#31 His life

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Y/n Pov:

How could you lie to me. Lie about something like this for more than 3 years." I walk closer to him really fast and yelled into his face.
"Y/n listen." He started but I didn't let him.
"No you listen now. Why did you do that. Jimin why?" I was looking at him really disappointed but somehow still not believing that he was standing before me with a blond wig on and pretending to be someone else. Or someone he made up. I wouldn't have been surprised if I was just dreaming again.
"For so long you have been keeping this from me and I was at home wondering why you were out that much but didn't say anything because I didn't want to make you mad. And now I have to find out that you live two lifes?!" I yelled at him and he went through his hair with his hand really frustrated while sighing.

 And now I have to find out that you live two lifes?!" I yelled at him and he went through his hair with his hand really frustrated while sighing

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"I wanted to protect you." He answered and held my shoulders trying to calm me down but as if it worked.
"Protect me?! Who the fuck are you kidding?! You are a selfish bastard and didn't want people to think your popstar self had a girlfriend because your success would drop!" I screamed even more but suddenly Jimin grabbed me around my neck and pushed me against the wall.

"Protect me?! Who the fuck are you kidding?! You are a selfish bastard and didn't want people to think your popstar self had a girlfriend because your success would drop!" I screamed even more but suddenly Jimin grabbed me around my neck and pushe...

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"Watch your fucking mouth. You know nothing." He hissed at me now also pissed and for a second I gulped. Even so it didn't take me long to push him away and continue.
"Yeah sure. There is no excuse for such a lie." I added and he let out a loud sigh.
"Listen." Jimin started and went to grab his jacket.
"I will tell you everything. Everything you want to know but now I have to go up there. Just wait here. Wait for me and I will answer all your questions." He said while putting his glittery jacket on. I never thought I would ever see Jimin is such clothes. After he said that I crossed my arms before my chest and lifted an eyebrow.
"Don't look at me like that." He almost sounded like he was pouting. I just rolled my eyes and looked away. For now I didn't want to look at him anymore. I was hurt. He stepped a bit closer and held my waist.
"Just wait alright." He placed a kiss on my forehead and ran out of the room. I didn't even move an inch when he kissed me. I didn't care. He was a lier. I couldn't believe this whole situation was real.
"As if I'm gonna stay here." I told myself as I also bursted out of the room but Jimin was already nowhere to be seen. The music was already playing again and I heard him start singing. I made my way towards the stage but suddenly a man stopped me.
"Miss are you working here?" He asked and I looked confused.
"I am Jungkooks sister you idiot." I hissed at him really rude. Sorry but I was pissed. I couldn't play nice at that moment.
"I don't think I believe you that. Do you have a backstage tag with you?" He asked suspicious and I was already so pissed that this was the last thing I needed. The highschool me was coming out again. I was about to hiss at him but suddenly someone rushed up to us. It was Jungkook.
"She is with me." He told the guy and pulled me away.
"What was that?" I asked not really understanding what was going on but he did save my ass so that was good.
"I saw your head about to explode." He said and to be honest. He was right. But it also wasn't a surprise. He pushed something in my hand while we were still rushing somewhere. I looked at it and saw a staff member card. I put it around my neck and kept on walking after Jungkook. Well I didn't really had another choice because he was still holding my arm. He finally slowed down and stopped just before the stage.
"Stay here." He said and ran off. I rolled my eyes. So this is what it looks like to have a job like Jungkook. A lot of running around. No need to workout anymore. I looked in front of me and pulled the curtains out if the way which were hanging behind the stage so the backstage was covered. Jimin was there dancing and singing with so much passion. He did really seem to enjoy it. Every move he did was so clean and powerful.

My eyes were fixed on him while he was spinning and moving his body

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My eyes were fixed on him while he was spinning and moving his body. I never knew he was that flexible. You couldn't not be fascinated. Even though he was jumping around and moving so much he still managed to sing every singe note just perfect. Even the high notes. He hit all of them so easily I was really amazed. I knew that he could sing a bit but I never imagined that he had such an amazing voice. He must have put a lot of effort in his career. Even though I was still mad at him I somehow blended it out and completely focused on him moving on stage. Almost like he hypnotize me. I was lost in his beauty. Without even noticing I was smiling like a proud mother and clapped when the song was over. This is his life. He belongs on stage. This is him.

 This is him

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