#28 The concert

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Y/n Pov:

We were waiting in the line to finally get inside. Hyungwon and Rose were being cute, Jin was talking with Taehyung and I just stood there not being able to wait to hear him sing live. It must be so angelic. I am sure he will make a huge show. Finally I saw the security nearing the door and slowly it was unlocked.
"Oh my god we are going in." I hit Taehyungs shoulder and he pouted but as soon as he saw the doors opening he forgot about it. We walked inside and immediately made our ways to our seats. Well we were quiet in the front so we didn't get to sit but I didn't mind it at all. I would have been standing the whole show and singing so it doesn't matter. It is a miracle that we all got tickets for the front row. We finally arrived there and it took me by surprise how many people were actually there.

I knew that he was a famous singer but that many people? And half of them haven't even arrived yet

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I knew that he was a famous singer but that many people? And half of them haven't even arrived yet.
"It's insane isn't it?" Jin said as he was looking around in the arena just like I was.
"It is. I can't wait." I answered and smiled so brightly and happy. He chuckled. I looked over to Hyungwon and Rose to talk to them but I got little shocked. They were already making out. The concert haven't even started and they were already all in. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Tae.
"I am freaking out." I said and he smiled.

" I said and he smiled

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"Bro me too. This will be insane." He added and I nodded. We still had 10 or so minutes left so I just tried to calm down and not faint the moment he starts singing. I love his voice so much ist just so special.
"I'm happy to be here with you." Suddenly Jin spoke and I looked over to him. He was looking down at me with a blushed face and a friendly smile. Oh my god so cute.
"Me too." I answered and took his hand. We stood there holding each other hands and smiling until the lights suddenly went out.
"Oh my god it's starting." I freaked out and fixed my eyes in the stage. The lights on the stage went also out and now we couldn't see anything.
"What now?" I asked myself and just after that loud music started. I threw my hand up and screamed. I was so happy. The lights turned on and dancers with a band was seen on the stage. They were dancing so good. It must have been the intro. I really enjoyed it. After about 3 minutes the dancers made their ways more to the back and another song started playing. I recognized that song in a second. This was Js song. One of his best song and already at the beginning. Starting good. The first about Minute was played and then I could see someone slowly walking forward from the back. I couldn't see clear because of the weird lighting but it mast have been him. For a couple of seconds the music got a bit slower and I could see that everyone was getting in place on the stage. All the lights turned fully on and the music got really loud. I screamed so loud when he started dancing in the middle. It was for sure him. Only he can dance that way. I was already having so much fun and I couldn't hide it.

 I was already having so much fun and I couldn't hide it

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"So cool." I heard Taehyung from behind me. The others were also really enjoying the show. J started singing and I was freaking out. He sounds even better live then I imagined. That was for sure not lip syncing. He can sing that well while dancing so great this was insane. What an experience to be here. I loved every second of it. The music started to slow down and step by step J stopped dancing.
"Are you all having fun?!" He screamed into the microphone and the whole audience went crazy. So did we. I was really glad to be here with my friends and share this cool night with them.
"You ready?!" Once again he yelled and we screamed even louder. I told you he knows how to throw a great show. The next song started playing and he slowly walked forward. At the very front he stopped and started singing. I also knew this song of him. I have been stalking him 24/7 for the past week or two so I was a pro already. He walked around the stage while his dancers were going crazy in the back. Everything on stage was just amazing. We were on the left side and when he started dancing towards us, our row was screaming even more. This guy has a lot of fans but this is not a surprise. He is really good. I quickly got my phone out and started filming as he was coming closer and closer.
"Oh god record it!" Taehyung screamed and hit my shoulder. I looked at him confused.
"What do you think I am doing." I said annoyed and turned back to the stage. J was now fully before us. I watched him through my phone and moved my head to the beat. He looked so good and I felt so attracted towards him it was crazy. That song was over as well and he hit the last note so great I was about to melt. I was still recording when he straightened himself after the song and looked at his fans.
"Wait a minute." I said a little confused as I zoomed in on his face. My yawn almost dropped at what I saw...

 My yawn almost dropped at what I saw

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