#2 Crush

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Y/n Pov:

"So how are things going with Jimin?" Taehyung asked. I rolled my eyes playfully.
"You ask this everyday. Don't worry he is treating me well." I said and hit his shoulder.
"I am just asking." He answered and Hyungwon and I laughed. So protective like a brother. I am sure Jungkook told him to look after me. Well he did it before but now even more. Such a cutie. We walked into class and sat down at our seat. We have single seats. I sit in the 2. row with Taehyung next to me and Hyungwon is in the 3. row behind Tae. I try to focus I really do but they always throw paper ball at me or whisper my name. I have the best friends but when it comes to school they are the worst. It's almost scary how similar they are. No wonder they are friends.
"Hyungwon I heard you have a girlfriend." Suddenly Tae said. My eyes widened.
"I told you to keep it to yourself dickhead." Hyungwon whispered to Taehyung pissed. He just laughed.

"Wait why didn't I know about this?" I asked as i crossed my arms

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"Wait why didn't I know about this?" I asked as i crossed my arms. Hyungwon held his head.
"It's nothing serious yet. We are just getting to know each other." He explained and I was really focused at him.
"Oh really? That's cute. Do you like her?" I asked with a smirk. Now I know why he wanted do keep it a secret but I can not ask.
"I mean yeah, she is funny and pretty. We are pretty much on the same level." He said and I was so excited for him.
"Awww you have a crush? What's her name?" I asked really curious.
"Well you can't call it a crush just yet but her name is Rose. She is in the 5. semester." He explained. So she is older I see.
"I wish you good luck with her." I smiled and made a finger heart. They both laughed at my cuteness. They don't see it often.
"Thanks I guess." Hyungwon said and blushed a little. He do has a crush how cute.
"But don't forget next year she will be done and you will still have 1 year to go, just saying." Taehyung said and I raised an eyebrow.
"Why should that be a problem?" I asked confused.
"I don't know. Maybe she is not into younger boys." He said.
"Oh come don't mess it up for him." I said and hit him again. Today is the second time this is new record.
"Well she knows that I am younger and she has no problem with it so keep your opinion." Hyungwon hisses at Tae and we laughed again. Just like old times. Suddenly the teacher entered the classroom. It is an old man with big stomach. His name is Mr. Chai.
"Psst Y/n." I heard Tae and I already know what was about to come.
"What?" I asked already pissed.
"Isn't he your type?" He asked and laughed afterwards just like Hyungwon.

"Isn't he your type?" He asked and laughed afterwards just like Hyungwon

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"So funny." I answered sarcastically and turned away.
"Good morning everyone I hope you had a great week. I have great news for you." He said but nobody looked interested. Well I am not wondering. His classes are so boring. Poor man.
"The cafeteria is selling chocolate cakes again." He said really happy with a smile. I slap my hand against my forehead. This man really is something. I could Tae and Hyungwon laughing from the corner of my eye.
"And there is another good news." He continued. If he tells us that they sell hot chocolate as well I will eat my book.
"We have a new student." He explained and now most of the students were interested.
"Come inside." He waved at the door.
"I bet it's a nerd again." Whispered Hyungwon to Taehyung.
"Or a dumb ass." Tae added. Once again the quietly laughed. The door opened and a new students stepped inside. It was a girl. A very pretty girl if you ask me.
"Y/n." I heard Hyungwon whisper to me. I looked over to him and he pointed at Taehyung. I looked over to Take confused. he was sitting there with big eyes and his mouth open. Now I understood what Hyungwon meant. I look back at him and laughed with him. I guess Tae was hit by cupid.
"Please introduce yourself." Said the teachers and the girl nodded.
"Hello everyone my name is Jennie. I am 20-years old and I am from New Zealand. This is my first year in Korea so please take care of me."

She explained and all the students said hi to her at the same time except for Tae

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She explained and all the students said hi to her at the same time except for Tae. He was just staring at her with the same look on his face. Cupid must have hit him hard.
"Alright, please take a seat." The teacher said and Jennie made her way to the seats. The one before Taehyung was free and she stopped there. She looked at him and smiled.
"Is this seat free?" She asked and I could see Tae turning red. I never saw him like this before. After about 10 seconds he finally answered.
"Oh, yeah sure." He said nervous and Jennie sat down. I almost couldn't hold my laugh inside. Just like Hyungwon. Tae looked over to us with his mouth still open. I just shrugged my shoulder and Hyungwon laughed a little. Tae turned back to his papers without even thinking about closing his mouth. He acted like he saw ghost. This will be an interesting year.

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