#40 Back at home

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Y/n Pov:

"Mr. J, are you up?" A knock on the door was heard and we both looked over in shock.
"Fuck." Jimin yell whispered and quickly pulled his member out of me. It was so fast that I yelled in pain and almost collapsed to the ground.
"Ahh." He quickly grabbed my arm and made sure I wouldn't fall.
"Sorry." Jimin whispered again before he screamed out to the person standing at the door.
"Yes I am! Just a second, I am getting ready!" He spoke and soon after the person from outside answered.
"The check out is in an hour. Make sure to get ready." And with that we could hear him walk away. Well just great. We didn't even get to finish. How annoying. Jimin placed his forehead on my shoulder and breathed out loud.
"Why does this has to happen all the time." He spoke and I chuckled a little. It was really annoying that we got interrupted so often. It was so ridiculously that it made me laugh in embarrassment.
"This is really not funny. I am so sick of that." He said as he looked back up at me trying to not laugh as well.

" He said as he looked back up at me trying to not laugh as well

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I rubbed the back of my head and shrugged my shoulders.
"Let's just get ready. I still have some stuff to take care of." Jimin explained and I nodded my head. We both went to get dressed and packed our bags. Well mostly he packed his bag. I only had a small hand bag with me. Thank good the hotel actually had extra underwears and pajamas. Well it didn't surprise me. After the look of it I wouldn't been surprised if even a swimming pool appeared in the living room. I walked out in the living room and sat down on the couch. It was sooo comfortable and huge. I really was sad that we had to leave. Jimin walked out of the bedroom with his backpack and a loose fitted shirt on. It surprised me that he wasn't wearing his blonde wig.
"You are not putting on your wig?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to him. He pulled me closer to himself and placed a kiss on my lips before he answered.
"Nah. Like this the paparazzi and fans won't recognize me." I nodded my head and with that he slipped his hand into mine and we walked out of the hotel room. It was really quiet in the hallway. Most likely because all the other guests already checked out. As we walked over to the elevator someone stepped out of a room not really far from ours.
"Good morning you two." He said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. It was Jungkook.

 It was Jungkook

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"Good morning." Jimin answered. I gave him an angry glance and kept on walking without saying anything to him.
"Oh come on. You forgave him but not me?" Jungkook whined but I didn't care. I was still mad because he didn't apologize.
"I have nothing to say to you." I told him without even taking a glance at him and Jimin chuckled a little.
"Y/n I am sorry alright but it's not my life and not my decision to make." Jungkook kept on whining and I couldn't listen to his crying anymore so I rolled my eyes and gave in.
"Alright, alright. I forgive you." I just said and he was already smiling. What a dork. We stepped inside the elevator and it started moving down. Both the boys put sunglasses and cap on and I was just standing there not knowing what to do. Jimin chuckled and hend his arm out.
"Come here." He said and I stepped closer to him. His jacket was wrapped around me and he covered my head. As the elevator stopped we quickly made our ways to the back door where three bodyguards were already waiting.
"Mr. Jean, Mr. Park." They bowed to the boys and opened the door for us. So they knew the truth. Well I guess some of the stuff had to know in order to protect Jimin or do his hair and stuff like that. The moment I thought about woman doing his make up, hair and even styling him, I got really jealous. I really didn't like other girls touching him. He was mine. Arg I was so frustrated already. We quickly went out and a van was already waiting for us. I stepped in first and Jimin followed behind. Jungkook sat in the front next to the driver and we drove off not long after. I laid back on the seat and stared out of the window. All those girls touching Jimin wouldn't go out of my head. It was bothering me a lot.
"You okay?" He asked and I just nodded not really believable.
"Come on what is it?" He slipped closer and placed his hand on my lap while looking right into my eyes.
"Are the stylist's woman?" I asked a little shy and that made Jimin chuckle.
"I see, so you are jealous." He smirked and I hit his chest.
"Stop." With that I turned back to the window.
"Y/n they are all married and way older. You know I only have eyes for you." He spoke and brushed my hair to the side so he could lean his head on me. I blushed a little and also rested my head on his. Stupid to just think about stuff like that. Obviously he loves me. We finally arrived at my place and stepped out of the car.

 We finally arrived at my place and stepped out of the car

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"Thank you." Jimin said to the driver and waved Jungkook bye. So did I. Jungkook was going to stay at his place that he rented near by a couple of months ago so he doesn't have to stay with mom. Good for her, after all she has a boyfriend now. We walked up the stair to my apartment and I opened the door. As we stepped inside I completely forgot that I haven't cleaned before we left...wait...we?...Oh fuck Jin!

Oh fuck Jin!

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