#3 Weird girl

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Y/n Pov:

We had break. The two boys and I were at the window talking about some random stuff.
"It's really cold these days." I said as I looked out of the window admiring the view. It wasn't snowing yet but it was still Christmas atmosphere outside.
"Of course it's cold. It's November." Hyungwon said.
"How is job searching going?" He asked and I thought for a moment before answering.
"Not that great. It's hard to find something properly for students but I have to make some steps now. Jungkook is still paying my apartment. It's so embarrassing." I explained and Hyungwon laughed a little.
"Well he is rich." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"But I wanna be able to live on my own." I said and looked at Taehyung who didn't said anything for the past 10 minutes. His attention was on the first row in class.

 His attention was on the first row in class

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Where Jennie was. I lightly kicked Hyungwon who looked over to Taehyung. We quietly giggled. Tae looked over to us and asked confused.
"Why are you laughing?" After this sentence we just laughed even more.
"You have a crush." I mocked him.
"No that's not true! I don't even know her. She is no one to me." He spoke really fast and also unbelievable.
"Yeah suuure. Why don't you ask her to eat with us at lunch?" I asked him and suddenly he blushed. Did Kim Taehyung blush? For real?!
"As if I will ask her. I am not running after the girls." He crossed his arms still with his red face.
"You are so stupid. You are not running after her if you just ask her to eat with us. What the hell?" I stared confused and also little annoyed.
"No chance." He added and turned his head away. So stubborn seriously.
"Alright then just watch." I smirked and walked away from them right over to Jennie.
"No Y/n come back. Y/n!" He yell- whispered to me and I just waved goodbye. Hyungwon was laughing and Tae just held his head.
"This girl will be my death." I heard as Taehyung said it. This made me laugh but I had to pull myself together because I was near Jennie. I sat down next to her. She looked up and I smiled.
"Hey I'm Y/n." I said with a friendly voice.
"Jennie." She simply answered not really caring.
"How do you like it here so far? Must be stress full moving to a different country." I asked curious.
"Yeah, it's okay." She answered once again not interested at all. Looks like she is still little shy.
"No need to be shy. We are all really nice here." I smiled and what I saw was a little surprising. I think she rolled her eyes? Not really into smalltalk I see.
"Anyway, I wanted to ask if you would like to eat with us lunch. We mostly eat on the rooftop." I asked still friendly even though she was little weird. Y/n don't judge before you know her. I tried to tell myself and for now it worked.
"With who?" Now she looked up. I pointed at Hyungwon and Tae in the back.
"Them." As I said she turned around and took a look at them.

The moment they realized she was looking they acted as if they were talking

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The moment they realized she was looking they acted as if they were talking.
"Yeah, they are hot." She answered and I laughed.
"Haha yeah they are. In their own weird way." I continued laughing but she wasn't. Now it got awkward. I stopped and stood up.
"Well...I will go back to them. See you later." I said bye and waited for her to answer.
"Bye." She said without even looking at me so I just walked away.
"What did she say?" Hyungwon asked.
"Not much to be honest." I said and scratched the back of my head.
"How is she?" Tae asked curious.
"Well..." I didn't really know what to say. I didn't even know what to think about her. This was a weird conversation.
"She is not talking much but maybe she is still not used to Korea. We will see. Oh yeah she is eating with us." I said and Taes eyes widened.
"Really?? I mean...whatever." He got excited but cut it of in like a second and acted cool.

" He got excited but cut it of in like a second and acted cool

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This kid. But I still love this dumb ass.
"Don't get your hopes to high. She didn't really seem that interested in finding new friends." I explained and both of them looked at me and then at each other.
"We just have to talk to her to break the ice." Hyungwon said and Tae nodded little to fast.
"Alright guys." I answered and smiled at them but this little bad feeling was still in my head. I must be overreacting.
"Anyway guys. You have an idea what I should give Jimin for Christmas?" I asked and they looked surprised.
"This is the first time you ask us for present advise." Hyungwon said and I looked away.
"Yeah... somehow I don't have any idea this time." I answered and the boys started to think.
"A sextoy." Tae said and I hit my head.
"You are a perv." I said and the boys laughed. Why are they like this.
"Oh why don't you give him tickets for a concert." Hyungwon asked. I raised an eyebrow.
"I don't think he is really into concerts. And also what concert." I asked now curious.
"To the J concert. He is having one in the Stadion next to the school." He answered and Tae nodded.
"Who is J?" I tilted my head to the side as I asked. They both looked shocked at me.
"You don't know who he is?" They asked at the same time and I didn't know who to look at while i shook my head.
"Well I think we have some talking to do."


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