#45 Sorry Jin

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Y/n Pov:

That night we went to bed really early. We were both really exhausted from all the stress and drama so we needed some peace. I enjoyed falling asleep between his arms again. We are all just human who make mistakes so I am not going to throw everything away because we had a fight. Like that we will be able to learn from our mistakes. I love you Park Jimin and there is no man who will ever touch me like that again. Only you. I am sorry Jin but I made up my mind. Jimin is the one.
"Good morning." His soft voice next to my ear woke me fully up and I opened my eyes to look at him. I loved to wake up next to him and hear his raspy morning voice and see his plump lips.

 I loved to wake up next to him and hear his raspy morning voice and see his plump lips

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The view made me smile and I wiggled closer to him to press myself into his chest. What an amazing smell.
"Morning." I answered still really sleepy. He wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that for a while under the warm blanket. It felt so nice but sadly it couldn't last forever.
"You are not going to skip college, are you?" Jimin asked and I groaned annoyed.
"No. I should really go." After I answered, I slowly made my way out of bed and walked straight to the bedroom. As I was brushing my teeth I heard him scream from the room.
"You are giving that kid his boxer back right? I don't want to see it anymore!" He yelled and I just rolled my eyes. And he was calling Jin a kid. Talking about Jin, I was really nervous to see him again after what happened on Saturday. Hopefully he wouldn't fully hate me. After all I did enjoy spending time with him but now I knew I only saw him as a friend and nothing else. As I was done I went back to my bedroom and started to change into some proper clothes. Jimin was checking me out the whole time with a smirk on his face.

 Jimin was checking me out the whole time with a smirk on his face

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"Don't even look at me like that." I told him while I put my hair into a ponytail.
"You are so hot." He licked his lips as he spoke. That man for real. I grabbed my bag and after giving him a long kiss I wemt out of the apartment and drove to college. It wasn't that early anymore but Jimin only had from the 3. until the 5. period and I also had a short day so it was not that mich stress. Well Jimin did had to go to his company at the evening to practice but at least he had some free time inbetween. I parked my car and made my way inside the building. A lot of other college students were already walking around outside and in the college building. I had a lecture for the next two hours so I made my way into the lecture hall. The others didn't attend that lecture so I had to sit there ony own for 2 long hours. It's hard to make friends at college because there are so many people in one hall and you don't have a fix class with 30 kids or so. Mostly I was sitting on my own but that didn't bother me because I could concentrate way better like that. I really wanted to give my best and not just sit around while doing nothing. This was important for my future. Somehow I managed to stand through those two hours and actually did really good. I was proud of myself. Hopefully my mom will be to. I made my way out of the lecture hall and went to grab something to eat. I was starving. While I was on my way to the cafeteria I saw a really familiar back facing me. It was huge and the person was really tall. I already knew who it was. I ran up to him and tipped his shoulder. He turned around and as he saw me, he pulled the earbuds out of his ear.
"Oh hi." Was all he said and immediately looked away.

" Was all he said and immediately looked away

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I felt so bad. He was uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry for leaving. It's just...things are complicated at the moment." I spoke under my nose quiet awkward and waited for him to say something.
"Don't worry about it." He simply said still not looking at me. Well that sounded harsh.
"Jin I really like you and I was never planing on hurting you I'm just-" Just before I could have finish the sentence he cut me off.
"It's really okay. I understand that you still have some stuff to solve with your Ex. I'm not going to push you to anything." After this he walked away on another direction and left me there by myself. Well this didn't go as planned. I couldn't really figure out if he was mad, upset or just actually didn't care. I'm sorry Jin but I can't change my feelings.
"Y/n!" A loud scream pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around just to see Hyungwon and Taehyung approaching me but to my surprise they were not alone. Taehyung had a girl next to him. As they walked closer I realized who that girl actually was. Jennie.
"Hey guys." I greated them and so did the boys but Jennie basically ist ignored me. What was up with that girl.
"Don't you want to say something?" Hyungwon asked as he folded his arms before his chest. I gave him a confused look but then it clicked.
"Oh yeah...sorry for leaving you it's just...some stuff came up." I started explained and they all looked not really understanding what I meant.
"What stuff?" Hyungwon questioned once again and I rubbed the back of my head.
"Well...my ex and I are back together."...


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