#50 Pleasure

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"Do you want me to fuck you until the sun is up?" He teased and I couldn't take it anymore.
"P-please do." I answered really horny and he chuckled.

" I answered really horny and he chuckled

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"As you wish." And with that he placed himself right before my entrance.
"Scream for me." After this one last sentence I felt a huge pressure and he pressed himself harshly inside of me. Without hesitating I screamed. I hurt but it also felt so good. Just the thought of him being inside me could make me cum.
"Ah fuck you are so tight." He moaned and started moving in and out slowly but aggressively. Sweat was running down my face and back. It felt so amazing that just laying there made me be out of breath.
"Ahh...babe...p-please." I begged and this was enough for him to start moving faster and breath even louder. My vision was getting almost blurry because of the high pressure and pleasure that I was feeling down there. Everytime we did it, it was a new experience. I could never get bored of this. He grabbed the tie that was around my wrist and pulled them really tight as he was thrusting inside of me really deep.

 He grabbed the tie that was around my wrist and pulled them really tight as he was thrusting inside of me really deep

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A warm feeling was growing inside of me and the tips of my fingers started to tingle. I knew I was near.
"J-Jimin I...I." It wasn't even possible to talk or even breath in this position with this much pleasure going through my body.
"Not just now baby." He said and suddenly I was flipped over on the bed so that now I was laying on my bed facing him. Jimin lifted one of my legs and placed himself once again before my entrance. After a loud breathe out he thrusted inside of me again and I immediately there my head back. His movements were just perfect. Just the perfect speed. The warm feeling never left my body it just got even more intense. I got goosebumps and my stomach started to feel weird.
"I c-can't." I spoke out of breath and Jimin placed a finger on my bottom lip.
"Do it." He commanded. I pressed my eyes together and released the pressure I was feeling down there in my whole body. My whole body felt like I was on fire. Every single part of me was tingling and my thoughts were in heaven. Just these couple of minutes are worth waking up. Once the feeling wasn't that intense anymore, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was sweating even more than I was.
"My turn." Jimin said and climbed on top of me so that he wasn't standing on the floor anymore but laying really tight above me. He placed one hand around my throat and was holding himself up with the other one.

 He placed one hand around my throat and was holding himself up with the other one

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His sweat was dripping down on my forehead. Jimins movements became more quicker and now he was mostly pressing his tip inside of me over and over again.
"Baby." I started while he was breathing really unsteady and loud.
"Y-yes?" He asked but didn't open his eyes just kept on moving.
"I-I love you." I told him out of the blue but it was true. I loved every single part of him. The cute and gentle boyfriend and the monster that he is in bed. As I said this sentence I could see a small smirk forming on his face and soon after his breathing because to loud moaning and he thrusted inside of me one last time really deeply. I felt a warm liquid fill me up and soon Jimins arms started to shake.
"Jesus." He said and after that collapsed next to me. His eyes were closed and his breathing was still really loud. We were so sweaty that it seemed we just came out of the shower.
"I love you too." He whispered next to my ear with his eyes still closed but with a huge smirk on his face. I smiled as well and turmed towards him.
"Would you mind untying my hands?" I asked and after a chuckle he reached behind my back and removed the tie from my wrists. He placed his hands on my hips and I pressed myself tight into his chest. He stroked my back and I couldn't help just smile. I loved being touched by him.
"So what are your plans for tomorrow?" He asked and I thought for a moment. There wasn't much I had to do.
"I guess I will meet up with your sister. Nothing special is going to be at college tomorrow and Jungkook asked me to show her around a little so yeah. That's what I will be doing." I answered and that made him open his eyes.
"Well that's great. Tomorrow I will only have two classes and one meeting in the morning. Let's meet her together." He offered and I smiled.
"Yeah let's do that." I answered and we kept on cuddling for a while. How great, we can spend the next day together. We could have lunch together and then meet his sister and show her some nice places here. Jungkook will be really thankful. I could even take her out to a club on Friday. Would be nice. Well as long as the boys won't play jealous everything should be fine.
"Let's go take a shower." He said and was about to stand up but I wasn't moving.
"I don't think that is an option at the moment." I answered and he already knew what I meant because he was chuckling. I was really sore down there so there was no way I could walk.
"Come here my beautiful angel." He said and picked me up while having a cute smile on his face. We both laughed and he walked over to the bathroom to take a bath together. I love this man.

 I love this man

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