What are you talking about?

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Pansy wasn't sure why but she knew Draco was hiding something. Something that he believes he can't ever change. "Look Draco I know we are a big handful but we never look down on you. We never judge you and mostly try to not hurt you" Pansy states. Draco looks at her and is visibly less tense than before. Blaise looks between them and nods. "Plus you don't have to tell us what has been happening just stop being a asshat and we won't be one ethier " Blaise says reassuringly to his friends but more to Draco. Huff. Draco tensed again but he decided that he needed his friends. "Look I was wrong to say such awful things " Draco states.

Pansy smiles and Blaise laughs. That was the closest thing to an apology they were ever gonna get. "Alright you may leave only if you kids never do that again " Snape said scaring the poop out of them. They literally fell on the floor stuck. " Yes professor " they said before Snape released them. "Now get before I change my mind " Snape said smirking. They all three stood up and left.

Harry and Ron finally finished with the things they were doing sat down in the common room on the couch. They looked over to see Hermione and Ginny talking about something with serious faces. They decided that they shouldn't be so selfish and just relax with their bestfriend Hermione. So they walked over to her and apologized for being so distant. Hermione smiled while Ginny laughed. "Okay lover boys we have something important to talk about " Ginny says.

Shortest chapter in my history if I do say so. But I will go back soon to edit small details like names spelled wrong or things that don't make sense. The end is near. And almost clear.

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