#14 Coffee

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Y/n Pov:

It was already the end of the day and I couldn't wait to get home. It felt like I was working two shifts at the same time but I was just at college. My energy was really gone. I guess it's because I am really not sleeping good recently. Even the tiniest sound wakes me up. It is frustrating. Just as I was about to walk to my car I remembered Jin. First I was little annoyed because I just wanted to sleep but that faded away fast and I got little excited. I was looking forward to meeting him. It is weird. I made my way to the path we were at before and he was already standing there admiring the view while he was waiting for me. He looked like an idol as he stood there with his hands in his black coat and eyes fixed on the trees.

 He looked like an idol as he stood there with his hands in his black coat and eyes fixed on the trees

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I wanted to eat him up right there. Wait a moment. What am I even thinking. Cut it off Y/n you are to much. I walked up to him and he turned toward me. As he saw me, a smile grew on his face. What a beautiful smile. Maybe I was wrong and some guys are actually my type besides Jimin. And here we go again. Y/n snap out of it. He is history don't think about him.
"You ready?" Jin asked and I nodded after a small smile. We walked away from the building and made our way to the coffee. It was cold outside but not to cold. Just great to still be able to enjoy the weather.
"You seemed a bit introverted before." He started and I looked over to him confused.
"Why do you think that?" I asked curious. I actually wasn't really the
introverted type. It is true that I didn't talk much but if I had something to say I wasn't scared to open my mouth. Maybe I was introverted around the boy I liked. But that is over.
"You looked nervous when we were talking so I tried not to push you to hard with questions. Or maybe I was just annoying you." He laughed a little as he said the last part and I blushed a little.

Didn't it really look like that?"No actually I am not introverted I just doesn't talk much because I have nothing really to say

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Didn't it really look like that?
"No actually I am not introverted I just doesn't talk much because I have nothing really to say. And you weren't annoyin. It was just hard to me to talk to a guy like that." I made clear and I could see on him that he got curious.
"Why so?" He asked and I breathed out loud.
"Well I just went through a break up not to long ago and it is still hard for me. It's hard to think about that he won't be in my life anymore and that one day I will be with someone else. We are over. It's hard but it was my decision so I have to deal with it somehow." I explained and held my head low. It was even harder for me when I spoke those words out. Life really sucks.
"I understand and I respect that." Jin started and I looked up at him.
"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything so if you rather go home now I would really understand it." He looked at me and said it with a smile. What a respectful guy. A real gentleman.
"No it's okay. I am really good. And also, I want to move on with my life so I would love to go to the coffee with you." I smiled and so did he.
"Well then, shall we?" He asked and let me walk before him. We were already at the coffee so we both entered it. I did hear from this place but I have never been here. Just now I realized that I never really went anywhere with Jimin. We did go on vacation once or twice a year but we did there the exact same what we did at home. Fuck. Oh wow, our relationship was only about sex and maybe this was also a reason we couldn't solve things after an argument. Maybe it is really for the better that we broke up. Alright Y/n try to forget about it. You are with Jin right now. I don't know where thinks will lead. If we will be friends or something more or if we even gonna stay in touch but for now I feel comfortable with him. He is a sweet guy and sooner or later I will have to meet other people if I don't wanna stay alone forever.
"Let's sit here." Jin pointed at a desk right next to the window and we sat down. It was really pretty decorated for Christmas already.
"I really have to try the raspberry muffin it looks so good." Jin pointed at a picture in the manü and I agreed.

" Jin pointed at a picture in the manü and I agreed

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"Then I will try the apple pie." I smiled and he nodded. The waitress came in the ordered. It didn't take them long to bring us our order and we both dig into it. The flavors were so good. The pie was melting in my mouth.
"Oh my god this is amazing." I said with my mouth full and he laughed.
"If you like that you should visit me sometime. I make the best apple pie." He said and I got little surprised.
"You can cook?" I asked and he nodded. Wow a man who can cook. Couldn't be better.
"Yeah then I should really do that." I answered and took another bite if my pie.
"Maybe tomorrow." Jin suddenly asked and I almost chocked on my cake. Already?...


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