#47 Phone call

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Y/n Pov:

Superstar J was seen leaving his recent concert with a stranger girl. Her face couldn't be captured because his manager Jeon Jungkook covered her but they were walking out of the back door really close to each other. What do the fans think about that? Is she his secret girlfriend? Or is his manager and CEO of BigHit having an affair? One is for sure, this news will leave the fans of the two young men furious.

"Oh hell no!" I read the article really frustrated and also not wanting to believe that it actually happened.
"How on earth did they manage to take photo?! AND HOW COULD THEY THINK I'M DATING MY BROTHER!!?" It was so unbelievable for me to see myself on the top of a website and special like that. Obviously the people didn't know who I was but still it was frustrating me. And I was also scared that it would affect Jimin's career a lot. After all dating scandals are never good for idols. The only thing I could think about is that I had to hide this from him somehow. Just as I was still staring at my phone with huge eyes the door suddenly opened.
"Baby I'm back." I heard the voice and I immediately jumped up and rushed to him.

" I heard the voice and I immediately jumped up and rushed to him

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What the hell was he doing back here this early.
"Oh hi. I thought you are staying long today." I said as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Yeah I thought so too but I wasn't feeling like going to the studio today. I want to spend more time with my girl." He hugged me back really tight and I giggled. Such a flirt.
"I'm glad." I answered and kissed his cheek.
"You look cute." Jimin said as he pulled away and looked me up and down. I smiled at him.
"You look tired." As said and he chuckled.
"I am. That's also a reason why I skipped practice today." He explained and made his way over to the couch. Poor man was really done. He sat down and the next thing he did was pulling his phone out if his pants pocket. Oh no he will see the article. I quickly ran up to him and snatched the phone out of his hand. He gave me a confused look.
"Y/n what the hell?" I placed the phone on the desk and ran back to Jimin.
"You said you are tired so why don't you rest a bit." I spoke and pushed him down on the couch and placed a blanket over him.
"I'm not that tired." He chuckled and was about to stand up.

" He chuckled and was about to stand up

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Shit another plan. I quickly pushed him back down again and sat down on his lap.
"Well then let's play a little." I smirked at him. At first he looked surprised but that look soon turned into a smirk.
"Oh you don't have to ask twice." He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to his body so that my center was rubbing his member. I could already feel it growing under me. Just as he was about to kiss me his phone started ringing.
"I should get that." He said but I stopped him.
"Not now." I pressed my lips onto his and obviously he kissed back without hesitation.
"You are naughty today." He said with a smile in between the kiss. Well I was but at the moment it was more important to keep him away from his phone.
"Of course I am. I'm sitting in the lap of the world most sexiest man." I smirked at him and this sentence made him bite down his lip.
"Well you are not wrong." Jimin said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"You are way to confident sometimes my friend." I got up and pushed him down on the couch.
"Oh so suddenly I'm just a friend." He said it with a grin as I climbed back on top of him.
"We will see afterwards what you are." I lifted his shirt a bit and stroked over his perfectly shaped abs. Even though we have been together for a long time now, I still get amazed everytime I see his amazing body. I leant forward and licked down his six pack with my warm tongue.

He was enjoying me teasing him but not for mich longer because his phone rang again

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He was enjoying me teasing him but not for mich longer because his phone rang again.
"Ignore it." I said as I moved my head down and started unbuttoning his pants.
"I should really pick up." Even though he said so, he didn't move am inch.
"Later." I answered and slowly pulled his pants down. Just then the phone rang again.
"Baby I need to pick up." He started again and this time sat up a little. I wrapped my arms around his neck and threw my lips on his. To my surprise this time he pushed me away and stood up.
"Y/n what the hell? Did you take lovegra or something? It could be an important call." He said annoyed and walked over to his phone while closing his pants again. Oh fuck. He picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello Jungkook?... What news?... Us three?... Fuck... How even? I couldn't see anyone... Alright... Yeah I will do that... Thanks. Bye." Jimin already hung up and held his hand up to his face frustrated.
"Is this the reason you didn't want me to check my phone?" He asked without looking over to me and I just lowered my head.
"Yeah." I answered with a quiet tone and just waited for his response. Oh please don't be mad...

 Oh please don't be mad

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