#58 The secret is out

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Jimin Pov:

I woke up the next morning before Y/n because my phone was ringing. My manager was calling.
„What time is it?" My lovely girlfriend asked still half asleep while rubbing her eyes. I leant closer to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
„Still early. Go back to sleep." After that she cuddled herself back under the blanket and kept on sleeping. I stood up and went outside in the living room to answer the phone.

 I stood up and went outside in the living room to answer the phone

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„Hello." I said and for some reason she didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. All I could hear was a deep sigh. That was weird.
„Jimin I thought you would know better." She suddenly started what made me really confused. What did I do?
„Did I miss rehearsal or what's wrong?" I asked and waited for the answer.
"Go on Js Instagram." She simply answered and I just looked confused but did it anyways after putting her on speaker. My eyes grew the second my feed loaded. The first thing I saw were pictures of me with Y/n. I had my wig on and we were holding hands but the worst thing was that her face was shown. Oh no. On another picture we were seen hugging. I went on my page and read all the comments under my new picture.

User1: How dare she steal our man 😡. I hate her! Please someone find her insta!
User2: This girl really thinks she could touch him!? What a bitch I wish she would die.
User3: Is this actually real? 😢 I thought we are the only ones for J.
User4: I found her instagram and she already has a boyfriend. Well now he will find out that she is cheating with J. Stupid whore. I will go hate on her!

Oh no this is not good at all. They already have found Y/ns Instagram. I quickly went over to her profile and what I saw shocked me. Under all the pictures she posted with me were really bad hate comments and death threats.

User5: Little bitch posting pictures with her boyfriend while fucking someone else behind his back.
User6: You should really just kill your self.
User7: I bet she can suck because I wouldn't have other explanations why J would want her😂.
User8: Ugly bitch just wait until one of his fans sees you on the streets. Better stay inside ☺️.

I couldn't believe my eyes that my fans would actually write this kind of things.

I went on my private Instagram account and already had hundreds of direkt messages saying that Y/n is cheating on me and stuff

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I went on my private Instagram account and already had hundreds of direkt messages saying that Y/n is cheating on me and stuff. This was really bad they even found my actual Instagram as Park Jimin.
"Jimin are you here?" My manager asked and for a second I was still speechless. It took me a while to believe all this. Once I collected myself, I answered her.
"Yeah I just...can't believe this." I said still staring at the pictures and comments.
"One of the new trainees must have taken the pictures yesterday when you were leaving. It was really irresponsible of you to walk around with her as J." She said and I held my head frustrated.
"Yeah I know that now thanks. What are we going to do now?" I asked and hoped that she already came up with a solution.
"Well we will have to find the person who took the photos first and we will for sure fire her or him. Out of privacy reasons you can't share anything that happens inside of the company so they will have to deal with the consequences. The team is already working on getting the pictures taken down but it will take a while. They spread really fast. We will deal with a statement later. Let's just calm down a bit." She explained but at this point it was almost impossible to calm down. Specially after I saw a green circle appearing next to Y/ns profile picture. She was online.
"Oh fuck." I ended the call without even saying goodbye and ran inside the bedroom. The moment I stepped inside the room my heart was already breaking.

Y/n looked up at me from her phone with teary eyes and a shocked face

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Y/n looked up at me from her phone with teary eyes and a shocked face. I quickly ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Baby don't cry. Everything will be alright. My company will take care of it." I tried to calm her down but the moment she pressed her face into my chest, her cries because louder.
"I'm destroying your career." She cried and I was also near. It hurt so much to see her like this but what hurt even more was hearing her say that. She was blaming herself.
"Don't say that silly. It's not your fault. I should have known better. I'm sorry." I said and stroked her back. It was really hard to calm her down.
"People are threatening me. I'm scared to go out. Everyone at college must hate me." She kept on crying and I was really frustrated. It was no wonder that she was crying and desperate so I had to come up with an idea.
"Alright, what if we stay at home as long this whole situation is cleared. The management is already working on it so just give it some time and we could enjoy time together." I offered and after a sob she whipped her tears away.
"But what about your work? And rehearsal? And your apartment?" She asked and I chuckled.
"Don't worry about that. Let's just disappear for a while. Everything will be alright. As long as I'm here, nobody can hurt you." I kissed her wet cheek and stroked her head. I needed to come up with a solution fast. Really fast.

 Really fast

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