#29 It's him

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Y/n Pov:

That song was over as well and he hit the last note so great I was about to melt. I was still recording when he straightened himself up after the song and looked at his face.
"Wait a minute." I said a little confused as I zoomed in on his face. It was hard to focus because people were pushing me around.
"How is everyone tonight? Are you guys having fun!" He asked us and for a second I thought my ear was playing games with. This voice sounded so familiar. He looked in our direction and finally I could clearly see his face. My yawn dropped the moment he turned towards us. I removed my phone and looked at his face and I had no words. Was I tripping. This couldn't be. That face, those lips, that nose. I knew that face very well. For a second I was speechless but I quickly collected my thoughts and turned around to Taehyung.
"Tae!" I yelled at him and he looked down confused.

"What do you want?" He asked not really understanding why I had this weird look on my face

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"What do you want?" He asked not really understanding why I had this weird look on my face.
"We need to go backstage!" I kept on yelling and now the people around me also gave me a dirty look. I pulled Tae closer so I wouldn't had to scream.
"I am not joking we have to go." I repeated and he raised an eyebrow.
"Are you a crazy fan now too? Just enjoy the songs." He answered and was about to focus on the concert but I pulled him back.
"No listen I need to go backstage. It's him." I explained and pointed at the stage. Tae looked around confused.
"Yeah that's J. I can see that." He said not really getting my point. I rolled my eyes.
"Taehyung look at him. You don't recognize him?" I yelled again and Tae looked at the singer confused. Just then he sighed.
"Oh I get it now." He spoke and my eyes lit up but it wasn't for long.
"You are that heartbroken that you are seeing things." He patted my head and I hit his hand away angry.
"No I am serious. It's him I am not hallucinating." I spät at him and Taehyung rollen his eyes annoyed.
"Y/n I didn't come here to get thrown out because of shit like that. How could it be him." Taehyung tried to convince me but it wasn't working. I was way to sure.
"Taehyung please. You have to trust me. I need to go." I said now with glossy eyes and once again he sighed.
"The things I do for you." He hit his face with his hand and I smiled brightly before grabbing his hand and pulling him away.
"Where are you guys going?" Hyungwon asked when he finally stopped kissing Rose.

"Where are you guys going?" Hyungwon asked when he finally stopped kissing Rose

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Those two I swear.
"To get kicked out." Taehykng said annoyed.
"Don't worry we won't get kicked out." I said and the two nodded. I was about to turn towards Jin and talk to him but he spoke before me.
"It's okay go. Do what you have to." He said with a smile but I could also see the sadness on his face. I felt so bad. This was exactly what I tried to avoid.

 This was exactly what I tried to avoid

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"Thank you." I answered and rushed past him and pulled Taehyung after me.
"What are you even planning to do?!" He yelled from behind and I got frustrated. I wasn't even sure myself what to do I just had to do something.
"Where is the backstage." I asked looking around.
"We can't go in there but here is the way towards it. He will walk down the stairs and go through that door when he has an outfit change." Taehyung explained amd I nodded.
"So we just have to wait by the stairs." I said.
"Y/n there are so many people. Everyone wants to see him walking down the stage so there is no way-" He wasn't able to finish the sentence because I started pushing everyone out of the way and pulled Tae after myself.
"Hey watch out!"
"Stay back girl!"
"No pushing!" Everyone was screaming at me but I didn't care at all. I had better things to care about.
"Seriously Y/n you need help." Tae said as we finally arrived at the front.
"So when is he coming?" I asked not being able to wait any longer.
"Do I look like his manager or something. I don't know." Taehyung answered frustrated and rolled his eyes while people were still pushing us around. He was really not liking that at all. Just after some minutes the song was over and the lights went off. As it was turned back on only the dancers were on the stage dancing to a random song. This must be it. He went to change. I looked over to the stairs with big eyes and waited for someone to walk down or just something to happen. Suddenly I saw someone I knew very well. My eyes widened and I looked over to Taehyung.
"Look!" I said and pointed at a person. He followed my finger and the moment he realized what I meant his eyes widened.
"No fucking way." He said not believing what is was seeing.
"What do I do?!" I yelled frustrated as the person was walking more and more to the back. This was my chance but I froze.
"Call him!" Tae said and after just two seconds I pulled myself together and screamed.


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