#60 He is back

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Y/n Pov:

"Oh my god this boy." Just as I was about to text him back I got a new message but from a different person.

18.25 Are you okay?

"Wow. He actually did text me." A small smile appeared on my face the minute I saw the text but I tried to hide it. After texting Hyungwon that I am alright, I immediately went to Taehyung's chat. It was just a simple question but it made me so happy. I didn't care what he was doing anymore or whit who he was with, I just wanted our friendship back.

18.30 Kinda

I answered and hoped he would text again. To my surprise my phone started ringing and I saw his picture.

 To my surprise my phone started ringing and I saw his picture

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He was calling. I quickly answered the phone.
"H-hello?" I said and waited for his response.
"How are you really?" Suddenly he said and it felt like I haven't heard his voice for ages even if it was only for like a day or so.
"It's not that bad." I lied, trying not to sound pathetic or make everything about myself again.
"Alright and now the truth." He continued and now I couldn't take it anymore. My tears started to fall because everything that has been going on and my sons were heard from the other side of the phone.
"Give me ten minutes." He said and after that all I could hear was beep beep. He hung up.
"Was he talking to me at the end? Does that mean he is coming over or what? Maybe Jennie just arrived and he was talking to her." I was thinking to myself as Jimin walked inside the bedroom.
"Are you alright? Have you been crying?" He asked worried as he rushed over to me. I whipped my eyes and gave him a fake smile.
"Oh no I just...I don't even know." I couldn't stay strong for the last part and just dropped the smile.
"Forget it. I am still overwhelmed." I said and Jimin hugged me. Most of the time just some physical connection is enough from the special someone. Goodness I was so glad I had him. We hugged for a while until the doorbell rang. Shut up. Was that actually-
"I will get it." Jimin said and he was already outside opening the door.
"Oh. Hello Taehyung." Oh. My. God. It was actually him.
"Hi, I just wanted to talk to Y/n. She is here, right?" I could hear them talking so I stood up and went up to them. Tae looked over to me and for a moment we said nothing. It was quiet awkward.

"Alright I will leave you two alone

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"Alright I will leave you two alone." Jimin said and walked back inside the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Oh yeah sure Mr. Park running away from the awkward situation. I looked back at Tae and saw him just looking around but didn't dare to look at me.
"Sooo...do you want to drink something?" I asked and just as I was about to go and grab a glass of water or whatever to break the silence, Taehyung suddenly hugged me. It took me so much by surprise that I couldn't move an inch and just stood there like a tree.
"I was really worried about you. For real now." He spoke and I was surprised. It already surprised me that he even came over and this was the cherry on top.
"I'm fine...it was just really overwhelming." I answered and this time slowly wrapped my arms around him. It was really good to have him by my side again.
"Taehyung I am really sorry. I didn't mean to-" Just as I was about to start, he cut me off.
"Let's just forget it. Forget everything." He continued without letting go of me. I was so glad and just kept quiet.
"Listen." He continued as he let me go.
"I want to be here for you." He said and that made me smile at him. I was really happy. At least things with Taehyung were solved.
"Alright guys." Suddenly Jimin came out from the bedroom with a weird smile.
"Let's try solvierest things while eating some pizza. I already ordered." He said and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Jimin we already solved things." I answered and Jimin made an Oh face.

" I answered and Jimin made an Oh face

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"Well I would still take the pizza." Tae said and I laughed.
"Yeah me too." I replied and with that all three sat down and chatted a bit while we waited for the pizza.

Time skip
We ate pizza together and after that Taehyung left to meet Jennie. I had to pull myself together but I managed not to say a word. Well only afterwards to Jimin so that wasn't that bad.
"Baby I need to tell you something." Suddenly Jimin started while we were sitting in the living room watching some movies. I looked over to him already annoyed.
"Please don't tell me it's something bad beca I really had enough of that today." I said and he smiled awkwardly. Oh great.
"I know I told you we could stay at home together for a while but my manager called and I really need to go in tomorrow. Just for two or three hours." He explained and it was somewhat a relief but I also got worried.
"Won't the people there be mad at you because of the photos?" I asked and he shook his head as a no.
"This is just a thing between me and the management so they don't really have anything to say to it." As he spoke I got just a bit less worried but I was still feeling uneasy.
"Just be careful, alright?" I added and he smiled. We cuddled for a long time and kept on watching the movies. Man this was a day.

 Man this was a day

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