#36 My dream

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Y/n Pov:

"Oh my god I forgot about the others!" I suddenly yelled and Jimin looked confused.
"Who others?" He asked as I was already pulling my phone out. 7 missed calls, 10 new messages. Well just great.
"I am the worst friend ever." I said and hit my forehead. Even Rose texted me.
"What is wrong?" Jimin asked once again. I looked over to him just to see him staring at at my phone and back at me confused.

 I looked over to him just to see him staring at at my phone and back at me confused

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"I went to the concert with the boys. I completely forgot to tell them where I am. They must be still waiting. That's not good." I said and looked back at my phone. Taehyung called me 4 times. Hyungwon did 3 times. They even gave Rose my number and she texted me twice.
"Oh no. They must be worried." I said as I quickly called Taehyung. To many things happened at once. I couldn't think of anything.
"Y/n where the hell are you?!" I hear Taehyung screaming into the phone. It almost gave me tinnitus.
"Sorry I forgot to check my phone. I am going home with Jungkook." I lied because I knew I was put on speaker. I didn't want everyone to know what was actually going on. Taehyung was just enough.
"Yeah I could already guess you left with Jungkook but still. At least send a text." Taehyung continued. He was right. But I completely forgot it.
"I know I'm sorry. Won't happen again." I apologized and I heard him sigh.
"I know it will." Taehyung pouted and I had to chuckle a little.
"Weeeell..." After I said that I could hear Rose from the background.
"Y/n take care of yourself." She said and I smiled. How nice she was. Finally Hyungwon found someone who deserves him.
"You too guys. Bye." And with that I hung up. Jimin was just sitting there in silence. I slipped closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Y/n you know that we have to keep that a secret. Nobody can know about this." He started. Well that's a bit late for that Jimin.
"Taehyung knows." I simply said and Jimin yelled.
"What?!" I looked back up at him and his eyes were huge as he was looking down at me. I scratched the back of my head.
"He kind of helped me to even get backstage." I said not really looking at him anymore. He hit his palm to his forehead.
"Well just great. Alright I guessed that already. No one else!" He made it clear and held his finger up before my face. I nodded. After that Jimin leant back and closed his eyes.

 After that Jimin leant back and closed his eyes

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He must have been so stressed out. I would have been too.
"I missed having you around. I was so lonely." As Jimin said this sentence I gulped. My heart dropped in my pants.
"Y-yeah...me too." I answered trying to sound legit. Well if it worked was a different topic. I couldn't really say that I had no company but I did miss him.
"Are you tired?" He suddenly asked and I looked up at him a little confused.
"Why are you asking?" I questioned him.
"You voice sounded tired just now." I gulped as he said that. Well at least he saved me without even knowing.
"A little." I answered as I laid my head back on his shoulder.
"We are almost there. Jimin said and I closed my eyes just enjoying him being near me. I really missed this. There is nothing that could replace that feeling I have inside of me whenever he is near me. I can't be without him.
"How are you doing this?" I asked still with my eyes closed.
"What?" Jimin asked not really understanding what I meant.
"All this whole thing must be so stressful. You are for sure tired." I explained and I could hear him chuckle but I had no energy to look up. I was actually tired.
"Well everything is possible if you have a strong will." He answered but I was a bit worried to be honest. He had a lot to deal with.
"But you are basically living two lives. Is it not to much?" I asked and he must have heard in my voice that I was worried because he turned his face towards me and placed a kiss on my head.
"It's worth it because I can live my dream and still have a normal life. I wouldn't change it. Specially not because if I decide back then to be a full time idol then I would have never meet you. I am happy to be Park Jimin." The way he said everything made me calm down. He was living his dream. I smiled to myself and wrapped my arms around his. This was a moment I never wanted to end. But everything has an end.
"We are here." Jimin said as he was carefully looking out of the window making sure there were no paparazzi. He put his wig back on before the car stopped.

Someone walked up to the door and opened it for us

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Someone walked up to the door and opened it for us.
"It's safe Mr. J." The person standing outside said and held up a black umbrella. We stepped out of the car and quickly walked inside the hotel with the man holding the umbrella above us to hide our faces. The room was already prepared so we went directly to the elevator. This hotel was huge. I didn't really had mich time to look around but just enough to make me speechless. So this is the life he lives. This is an idol life.

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