#22 Hard life

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Y/n Pov:

I turned my head to take a look at him but what I saw made my blood almost stop flowing in my body and I forgot how to breath. This couldn't be.

I jumped to the side as I saw him and shook my head in disbelief

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I jumped to the side as I saw him and shook my head in disbelief.
"Y/n what's wrong?" Jin quickly grabbed my hand and looked at me worried. Did I really just imagine it. It looked like Jimin was behind me and not Jin. As if Jimin was the one giving me that pleasure. I am hallucinating.
"I-I don't know..." I tried to answer still not really believing what I just saw. Why is my head playing games with me?
"Did I hurt you? I am sorry." Jin said confused and also worried. He was still so nice. Only if he knew what really just happened.
"No...it's not that. I just...got water in my eyes." I made the worst excuse and imagined how I hit myself for that bad lie.
"Oh I see. Is it better now?" Jin asked while looking right into my eyes to make sure they were okay. It was obviously a lie but he was still such a sweetheart. What am I even doing here.
"You are funny when you are breaking your head this much about something." He chuckled and I looked up surprised.

So he did notice that something was wrong but he didn't ask

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So he did notice that something was wrong but he didn't ask. Just tried to lighten the mood. It did work and I also smiled a little. Suddenly I smelt something weird from inside.
"You smell that?" I asked trying to figure out what that bad smell could have been.
"Oh no." Jin started and now I knew what it was.
"The pie!" We screamed at the same time and Jin quickly jumped out of the jacuzzi. I couldn't stop laughing as he ran inside naked and completely wet. This is a sigh I will never forget again. I also got out of the jacuzzi and wrapped a towel around myself. As I walked back inside I could already see Jin with a bathrobe getting the pie out of the oven. He looked really disappointed. Well that already said that we won't be eating pie today.
"I really wanted you to try my pie." He walked over to me quiet sad as he showed me the burnt dough. Oh no poor Jin. I smiled at him so he wouldn't feel to bad.
"We can still do it some other time. Maybe next week. I am sure it is tasty." I rubbed his back and he felt a little better.
"You made me forget about everything out there." He smirked at me as he placed the cake form on the counter. Well that is awkward because I thought about another man while having sex with you but of course I couldn't tell you that so I just...
"Me too." I responded with a smile and went to grab my clothes.
"I should get home now. It is late." I said as I started puting my clothes back on. It didn't bother me to dress in front of him. He did see it before after all. But his cheeks still turned a light shade of pink.
"I will drive you." He said and I nodded with a smile. We both got fully dressed and walked out to his car. It was raining a bit so I covered my head with my hands even though it didn't really do anything. Suddenly I didn't feel the water dropping on my skin anymore and as I looked up I saw Jin holding one side of his jacket above my head protecting me from the rain. He had his mask on so I couldn't really see his face well but I could tell that he was smiling down at me. I realized just now how tall he actually was. Maybe the same height as Taehyung. So cool. I love tall boys because I am also quiet tall for a girl. He opened the door for me and I quickly sat inside. He ran to the other side of the car and also quickly got in.
"Did you get wet?" He asked as he started the car. I shook my head as a no and lent back on the seat. It was a bit relaxing with the raindrops hitting on the window so I closed my eyes and almost fall asleep until Jin spoke.
"Should we just drive around or will you give me your address?" He asked with a chuckle because he must have seen that I almost fell asleep.
"Oh yeah right." I told him the address and he tipped it in the GPS. It didn't take long to arrive there. How great that we didn't live to far away from each other.
"Alright, I will see you tomorrow I assume." He started and I smiled. After that I leaned forward and pulled him closer to me to place a kiss on his mouth. He turned red again but was really happy.
"I am looking forward to the concert." Jin added while we were still really close to each other.

" Jin added while we were still really close to each other

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I smiled back at him.
"Me too." With that I stepped out of the car and walked up to my door. He waited until I opened the door and after a wave he drove off. I walked inside the apartment and leant against the wall.
"Wow I have so many feeling now." I whispered to myself not really knowing if I should he happy or worried. One was clear, I didn't move on yet and I had to get myself together if I wanted to be with Jin. It would be hard but I had to. For god sake life is hard.

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