#64 She is here

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Y/n Pov:

"Great. Now we can turn around." I said annoyed and crossed my arms before my chest. The guard walked over to Taehyungs window and the two started whispering something. I lent closer to hear it but they were already done. Suddenly the guard stepped to the side and waved for us to keep going. I looked at Tae surprised and confused while he smiled proudly.

 I looked at Tae surprised and confused while he smiled proudly

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"What is going on here?" I asked and he looked over to me.
"Y/n I work at Hipe Up. The people know who I am." He explained proud but that didn't make any sense.
"How on earth would they know you. You became a trainee two days ago. And even if they did know you, why would the guards let you inside a J concert. You have nothing to do here." I continued and Taehyung sighed now frustrated.
"I am sorry. I'm Kim Taehyung obviously they let me do whatever I want to." He said and I just couldn't understand this at all. He may have been popular at school and people would let him do whatever he wanted to but this was way more different. We basically broke into a concert and the guard helped us. What was happening?
"Relax and trust me." He added and I just lent back and waited for whatever to happen. The car stopped and Taehyung stepped outside. One of the guards came up to him and gave him something he hung around his neck. As he walked over to open the door for me, I realized that it was a staff card. At this point I didn't understand anything.
"Come on." He said and held his hand out for me. I just took it and got out of the car.
"Let's go." He pulled me over to the entrance and we walked inside the building. Everyone was running around and yelling. It looked like they were in a lot of work. I already have been backstage once so I knew how it would be.
"That room." Taehyung pointed at a door and just as we were about to run up to it, a woman stopped us.
"Taehyung?" She spoke. That was the same woman I met with Jimin at the Company. His manager or whatever. Oh no that woman didn't seem to like me.
"Oh Hi Mrs. Lee." Taehyung answered a bit frustrated as he rubbed the back of his head. We're we about to get in trouble or what?
"What are you doing here? Specially backstage. Don't you have practice? AND WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?" She just realized that I was with him and started to freak out.
"Do you know who this girl is?!" She continued and I now I was sure. She didn't like me because she thought I was trouble.
"Let me explain alright." Taehyung started and she crossed her arms before her chest. Guess we were actually in trouble.
"I'm waiting." She said and Taehyung started stuttering.

" She said and Taehyung started stuttering

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"J-just. Give me 10 minutes. I-I will be right back." Taehyung grabbed my hand again and was about to walk away but the woman stepped before us.
"Oh no young man. You will explain right now. Come with me!" She pinched his ear and pulled Taehyung away from me.
"You! Stay right here." She yelled back to me and walked away while Tae was whining in pain. I looked around confused. Alright what was I supposed to do now? I just stood there not really knowing what next when I witnessed someone I really didn't want to see.
"You have to be kidding me right now." I tried to hide my face and walked over to the wall so I wasn't fully in the middle of the hallway but of course she saw me.
"Y/n." She said as she slowly made her way toward me. "This has to be a bad joke." I murmeld to myself as I looked up and saw her standing before me with an evil smile.

" I murmeld to myself as I looked up and saw her standing before me with an evil smile

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"Jennie. Hi." I said with a fake smile and she chuckled.
"Didn't think I would see you here. Thought you were at home all depressed." She started and I rolled my eyes.
"Well thought wrong. I came to meet my boyfriend." I hissed back at her and realized hier now what I said. I quickly clapped my hand before my mouth but it was already to late. What I said was already out there. She started laughing.
"Your boyfriend? Oh please don't be ridiculous. He may have fooled you for some fun but believe me, at the end he will choose me." She said it all conceited and selfish.
"Have you ever thought about what he may want." I crossed my arms as I answered her with a raised eyebrow. She looked me up and down.
"Well he for sure doesn't want a little whore like you, who jumps from one man to another. Don't you still have a boyfriend?" She snapped back at me and I just Rollen my eyes.
"That's non of your business so get lost." I said and was about to walk pass her until she spoke again.
"Well alright, whatever you say but just so you know, J invited me himself today." She continued and that took me by surprise. I stopped walking and looked back at her.
"That's a lie." I answered with an angry expression but to be honest I wasn't sure if she was actually lying. She chuckled.
"If you say so but how else would I be here backstage. Open your eyes." She waved at me with her fingers as she walked by really sassy. I was so pissed again. Did Jimin actually invite her. I really wanted to murder someone at that moment.

 I really wanted to murder someone at that moment

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