#68 Teach me Ms. Perfect

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3 years later

Author Pov:

"We are here at the Seoul Music Award waiting for the next guests to appear and I believe you all have been waiting for them the most." The host spoke at the Seoul Music Award where the biggest Stars of Korea could be seen. The only person they were still waiting for were Park Jimin and Jeon Y/n.
"And there they are coming. The stars of tonight. Hello guys, how are you tonight." Jimin and Y/n were greeted as they walked up to the host with a huge smile on their faces. Y/n was wearing a beautiful blue and white dress and Jimin had a matching suit to it. They looked incredible.
"Thank you for your warm welcoming. We are doing amazing. Excited for tonight's show." Jimin looked over to Y/n as he answered and she gave him a small nod with a smile.

" Jimin looked over to Y/n as he answered and she gave him a small nod with a smile

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"Exactly how he said. We have been getting ready all day and now can't wait to finally sit down." Y/n joked around and the host laughed.
"Guys these last couple of year were your years. You had a lots of ups and downs but Jimin you are shining more then ever. What's your secret?" The host started with the quiestions and Jimin chuckled a little. This was something everyone was asking him.
"You know everything that we went through made us even stronger. But I could never stand here with a smile on my face without her. She is my hero." Jimin answered and Y/ns heart was about to melt at his answer. She squeezed his hand and lent closer to his chest.
"Oh god guys if you are not the cutest then I have no idea. Y/n tell me, was it hard to turn your life upside down from one day to another?" She asked and Y/n thought on a proper answer before saying anything stupid.
"To be honest I still couldn't get used to speaking on the TV. That's more his job but after everything was cleared and fixed, we could finally lean back a bit and just be happy. Of course our relationship is public now but we happily post fotos and videos because we are happy to have each other." She answered and Jimin couldn't take his eyes of her while she was speaking. He was so amazed to what an amazing and strong woman she has become that he fell in love all over again. Y/n must have noticed it because she did get a bit shy once she looked over to her handsome boyfriend staring at her. Suddenly a hand on their shoulder made the both of them turn around and Y/n grew a huge smile on her face.
"V!!!" The person behind them spoke and all of them started laughing. That was Taehyung, now on his stage name V. After becoming a trainee, he has been training for 1 year before becoming a solo artist and now he is even working on his second movie.
"V it's so good to see you here. I heard your new movie will be coming out this summer." The host started talking to Taehyung amd he gave them a big gummy smile.

" The host started talking to Taehyung amd he gave them a big gummy smile

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"That is true. You know the devil never sleeps." He smirked and Y/n rolled her eyes playfully.
"Oh V I wouldn't call you the devil. More like an Alien." She added to what Taehyung had to say and now Taehyung was the one laughing.
"Just wait until you see the movie. Gotta go, my buddy is waiting." He pointed into the group of celebrities where Hyungwon was seen.
"Oh Hyungwon. The member of the rookie group Monsta X!" The host explained while Taehyung walked off after a wave. It looked like everything turned out great for the two.
"What are your next big plans?" The host turned back to the couple and she asked. This question got Jimin quiet nervous. He has been waiting for this question all day because he exactly knew what he would answer.
"Well to be honest we have some news." He started and looked over to his girlfriend. They both smiled.
"So I have decided to pause my singer life and focus on something more important at the moment." He said and the host got all excited and confused.
"Oh Jesus what is going on here?" She looked at the camera as she asked this and then back to Jimin and Y/n.
"We are getting engaged." He said it and the host almost screamed.
"Oh my god guys this is amazing. Congratulations." She said almost jumping while Jimin kissed Y/ns cheek. They did look really adorable we have to give it to them.
"And there is something else." Jimin continued and Y/n looked down and placed her hand on her belly. The hosts eyes grew. They almost fell out of her head.
"We are having a baby." This was the best news whole Korea heard that day. No, even that year. Everyone was freaking out by the great news.
"Guys these are amazing news! I can't believe it." The host said while almost dropping her mic out of excitement. They were all really happy.
"There was no question that I would only want to build a family with Y/n. Next to her I could really grow as a person and I became the best version of myself. She really thought me a lot." Jimins spoke to his now fiancé and they both seemed like the perfect fit to each other.
"I can still teach you somethings." Y/n teased Jimin in live camera but that didn't bother Jimin at all. In fact he smirked at her.

 In fact he smirked at her

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"Teach me Ms. Perfect." He said and everyone on the red carpet blushed hearing that. They were for sure meant for each other. It looked like at the end everything turned out just the way it was supposed to. Even if this wasn't an easy happy ending but it was a well deserved. Now their life's could actually began at each others side. Happy ever after.

~The End~


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