#15 Meet again

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Y/n Pov:

I laid in my bed after the 'date' with Jin. It was nice but his invitation surprised me. And already tomorrow. But to be honest what surprised me the most was...that I actually said yes. What is wrong with me? Do I really want to move on that fast? Or could it be that I actually like this guy? I'm a hot mess. I should have really take some time for myself before meeting anyone. But maybe just maybe this will turn out good for me. Maybe I was supposed to meet him now. Not just to help me move on but to experience something new. Oh whatever. I stood up and went into the kitchen to make myself some dinner. I wasn't really caring to go gaucherie shopping so there wasn't much stuff at home.
"Some grilled cheese sandwich will do." After that I started making it and also made some lemonade. It was already quite dark outside and inside it was really warm so it was nice and cosy. The television I was on and I could hear it quietly from the living room. It was still weird that I was by myself but now I felt like an actual grown up. Being alone in my own house making my own meals doing basically everything by myself. Now I actually had the time to realise that I've grown up. Of course my brother is still helping me financially but still. I was a little proud of myself. As I was stending before my stove, waiting for the sandwich to be done suddenly the bell rang.
"It is quite late. Who could come over now?" I asked myself as I turned the oven off and walked over to the.
"I could bet it is Taehyung. What stupid reason has that guy to come over now." I said to myself as I open the door.
"You bored or something?" I chuckled as I looked up but my smile faded fast and it turned to a shocked face. I couldn't believe my eyes. This wasn't real.
"Hi Y/n." He said but I couldn't get a word out. I just stood there with my mouth open. Only some days has passed since I last saw him but it felt like he changed so much.
"J-Jimin?" I stuttered and tried to believe my eyes but it was hard.

Why was it so unbelievable for me that he was actually standing before me

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Why was it so unbelievable for me that he was actually standing before me. I didn't know what to say or how to feel.
"You don't have to say anything. I just came to get my stuff." He said and after that he let himself inside and walked to the bedroom. I just stood there as he went right past me. This isn't real. Why aren't my legs working? Why can't I move? Why can't I sort my thoughts? I want to jump on him and kiss him to death but I also want to punch him in the face for letting me break up with him so easily and for not talking to me like a normal boyfriend. Why did he have to come over right now? I wasn't ready for that? I wasn't ready to see him? I wasn't sure if I would have ever been ready to see him again. My head is a mess. Slowly I somehow walked after him and stood in the door as he was packing his stuff. It was so unreal to see him back in this room but it felt also so natural because almost living here. We spent most of our time here. Is this the last time he will be in this room? I really need a timeout.
"I will just check the bathroom and then I'm gone." He said so naturally I normally like nothing happened. Without any anger or without any sadness and his voice and face.

Did your really move on? Was it actually that easy for him? No I can't believe that

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Did your really move on? Was it actually that easy for him? No I can't believe that. It can't be.
"Alright that's it I think." He said after he got out of the bathroom and grabbed his bag. I saw that he was about to leave and I couldn't let him go with just like this. I had to figure something out.
"You still have your wine in the refrigerator." I said out of nowhere and I immediately regret it. How stupid of me. For real girl your wine?! He looked at me a little confused first but then I saw something in his eye that made my stomach hurt. Was that a little chuckle and pain?
"Oh yeah you can keep that. I think I have enough." After that sentence he walked out of the bedroom and made his way to the front door. I couldn't look at him leave. He can't go like this. This may be the last time we see each other. I can't let him go just like this.
"Jimin." I said and he stopped walking. Without turning around he just waited for me to talk.
"Are you really just going to leave like this?" I asked with a quiet voice not really sure if I should have even asked this. For some seconds he wasn't saying anything. He just stood there with his head low. Finally I could see him lifting his head but he still didn't turn to face me.

 Finally I could see him lifting his head but he still didn't turn to face me

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"What am I supposed to do? I'm just trying to protect you." And with that he left. Without another word. Without another look. He just walked out of the door and disappeared. I stood there not understanding anything. Protect me? From what? Maybe he realized to that it wasn't going the way it should have. He was to distant. But why isn't he trying to change it. Why isn't he fighting for me. Maybe I wasn't even worth it.

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