#16 Brothers call

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Y/n Pov:

Once again I wasn't able to sleep the whole not. But how could you be even able to sleep after your ex showed up out of nowhere and was even weirder then before. World give me some time. I sat up in my bed and groaned in annoyance. I didn't want to go out of the house. So frustrating. As I took a look at my phone I saw that I had a message. It was from Jungkook.

 It was from Jungkook

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Kookie 😖
Hi sis. We haven't talked for a while. Call me when you are awake.

"Arg. Now this too." I love my brother but calling this early? I haven't even fully woken up yet. I put my phone to my ear and waited for him to pick up. Not short after he answered with a happy voice.
"My lovely piggy. How are you?" He asked and I was already rolling my eyes. He will never stop.
"Don't call me that and to be honest I have been better." I answered as I got out of bed and made myself toward the bathroom.
"Oh why that? To early for you? Just so you know I have been in the office for 2 hours now. Some people are productive." He explained just to tease me because I like to sleep in and he is an early bird.
"I broke up with Jimin." I said it out of the blue with no emotions. For a second there was no answer. He must have been speechless. It is always weird when a couple breaks up who have been together what feet like forever but people never know the whole story. What was going on in the relationship. They only see and know the parts we want them to know.
"That was sudden. And what did Jimin say to that?" He asked. I could hear on his voice that he wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to that. I didn't blame him though I wasn't really shoving any emotions.
"He didn't really seem to mind it. After all he just left without trying to save things so whatever." I simply answered and once again no response. When he suddenly spoke what he said made my heart hurt.
"Y/n I am sure that is not true. Jimin is not the guy to play around and you know that yourself. He must be having his reasons for reacting that way. Give him some time. He loves you and he must be angry and sad too. He needs to sort his thoughts and then he will be back in no time to win you back. I am sure. You know I know him to good." He explained and I almost cried. Oh Jungkook I don't think this is the case this time. He seemed so cold and so sure in what he said yesterday. He is gone.
"Let's not talk about this anymore. How are you guys? Are you doing great?" I asked trying to change the subject and I was also curious.
"We are just fine. Jina will be debuting soon. She really improved I am proud of her." He said and that made me smile. He was so in love.
"That's great good luck to her. And what about you brother. How are you?" I asked as I put him on speaker and started to get ready.
"You know like always. A lot of work and training. Bit I don't mind I like my job." Jungkook said and I could imagine him smiling right now.

" Jungkook said and I could imagine him smiling right now

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At least they are doing fine.
"Actually I wanted to tell you something. I don't know if you already know but Jina will be visiting soon but I will have to stay here. Could you maybe take care of her a little. You are almost the same age and she knows no one there. Jimin will be busy with work so he won't have much time for her." He asked and I once again rollen my eyes. I like Jina but that would just remind me of her brother. And it could also be that I would see him. I really wasn't in the mood for something like that.
"Jungkook I really don't want to have to anything with Jimin right now." I said annoyed as I was brushing my teeth.
"But you don't have to see him just meet up once or twice with Jina. Pleeeesa Y/n do this for me." He almost begged and I couldn't say no I guess.
"Alright but I won't be going over to them." I made it clear and Jungkook thanked me.
"By the way when are you planning to visit?" I asked because it has been a while since I last saw him.
"I really don't know sis I have so much stuff to take care of it is insane." He whined and I

But also poor thing he is working so much

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But also poor thing he is working so much.
"Alright don't push yourself to much." I said.
"Mr. Jeon your meeting is in 5 minutes please don't forget it." I could hear someone talking to Jungkook as we were still chatting.
"Alright just a second. Sis I will be going now. We talk some other time." He said and after that hamg up the phone. Well he really is a busy man.
"It looks like Jimins sister is actually coming. So he really needs to pick her up. But tue whole afternoon? It doesn't takes long to drive to the airport. Whatever I don't care anymore."...Who am I even kidding.

Who am I even kidding

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