The other side of the fortress

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Please listen to both before reading so you can get a clear picture of how you should feel reading this pov. Because it's special

Astoria pov

It was a cold night and I was feeling numb. It's like a mixture of guilt and a mixture of regret but also relief with self satisfaction. Things seemed to be going exactly like how the plan was made. I just had a few more things to 'enhance ' to get better results for my revenge. To be honest I couldn't have came up with a better plan myself if it weren't for my good trusted friend. Taking the time to go to the future and help me change the past just so I could get my revenge on Draco and Harry. Even thier friends who indirectly messed up my happiness. I normally wouldn't have been up for the long run of revenge but the way my friend explained things it just made sense to go through this. The way that I know I deserve better than being a last resort and a last option.

Smiling as I shake off the feelings that I have I sit on my bed. Maybe being the loveable good girl is not my role anymore. The only good that comes from that is a near death from being pushed over by others. It reminds me of the time Blaise was friends with me for a few months. Before that pug face Parkinson touched her puffy hands and took him right away. Kinda like with my long time ex friend and crush Draco Malfoy. It was the beginning of the end for me. Luckily for me I could easily keep my friendship with Cho chang a secret. But I'm not sure how much longer I can keep listening to her complaining about Lavender brown. I mean I know girls stan girlfriends over boyfriends but sometimes I just wish she could go back to when we had friendly conversations. I ruffle my hair and think back to the good times I had before I started this revenge plan. The conversation I had right before I decided to change not only my life but everyone else's life as well.

It was a genuinely loud day and Astoria was walking to the common room with slight tears falling from her eyes. " What's the matter " asked Astoria good friend. Astoria wiped her tears quickly as she spoke. "Nothing really " she says trying to be strong. But her friend wasn't convinced with that. "Tell me the truth who hurt your feelings " her good friend asked. Astoria sighed deeply as she started to talk about what happened. Through Astoria talking she could feel the dark energy coming off her good friend. But ignoring it because her friend usually had that vibe she finished. "Sounds like you need to take revenge on them. How about you let me take care of the plan and help you " the friend said with a bright light in thier eyes. Astoria thought for a few moments before agreeing. "Let's talk more in the library later " Astoria says. They nod before leaving.

After a long time they finally reached the time to meet in the library. "So what's your plan " Astoria asked. "Well we get revenge by ruining thier future's. First we plant a seed of hope between them giving each person something super happy" the good friend said. Astoria nods listening intensely. "Then we slowly but surely cause rifts in the happiness. And make it to were they have big changes in the future" the good friend says. Astoria looks slightly confused but listen to how the plan finishes. "Lastly we use a bit of dark magic and a time turner to secure we ruined the friendships in the future " the friend says with a satisfying smirk. Astoria pushes her chair back abit.

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