#34 Explaining

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Y/n Pov:

We were sitting there only the two of us in complete silence. Jungkook and the others took another car. At least two other vans were driving behind us with the other stuff members.
"Y/n." Jimin spoke to me and I looked over to him still really pissed.
"Please listen to me." He started with so much sadness in his eyes but I just couldn't feel sorry.

" He started with so much sadness in his eyes but I just couldn't feel sorry

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I was way to hurt. How could he do this to me and think he could make it up so easily.
"To who. Jimin or J?" I asked with an arrogant voice and Jimin sighed.
"Me. Listen to me." He answered as he removed his blonde wig. His beautiful night black hair was back and I felt my heart beating fast. Black was definitely his color. But I couldn't think of something like that now. I was supposed to be mad.
"I know it was wrong to not tell you but it was for your own good. You know nothing about this life. It's not just glam and fame. If the media find out that an idol has a relationship they make it to the biggest news of the year. Everyones attention is on you and your face is everywhere in the medias. The fans go nuts and start hating on both the idol and their partner. Everything turns upside down." He explained but I couldn't listen to it anymore. It was just making me angrier.
"No! Stop talking!" I yelled and glared at him. This took him by surprise and he stopped speaking.

"So you are trying to say you came up with this double life so you could still have a normal life?! What do you think is this? A movie or something? You think you are Hannah Montana?!" I snapped at him and he just looked around embarrassed trying ...

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"So you are trying to say you came up with this double life so you could still have a normal life?! What do you think is this? A movie or something? You think you are Hannah Montana?!" I snapped at him and he just looked around embarrassed trying to avoid eye contact now.
"Well...Ehm...I don't know..." He was speechless. No wonder I never screamed at him like that before but don't tell me he didn't deserve it. I couldn't understand that it was okay for him to keep something like that a secret.
"You make me sick." I said this sentence so serious and cold blooded that he turned white. Suddenly my arm was grabbed and Jimin made me face him. Our faces wear really close to each other as he started speaking again.
"Don't you get it?! I tried to protect you. Protect you from my crazy fans. I didn't want you to be hated or even get death threats because you're my girlfriend. I love my fans. Without them I wouldn't be where I am right now. But they can be really possessive. Everytime I finally convince myself to tell you I saw before my eyes how you break down because of all the hate. I didn't want you to fear going outside and I also didn't want you to change anything in your life just because of me. I know you are a strong girl but this life is not for anyone. It comes with a lot of stress. I would never forgive myself if you get hurt or upset because of who I am. There are sick people out there who will try to sabotage my whole career. If they ever find out the J has a girlfriend they would try everything to turn it against him. Maybe even hurt you physically and that's something I would never let happen. That's the reason I kept you away from this part of my life. The only reason I did it for is because I love you. I know you and I know if I would have told you, you wouldn't just sit around at home while I'm having concerts or even a world tour. You're stubborn and think you could deal with everything and after how stupid I am I would even agree to it but once you're really in it, there is no out anymore. Everybody knows who you are. Your life if is out there. Everything you say or do will be turned against you. That's just how it works when you are famous. Your talent is not enough. They want action, tee and drama and they would do anything to get that. So you can say whatever you want. You can yell at me as long as you want to. I did everything for you. Because I love you." After his speech I had no idea what to say. For some reason my anger slowly faded away. I still had so many questions but now I knew what I meant to him. He didn't handle the situation the right way that's true but people make mistakes. Even if it was wrong Jimin did everything just because of love and for that I couldn't be mad anymore.
"Why did you let me break up so easily?" I asked now with the quiet tone.
"That night I had a meeting with my manager which didn't go very well. He knows everything and told me I should give up my life and fully commit to my idol life. But I didn't want to do that. He said that way I could have more free time. I didn't have to live two lives at once but I didn't want to give up. As I was going home I convinced myself to tell you and ask for your advice. But you broke up with me so... I was really devastated all the time but I didn't contact you because I thought you'd serve better. I didn't want you to ruin your life so I let you go even though it broke my heart. I thought someday you would be happy again..." Jimin finished.

" Jimin finished

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I was shocked.


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