#35 In this together

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Y/n Pov:

"Selfish." I said and lowered my head.
"Don't come with the 'I tried to protect your' bullshit. You just kept quiet to make it easy on yourself. You ran away Jimin and choose the easy way. Jimin we have been through way more together. I know things are sometimes tough but we are strong. Specially together. Why did you think letting me go was the better choice. It was just the easy choice. Back then when you were my teacher, you also didn't give up and everything turned out just great for us, didn't it?" Now I looked up at him while I said the last sentence. To my surprise I saw his eyes getting wet and suddenly small tears ran down his cheeks.

 To my surprise I saw his eyes getting wet and suddenly small tears ran down his cheeks

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"I'm just so tired. All the drama and all the secrets. It makes me sick. There will never be an end to it. It started three years ago when I because your teacher and now it continues with me being an idol. I am the problem Y/n. For some reason I have the feeling God doesn't want us to be together." He cried as he spoke and my eyes widened. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.
"Don't even think about giving up again. I know it now so why not fight again. Jimin I am your girlfriend not Js. I am with Park Jimin not with the Idol J so get your shit together and fight for me just like before because I am not ready to actually leave your stupid ass." I said and his eyes widened by my words.
"You still want to be with me?" He asked sobbing and I sighed.
"Of course I do you dick. As if I would let a man like you go. But from now on I want you to talk to me. I am old and strong enough to make decisions on my own. There won't be anymore 'oh I thought that's the best for you'. You will talk to me and we will decide together. That's how a relationship works." I was barely finished with my speech, he suddenly grab my waist and pull me into a deep kiss. His lips were moving on mine while he's tongue was fighting with mine. I eventually gave in and let his tongue slide into my mouth. His lips were warm and he tasted sweet.

 His lips were warm and he tasted sweet

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Nobody ever could kiss like Park Jimin. I missed him so much. I missed every part of his body. His perfect eyes, perfect face, perfect hair but mostly his perfect love. Just Mr. Perfect nothing else. He kissed me so passionately and my lust for him grew by every second. I expected him to touch me but he didn't. He just kissed me. The longest kiss ever. He didn't move his hands away from my waist. This was the kiss I loved the most. It was not a kiss because of lust. It was a kiss out of love. His hot tears were wetting my face as they were still falling from his eyes. I have never seen Jimin like that before. So broken. So sad. For now I wanted to make him to the happy Jimin again I knew. It was enough drama for him. I broke the kiss and moved my hands to his face. His eyes were all red and puffy. He never cried this much in front of me. All I have seen were quiet sobs. This was new but finally I knew everything. Finally I felt like part of his life. I held his face between my hands and looked him deep into his eyes which still had the blue contact lenses in.

 I held his face between my hands and looked him deep into his eyes which still had the blue contact lenses in

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"Stop worrying and stop questioning everything. Promise me from now on you will talk to me. About everything." I told him and tried to smile but to be honest it was hard not to cry with him. This was a really emotional moment. I just wanted to hug him tight. Finally his tears stopped dropping and I whipped his eyes clean.
"Yes I promise. I promise" He answered with a really quiet voice. I finally was able to actually smile at him. He was so beautiful. I was so glad he was able to open up that much to even cry his eyes out before me.
"It's strange that I am the one telling you how a relationship works." After I said that he finally chuckled a little.
"Not even I am perfect. But you are. My Mrs. Perfect." Jimin said and now I couldn't stop smiling. Finally I had him back. I only wanted him. No one else.
"I'm sorry for disappointing you." His smile now faded as his said that. I kissed the tip of his nose and rested my forehead on his.
"Let's move on. Move on together." I said and closed my eyes. Jimin leant closer amd hugged me really tight and placed his head on my shoulder.
"I will never let you go again. Not even for a minute. I love you." He said still with his face buried into my shirt and I stroked his hair while laying my other arm around his shoulder.
"I love you too." I answered and we didn't move. We stayed like that for minutes. I never wanted to let go of him again.
"Where are we going by the way?" I asked without even thinking of letting go of him.
"To the hotel. Paparazzi are after us so we can't go home yet. Just tomorrow through the back door." He explained. Well I guess there was no other choice. Wait... TAEHYUNG!!!


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