#18 Jin's place

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Y/n Pov:

"Let's go to my car." He said and I nodded. We walked over to the college parking lot and there he walked closer to a black car.

It was a pretty car but I am not an expert so I don't know if it's a good one or not

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It was a pretty car but I am not an expert so I don't know if it's a good one or not. My brother picked out mine so I won't make a dumb decision.
"Get in." He commanded and I did so. I was surprised at how clean the inside was and how organized.
"You keep thinks clean here." I pointed out and he chuckled.
"Yeah that's true. Let's say I am a perfectionist." He explained and I nodded with a little laugh.
"That's not the case with most of the men." I added and he smirked.
"Wait until you see my apartment." And after that he drove off like crazy. He is funny I like that. I guess he was driving like a psycho to show off but please. I was in the same car with Taehyung so nothing surprises me.
"Do you want to listen to some music?" Jin asked and I nodded. He turned the bluetooth on and connected to the car. It didn't surprise me when he put J on. I smiled at him.
"This was so obvious." I said and started to nod my head a little to the music. That was one of my favourite songs. I didn't know the name of it yet because I was just listening to it without even looking at the screen but I would have already recognized it anywhere. It's a great song, it's not the fast but not too slow, the beat is great, the vocals are awesome and it is quite flirty. I just loved it.
"You like that song right?" He asked smiling from behind the steering wheel.
"Is it that obvious?" I asked and he laughed.

"You joking? You are making a party in my car

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"You joking? You are making a party in my car." Jin chuckled and I didn't even realize that I was actually dancing and singing. This J really did something with me. I never liked some famous person this much. Weird that I never heard about him before.
"We will be there soon so enjoy this last song." Jin said laughing but I did just how he told me to. It wasn't hard after all. It's really great that he has the same music taste as I. We can go crazy together. But to be honest he doesn't seem like the go crazy type. Of course you enjoy the music but is more like the chill boy.
"We are here." He parked before a big apartment house.
"I actually have the penthouse." He said as he looked the car. My eyes grew. Another millionaire or what.
"For real now?" I ask with a raised eyebrows. But actually at this point I believe everything people say. I saw enough.
"Oh no to be honest it's not that. special. I do have a Jacuzzi outside which is nice but the apartment on its own is not that big and special. You will be surprised when you see the inside." He laughed a little as he opened the door. Well we will see that. We took the elevator to the 8. floor which was obviously the highest.
"After you." He said as the elevator door opened and a big door was in front of us. I remove my shoes and put it next to the door on the shoe shelf. He opened the door and once again let me inside first. What a gentleman. Well most of the boys do this who I know so. I stepped inside and was greeted by a cute little apartment. The living room was nicely styled with light blue and white colours. You could see the kitchen next to it through the glass door. It wasn't big but just enough for one person.
"Oh how nice. I imagined it to be bigger but you decorated it's really good. I like your style." I explained as I walked further inside and placed my bag next to the couch while still looking around.
"Thanks. I don't like dark colours so that's why I choose these. I even thought about pink but that might have been too girly." He rubbed the back of his neck and I laughed.
"Like I said it's nothing really special but wait until you see this." He smirked in walked over to the balcony.

" He smirked in walked over to the balcony

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The door was big and out of class. He opened it in as I stepped outside I got really excited. There was a big jacuzzi, a swing and a lot of place to tan. Well obviously not now but in the summer.
"Wow that's so cool. I would rather jump in that then bake." I pointed at the jacuzzi and he chuckled.
"We can do that later if you want to. I went grocery shopping yesterday so make yourself at home. I will get everything ready for the pie." He explained as he walked over to the kitchen.
"You want coke or something. I think I also have some finger food left." Jin asked while pointing at the refrigerator.
"You want me to get fat I see." I laighed and so did he.
"Come on I just want to be nice. But to be honest I like thick girls." He winked at me and I blushed a little. Oh I see suddenly a flirt.
"Idiot." I laighed and throw a pillow after him.
"Noo those were expensive." He yelled and I laighed even more. He is like a mother. I'm starting to get comfortable with him. Maybe this could actually lead somewhere.

 Maybe this could actually lead somewhere

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