#7 Dating advice

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Sorry everyone for the long break. I have to be honest I am really not happy with the way wattpad turned out the last 1-2 years with all the updates and it just wasn't fun anymore to write. Recently I have been reading some of your comments and now, thanks to you, I have some motivation to keep on so I hope you will like the new chapters. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Y/n Pov:

Jimin already left for work and I was on my way to college. I have to say, this J guy has got some really good songs. I was listening to his songs the whole way to school. He has got any tipe of songs. Fast, slow, with a lot of beat and instrumental. I really enjoyed his songs special the ones with a great beat. It sounds so good with the speakers of the car. When I arrived, I parked the car and got out. I still had some time left so I put my ear buds in and slowly made my way to the hearing hall. It was empty.

Not even the professor was here yet

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Not even the professor was here yet. My books were heavy so I already sat down and just annoyed the music by myself.
"I think I found a new artist I will enjoy." The music took completely over me and I closed my eyes to enjoy it even more. This time I was listening to a more slower song of him.
"I really didn't think the boys had such a good taste in music and I wonder why I never heard about him before. He seems quite famous." I thought to myself still with my eyes closed as I was head bobbing to the song. Suddenly I felt the present of someone and opened my eyes. I was right. Hyungwon was sitting next to me, staring at me weirdly. I took one of the earbuds out and raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I ask confused because he was looking at me weird.
"Oh nothing... it's just...you know...well." He stuttered and I was confused.
"Hyungwon spit it out already." I said and he took a deep breath.
"Alright...how do you ask a girl to be your girlfriend?..." He asked and a huge smile grew on my face.  
"So you do have a crush. Hyungwon you are in looove!" I yelled happily as I shook him. He rolled his eyes annoyed and tried to get free of my grip.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. So how do you ask?" He asked again and I placed my hand on my chin to think.
"Well I don't really know myself." I said as I was still thinking of the best way for him to ask her.
"How did Jimin ask you to be his girlfriend?" He questioned and I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my head.
"I don't think our relationship would be a good example for yours. You know, you should be confident and show her that you want her. Girls don't really like shy boys who doesn't know what they want. Ask her out but just a simple date like going to the park, eating an ice cream or something and when the momen is right you will know you have to ask her now." I smiled at him as I gave him some advices. He smiled back.

 He smiled back

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"Thanks Y/n. That's a great idea. I will ask her to meet me after college." He said and I was little surprised.
"Already?" I ased and he smiled.
"Yes. I was breaking my head about this the whole week. Now I will pull myself together and ask her." He said excited and confident.
"Good idea." I answered and tapped his shoulder.
"By the way this J guy is really good. I have been listening to his songs the whole day now. I am surprised that you guys listen to something like that." I said as he got his stuff out for school. The moment he heard me say J, his eyes glow up.
"Yeah it's more for girls right but he has such cool songs that Tae and I are obsessed with them. And Rose likes his slower songs so we can listen to them together. But hey you like them so we can go to the concert together." He said excited. I almost couldn't even follow.
"Oh yeah the concert you talked about. When is it?" I asked and he hit his head.
"Oh yeah I didn't even tell you. Next weekend. Tae and I planned to go with Rose if I manage to ask her." He rubbed his head and I laughed a little.
"You can do it. Where did the confidence go. And yeah that could be a great idea. I will surprise Jimin with the tickets." I answered and Hyungwon looked excited.
"Great! I will tell Tae after the lesson. By the way, where is he?" He asked as all the other students arrived and the professor also came. I looked at his seat and then at the door.
"He must be late again. You know him. I wouldn't be surprised if he skips today." I said and rolled my eyes a little. Tae will never change.
"Nah. He maybe late but he wouldn't skip. He would miss us to much." Hyungwon whispered now because the lecture already started. Just then the door opened and Taehyung walked inside. He looked super tired.

 He looked super tired

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Just like always.
"Sorry I helped a grandma cross the street." He said and walked to his seat. What? Grandma?
"Morning guys." He said as he sat down.
"Did you really help a grandma?" Hyungwon asked suspicious. Tae chuckles.
"What grandma. I can't even help myself out of bed. I overslept." He said and I slapped my hand to my forehead. What a lie. He for real will never change. Just like back in highschool.

 Just like back in highschool

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