#13 Frozen

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Y/n Pov:

The day passed and I wasn't as sad as the other days. Of course I was still heartbroken but for some reason I wasn't thinking that much about Jimin. It was kind of weird but I also didn't mind it a bit. Better then sitting in the corner near crying. To be honest I was thinking about Jin. It was really surprising how great we got along. Even I was surprised that I agreed in going on a some kind of date with him after college. Of course the boys didnt't stop asking about it.
"Come on tell us. Where will you meet? What will you wear? I think he will get flowers. So romantic." Tae said and I looked at him kind of disguasted.
"You sounded like a girl. Anyways don't get your hopes to high. We just gonna grab something to eat to get to know each other better. It's not an actual date." I simply answered and the boys liften an eyebrow and crossed their arms.
"Yeah right. I know you way to good. You never agree in going out with a boy unless you like them a lot and since the only ones you ever meet outside of school or so are us you must see something in him." He added with an evil smile.

" He added with an evil smile

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I glared at him. But to be honest...he was right.
"Alright, I do find him interesting. He is not trying to hard to impress me. Well he is also hot obviously." I said the last sentence shyly and looked down at my feet. The boys chuckled.
"I never saw you shy when talking about boys. It's kind of funny." Hyungwon laughed.

I hit his shoulder

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I hit his shoulder.
"Yah stop it. I just never really thought about others then Jimin. It is weird thinking about living my life with someone else." I answered and now the emotions came back. I was near crying again. Who am I kidding. Even if I can shut down for a while, it only last for a couple of minutes.
"I will go now." I simply said and walked away from the boys.
"Y/n wait where are you going?!" They yelled after me but I was already gone. I needed some time for myself. Who would have thought that a breack up is this hard. That it could make me suffer this much. I missed im. A lot.
"You are walking around like a ghost." Someone said from near me and I looked over to my side. It was Jin looking down at me with a smile. He looked like an anime figure. With his big lips, beautiful eyes and wide shoulders.
"You scared me." I answered still with blank face. He looked now little confused as I had no expression on my face at all.
"Having a bad day?" He asked and looked now in front of him. I looked at the ground with a sad expression. For real I could have cried but I held myself together.
"You could say so." I simply answered.
"I see." For a second we were walking in silence. It was kind of awkward but suddenly he grabben my arm and spoke.
"You know what, come with me." He said. I stared surprised as he pulled me after him. What was going on now? He stopped infront of the college campus and smiled. I just stared confused not understanding why he was smiling like that.
"Look." He must have seen my confused face so he pointed right beside him. There was a small path leading to the garden. I was still quiet confused and raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and pulled me even closer to the path.
"See it now?" He asked and I looked through the way. My eyes grew as I saw what he meant. The small shines from the sun landed on the nacked trees which made them look purple because of the hoarfrost on them. It wasn't snowing yet but the trees still looked like ice statues from a disney movie. It was really pretty. I walked inside and for a second I felt like in a movie. It is sad that we are so focused on our phone, job or whatever that we don't notice the small but beautiful things in our world. The sound of the few birds that stayes made it even prettier. I could really clear my mind for a second.
"It's pretty right? I noticed it this morning when I was walking to a lecture. Now that the sun is out, it's even prettier." He explained while admireing the amazing view.

It surprised me how he noticed something like this and that he also enjoyed it that much

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It surprised me how he noticed something like this and that he also enjoyed it that much. It looks like not every guy is the same. I smiled to myself and also continued looking at the view amused.
"Let's go the the caffee near the river. They have great hot chocolate and apleepie." He added still with his head turned toward the trees. For some reason I blushed.
"Or do you wanna go somewhere else?" Jin asked after I didn't answere for a bit. I shyly looked up at him and smiled.
"No, that sounds fun." I answered and he also smiled back with the tip of his nose still red.
"Great. I will meet you here. See ya." He said as he walked away back inside the building. I waved and watched him leave with a smile I didn't realize was still there. What a nice guy. He is kind of cute to be honest. Something different. I like it.

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