#55 The Company

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Y/n Pov:

We sat in the car and chatted a little while Jimin was driving to his company. I was a bit nervous because this was the first time he brought me there. Well it hasn't been long since I even found out about all this so no wonder.
"Don't worry." He placed his hand on my thigh as he spoke with a small smile.

" He placed his hand on my thigh as he spoke with a small smile

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"It's nothing. You can wait in my studio until I am done. I have a TV and a computer. Or you can look around if you want to." He offered but to be honest I wasn't really that calm.
"But Jimin, nobody knows me there. What if someone thinks I'm a fan who broke in. Or what if someone who doesn't know who you actually are sees us together?" I explained and all he did was chuckle. Well I'm happy that he takes it so easily but I don't.
"I'm going to give you a staff card obviously and I will also introduce you to the security. They have to know who I am so they can properly protect me, and everyone else around me, including you. And as long we don't go outside with my blond hair with you by my side, it shouldn't be a problem." Jimin made it clear and that made me relax a bit. If it wasn't a big deal to visit him then I would be glad if I could come more often. Like that I wouldn't have to wait at home all alone and we could spend some more time together.
"We are here." Jimin said and my yawn dropped as I looked out of the window. I guessed that the company must have be huge but not this huge. It looked like in the movies. So cool. We got out of the car and made our ways to the back door. Obviously idols have a separate entrance because of the paparazzis.
"Hello Mr. Park. Good to see you again." One of the security guards greeted us with a smile.
"Hello Sejun. This is my girlfriend Y/n. She will accompany me today so please make sure no one who is not supposed to sees her. Could you please organize a staff card for her?" Jimin explained while the guard took a look at me. He gave me a small smile before looking back to Jimin.
"Of course Mr. Park." The guard said and we made our ways inside the building. It looked so modern and expensive.

I felt like I was standing inside the lobby of a luxury hotel

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I felt like I was standing inside the lobby of a luxury hotel.
"This way. My studio is on the third floor." Jimin held my hand as he pointed at the elevator. I walked after him. He pressed the bottom and we waited for the elevator to arrive. As the door opened a woman stepped out with a very elegant outfit. She looked like a really important person.
"Oh Jimin I'm glad I ran into you. I have a favor to ask you." She started immediately without even looking at me.
"Hi Yurim. Of course but first I would like you to meet my girlfriend Y/n." Jimin smiled at me and pulled me close to himself. We love a proud boyfriend.
"Jimin. What did I tell you about keeping private life and idol life separated?" She held her finger up before Jimin face and it almost seemed like she scolded him.
"I know but it is safe here and I just wanted to show her around. I have everything under control." He calmed her and after a sigh she agreed and changed topic.
"Well alright but anyways, like I said I have a favor to ask you. So the new trainees just arrived today and I wanted them to meet the idols first and they tell them a bit about their life so they stay motivated and know what is waiting for them if they can make it to the top. You would be the best example of a successful idol." She explained and Jimin was just nodding. I felt like I was see through or something.
"Oh well alright. When?" He asked and she took a look at the papers she was holding.
"They will be in Practice room 5 in around a half an hour. Just try to impress them and be yourself. Well more like be J. See you later." She waved and after that walked away with her head fixed on the papers. I looked after her with a raised eyebrow.
"Hello to you to. Nice to meet you. Oh I'm fine thanks for asking." I said still with my eyes fixed on her while she walked away. Jimin laughed next to me.
"Haha. Don't mind her, she has a lot of on her mind." He explained but I didn't really want to hear it.
"Whatever." I turned around and stepped inside the elevator. Jimin followed with a chuckle. It was a huge building but his studio wasn't far from the elevator so we arrived there quickly. The guard from before was waiting before the door.
"Here is the staff card you asked for Mr. Park." He handed Jimin a name tag and he thanked him. We walked inside his studio and I was amazed. It looked so professional.

Well he was a professional

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Well he was a professional.
"Here you go." He put the card around my neck and smirked at me.
"I wouldn't mind you working here." He said and I smirked as well.
"I would be your private entertainer." I stepped closer to him and bent forward to kiss his neck. He smells so amazing.
"Oh that sounds tempting." Jimin bit down his lips as he looked at my lips. I placed my hands on his chest and walked forward making him hit the wall.
"Should we have a job interview?" I asked as I slowly started moving down without breaking eye contact. There was excitement in his eyes as I got on my knees. My man you for should could be excited.

 My man you for should could be excited

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