#4 Another bitch

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Y/n Pov:

I sat before the two boys while they looked at me like two police officers.
"How don't you know J. All the girls are dying for him." Tae said in surprise and I just rolled my eyes.
"I just don't. I am not like the other girls what so ever." I answered and the boys looked at each other.
"Just a second." Hyungwon said and got a peace of paper out. He wrote something down and handed it to me after that.
"Here listen to these songs of him. Believe me you will like it. Even boys are a fan of him because he has really good lyrics and the beat is insane." He said and Tae nodded next to him. Wow they really must like this J guy. Can't relate. I only like my daddy. Wait... What the hell did I just think of. Oh well I am obsessed with him and his d-. Alright Y/n stop. I took the paper and put it in my jeans pocket.
"But listen to them." Tae pointed his finger at me and made a serious face.

" Tae pointed his finger at me and made a serious face

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As if it was do it or die.
"Chill, I will." I answered and made my way back to my seat. The lesson started.

Time skip: Lunch

I got my lunch and waited at the stairs. Soon after the two boys also arrived. They had their own lunch with them. I usually buy it at school because I don't have time to make myself something at home. We went upstairs and sat down on the rooftop. Luckily it has a roof so it wasn't that cold. And we also like sitting in the fresh air.
"So where is this new girl?" Hyungwon asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"So where is this new girl?" Hyungwon asked as he took a bite of his sandwich

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"Don't know. I told her we usually eat here. Maybe she didn't find the rooftop." I answered and just then we heard the door opening. It was Jennie. She looked around a little and walked up to us.
"How can you stay out here. It's freezing." She said little annoyed as she sat down.
"It's okay. We are not fully outside." I answered with a friendly smile and pointed at the roof above us and the two glass walls that is to avoid birds flying inside. She didn't say anything else and just sat there.
"I am Hyungwon." He said and held his hand out. Jennie looked confused.
"Oh I thought that where you came from you shake hands." He said as he awkwardly pulled his hand back.
"Yeah but we are not there, right." She answered sassy and continued just sitting there at staring at nothing. I am starting to think that she is not really a nice girl. Alright just give her time. I tried to be positive but it was hard when someone like her is sitting before you.
"Who are you?" She asked Tae and he looked at her a little nervous. Oh Tae don't be this obvious.
"Oh...Hi I am Taehyung." He said and smiled. She smirked.
"I like your name Taehyung. It sound so cool." She smirked at him. What the hell. Tae just sat there shocked and turned red short after.
"Yeah thank you." He tried to sound confident but it wasn't working at all. I never saw Tae being nervous around a girl...well...except me.
"Do you work out? You look strong." She asked with a thirsty face and Hyungwon and I just sat there in silence looking a little bit disgusted.

" She asked with a thirsty face and Hyungwon and I just sat there in silence looking a little bit disgusted

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She was flirty so cringe. I shouldn't have asked her to eat with us.
"Oh yeah, I go to the gym sometimes. But mostly I dance." Tae answered and now he was confident and proud.
"Oh really? You wanna show me your skills sometimes?" Jennie asked with a flirty wink and Taehyung smirked.
"Sure." He answered. Now I almost vomited. This was so cringe. Let's just skip the time.

Time skip: Home

School was finally over. That was a weird day. I couldn't wait to arrive home. It was already late in the afternoon because I had 10 classes today. A lot for one day. When I finally arrived home I got out of my car and went inside my apartment. It wasn't big but cute and cozy. I am good at styling so the apartment looks really nice. Because I ate at school I wasn't really hungry so I just went in my room to quickly do my homework and then continue with my kdrama. Finally it's Friday. I sat down and quickly just throw something together. I know it's not a good idea but I guess I will never learn.
"Done." I said and run in the living room to turn on the TV. Only one season left. I grabbed a bag of chips and started watching. Snacks and Netflix is the best but it would be way better with Jimin. I wonder when he will be home. He said that he will be at work till late but it was already 8 pm. Do parent's days usually take this long? I just sat there watching my drama as I realized my eyelids getting heavier and heavier time by time. It must be late now and he is still not here. Where is this man. I unlocked my phone to text him.

-When will you be home?

-I'm on my way. 😘

He answered right away so I decided to wait till he is back. Well that's what I planned but you can guess. I fall asleep on the couch 10 minutes before Jimin arrived. Typical Y/n.

 Typical Y/n

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