#30 Caught in a lie

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Y/n Pov:

"What do I do?!" I yelled frustrated as the person was walking more and more to the back. This was my chance but I froze.
"Call him!" Tae said and after just two seconds I pulled myself together and screamed.
"JUNGKOOK!!!" The moment that name left my mouth the person walking away turned around and saw me standing at the fences. His eyes widened the minute he recognized me.

 His eyes widened the minute he recognized me

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That was him. My fucking brother. He ran up to me and looked really surprised and confused.
"What are you doing here?" He asked not really understanding why I was there. Wasn't that obvious.
"I cam to the concert genius. But what are YOU doing here?! You told me you would stay in Seoul." I said with an angry face and crossed my arms.
"Oh...well...it was spontaneous. I came to help out managing the concert." He tried to explain but I didn't buy a word he said.
"Yeah sure cut the bullshit. J isn't even under BigHit." I made it clear and Jungkook rubbed the back of his head.
"Yeah about that-" I cut him off not really caring about his explanation.
"Where is he?" I asked really serious and Jungkook looked at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked. As if he wouldn't know.
"Jungkook I will hate you forever if you keep on playing dumb. I saw him on stage!" I yelled at him really pissed and by now Jungkook was really frustrated.
"Y/n I can't." He said and brushed his hair back.
"So it was him." I asked already knowing the answer and he sighed.
"Alright yeah it was him." He finally admitted and even though I already knew I was freaking out. That bastard.
"What even..." Taehyung stood there speechless after Jungkook admitted that I was right.
"Hi Taehyung." Was all Jungkook said and Tae looked like he saw a ghost or something.

" Was all Jungkook said and Tae looked like he saw a ghost or something

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"Take me to him." I said really serious but Jungkook refused.
"Y/n he has to do the show." He said and I raised an eyebrow.
"Do I look like I care! Take me to him right now you lier!" I yelled and finally Jungkook gave in. He didn't really had another choice.
"Security!" He yelled and two security guards ran up to us.
"Yes boss." One of them said and I glared at Jungkook even more pissed.
"Oh I see boss. Just came to help out right." I said sarcastically and Jungkook was obviously uncomfortable. How many lies are there?
"Get her over the fences." He commanded and ignored me. The guards grabbed my arms and helped me climb over the fences. Taehyung just stood there still speechless.
"What?..." He stuttered and I looked over to him.
"Taehyung I need to find him. You need to go back to the others and tell them I had to leave. Come up with something." I told him and he gave me a small nod still with his mouth open. After that I grabbed Jungkook and walked through the door with him to the backstage really fast.
"Where is he?" I asked frustrated as I stopped and faced him.
"He is changing. The show will continue in 3 minutes." Jungkook said as he looked down at his apple watch. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer now actually freaking out.
"Where. Is. He?!" I yell whispered to him and he gulped.

You have never seen your baby sister like that right Jungkookie

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You have never seen your baby sister like that right Jungkookie.
"Second door." He simply answered and pointed at a white door not to far away. I let go of him and immediately ran of. On the door there was a big J and written underneath that was 'dresser'. I pressed the handle down and stepped inside. All I saw was a make up desk, a big mirror and lot of clothes. So many not even I had this much. A lady was next to the make up desk. She noticed me in the mirror and turned around to look at me.
"Miss? Did you get lost?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I...I..." I didn't really know what to say or do. Should I tell her or should I not. Obviously not but what else was I supposed to say.
"Jia who is here?" Someone asked from behind all those clothes. I knew this voice very well. A handsome looking man stepped next to the girl and looked towards the door. He had bright blond hair and blue eyes. How funny. I knew it was him. The moment he saw me his eyes grew so big that it was a wonder they didn't fall out.
"What are you doing here?" He asked not really knowing if I was really there or if he was just hallucinating.
"You lied." I said really quiet with my eyes fixed on him.
"Sir you know this girl?" The woman asked.
"Ahmm. Yes. Jia could you please leave for a second." He said but the girl didn't move.
"The show will continue in 2 minutes." She answered and wasn't planning on leaving.
"I know I will get ready myself just please leave us alone for a second." He added now a bit frustrated and the girl left the room. I looked him in the eyes and couldn't hold it in anymore. I was so mad.
"How could you lie to me. Lie about something like this for more than 3 years." I walk closer to him really fast and yelled into his face.
"Y/n listen." He started but I didn't let him.
"No you listen now. Why did you do that. Jimin why?"...


You must be freaking out right now 😜😘.

Just a small announcement guys. I have TikTok now and posted some videos about BTS. Might also start some short fanfics there if you want to so go check out and let me know if you would like that.
Username: akanemiyako



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