also wrong because people misunderstood her and hated on her. For me seeing her unhappy is the worst thing to see so I decided that for this once I am going to be selfish and I am only going to think about my own and her good. I'm sorry that I have to disappoint you but I am not the perfect idol you think I am. I also have my flaws and mistakes but from now on I'm not going to hide anymore. I'm going to stand up to who I am. So everyone my name is Park Jimin. I'm a teacher and singer and three years ago I met the person who I could never imagine life without anymore. Jeon Y/n." He held my hand and gave me a big smile. I was still speechless. This felt unreal.
"I really hope you can understand me and I would be really sad if you hate me because of that but now I have to look out for my future and my future is this girl here." He added and suddenly the whole crowd stood up and started clapping and screaming.

" He added and suddenly the whole crowd stood up and started clapping and screaming

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Teach me Mr. Perfect 2 // BTS Jimin (+18)Where stories live. Discover now