#26 The morning

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Y/n Pov:

It was already the next morning and I opened my eyes really tired. I haven't slept well because of those stupid dreams. Just as I sat up in bed I realized that something was missing. Someone was supposed to be next to me. Jin wasn't in bed.
"Where is he?" I questioned as I walked outside and what I saw took me by surprise. The dining table was perfectly set and there was an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. Just as I was admiring the amazing food he walked out of the kitchen with a bowl in his hands.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Jin asked as he placed the bowl on the table. It was an amazing looking salad. After his question I felt really bad. Of course I didn't sleep well but obviously I wasn't going to tell him.
"Yes sure." I simply said at sat down.
"Wow this looks amazing." I said and looked around on the table. There was everything you needed for an amazing breakfast. Fruits, veggies, sweets, toast and some meet. It looked so amazing.
"It smells amazing. We're you even shopping?" I asked as I looked confused at the avocados and pineapple. I don't think I had that at home.
"Oh yeah. There wasn't much I could use so I got some things. Hope it's not weird." He scratched the back of his neck a bit awkward. Most likely he didn't want to look clingy. I that point I felt sooo bad. He even went shopping and I was dreaming about another man. This was so frustrating I could have cried. He was giving so much and I still wasn't sure about everything here. Is breaking up really this hard? Should have I waited and be on my own for a while? But Jin really pulled me in at the beginning. I guess reality was hitting me and I realized that things aren't as easy as I thought. But for real can you blame me? This was my first ever relationship and also break up. I have no idea how things are supposed to go. I felt like a stupid little kid.
"Help yourself I will get the mini sausages." Jin spoke and pulled me out if my thoughts. I nodded and put some food on my plate. It really smelt so good he is a great cook too. Jin came back with the sausages and placed them on the table before also sitting down.
"Thank you for the meal." I said with a smile and we both started eating.

Wow I really never had such an amazing breakfast

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Wow I really never had such an amazing breakfast. Usually I just quickly put something together because I don't have time in the morning and on the weekends I like to sleep in so I skip breakfast but this was great. Waking up with such an amazing dish in front of me. Jimin was never good at cooking. Oh my god again?! Stop thinking about him! I am starting to hate myself.
"It tastes really delicious." I said and tried to get myself to think of something else.
"Thanks. I didn't really know what you liked so I just made everything." He smiled so brightly and I chuckled.

" He smiled so brightly and I chuckled

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How sweet of him. We will have food for the whole day.
"So what do you want to do today?" He asked while we were still sitting at the table.
"Let's see. I do need to clean up a bit and then we could go for a walk. It looks like it started snowing a bit." I said and he nodded his head.
"Yeah that's a great idea. And after that we will have to get ready for the concert." As Jin said the last words I got so excited. The concert was today. I couldn't wait. After we ate we cleaned the kitchen and also the living room a bit. We did leave everything there yesterday before going to bed so it for sure needed to be cleaned.
"Done. God this took longer than expected." I explained as I whipped the sweat of my face.
"Let's get dressed. I need some fresh air." Jin spoke and we both went to put on our jackets. It was even colder than yesterday and it did start snowing. Not a lot but still. It looked so pretty. We walked around slowly and enjoyed the view. Not a lot of people were outside which made it even more enjoyable. It was silent. Suddenly his hand slipped into mine and now we were holding hands. I felt my face turning red as I looked up to him. Jin was walking next to me also with a red face but with a small smile as well. He looked nervous but also comfortable. I smiled a bit to myself and didn't let go of his hand. It felt so weird but also somehow good walking beside him. Arg my head was a mess again. I couldn't think straight so I couldn't really tell if I liked it or just missed the feeling of someone holding me.
"It's so pretty. The beginning of the winter is always the prettiest." He said with his eyes fixed on the snowflakes falling. They were really beautiful. I looked up and hosed my eyes letting the cold fall on my face. Finally I could clear my head a bit. Even if just for a couple of second.
"Should we go back? It's time to slowly get ready." Jin suddenly spoke and I opened my eyes to look at him.

It was true that soon we would had to leave the house so better we get back

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It was true that soon we would had to leave the house so better we get back.
"Yeah you are right." I answered and we made our ways back home. The concert was in just 2 hours. I was getting more and more excited. This will be so much fun.

 This will be so much fun

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