#20 Moving on

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Y/n Pov:

I stood in the bathroom infront of the mirror. Am I now really going in the jacuzzi with him after we just made out in the kitchen. It was obviously a bad idea but I somehow couldn't resist. It was so nice with him. And I also wanted to go in that damn jacuzzi.
"Let's just do it. You can control yourself. Nothing has to happen." I said to myself as I walked into the living room where Jin was sitting on the couch already changed in some comfortable clothes with his phone in his hand. He smiled a little as he noticed me.
"Everything alright?" He asked as he put his phone away. I nodded and so did he.
"Well then let's go." He added and removed the hoodie he was wearing. He had nothing underneath. Just his bare chest. His sudden action surprised me. Why would he just get naked infront of me like this. Well we did wanted to go in the jacuzzi so it is not a surprise actually but it still shocked me. Maybe also because I never seen other man shirtless in real life before Jimin. Man my face was burning up.
"Is there a problem?" He asked as I was not moving an inch just checking him out. Jimin would had already made a perverted comment.
"No I am fine just...I don't have a swimsuit with me." I said after I realized that I had nothing to wear.
"Oh that's true. Well we don't have to go in there if you don't want to." Jin was nice and understandable but I really wanted to go in there. An idea came to my mind and it may be a little to much but I wasn't really embarrassed so why not.
"I could just wear my underwear. It's not much of a difference to a bikini." I explained and for a second I saw his cheeks turning red.
"Oh..if you feel comfortable...why not." Jin stuttered a little and I chuckled.
"Will you wait outside?" I asked and he nodded. As he turned around and started to walk toward the jacuzzi I was admiring his huge back. It was so wide and so wel defined. He must be working out. I liked the view.

"Y/n get yourself together

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"Y/n get yourself together." I told myself and started to take of my clothes. It was cold outside so it were a couple of layers. As k was ready I checked myself in the mirror and smiled a little. These days I am the most comfortable in my body. I gained some weight and also worked out a little. It looked good that I wasn't that skinny.

With a smile I walked outside and was about to freeze to death

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With a smile I walked outside and was about to freeze to death. It was so cold.
"Get inside quickly it is freezing." Jin said as he was already inside the warm water. I quickly ran up to him and also sat inside the jacuzzi. He didn't take his eyes of me not even for a second. I had to smirk.
"You like the view?" I asked smiling while I was leaning back in the jacuzzi. He chuckled.
"Well I can't complain." He answered. I like flirting with him. He gets shy but tries to look cool. It's cute.
"How can you afford this apartment?" I asked curious because it did look quite expensive amd if he is at college I don't think he has time for a well paid job.
"It is not that expensive. Only 2 rooms and I did had to renovate some things. Only because of the balcony it costs little more." He explained and I modded as an okay.
"Do you have a part time job?" Once again I asked and he chuckled. What is funny now?
"Well kind of. I am doing Instagram." Jin said and now I understood everything. He is an influencer.
"Oh okay that sounds like fun." I said and closed my eyes to relax. So an influencer. I wondered how many followers he had but I also didn't want to ask and look like a golddigger or anything. Maybe some other day. As I was leaning back relaxing suddenly I felt a presens really near me. O opeden my eyes and saw Jin leaning abowe me with a soft smile.
"Can I help you?" I asked with a smirk on my face and he looked me up and down.
"You could." He whispered and now I straightened myself up.
"Oh really? Like this?" I asked as I placed my hand on his chest and stroked him with my fingertips.
"Or like this?" Once again I asked and traveled my hand behind his neck and digged my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer to my body.
"Yeah like that." He answered as he was staring at my lips almost eating me up with his eyes.

" He answered as he was staring at my lips almost eating me up with his eyes

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"I could even do that." After that I pushed him back and sat on his lap. It took him a bit by surprise but he let me do it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned even closer to his face. We were only inches away. I could feel his breath getting faster by any second.
"You are really pretty." He complimented and somehow now I got a little shy. I am really got when it comes to flirting and teasing but this sounded different. He seemed so honest. Jin lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek.
"Can I?" He asked as he was now staring deep into my eyes. I modded not breaking the eye contact and he slowly placed his lips on mine. Somehow it felt wrong but the same time so damn right. Was i moving on?...

 Was i moving on?

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