future( bonus2)

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Ron spun on his feet back to his job at the ministry leaving Zabini to his life.

Zabini was talking with his daughter her name was Lila Zabini. She was a half blood witch who was homeschooled for her first 3 years of school. "Dad who was that guy you were with over there" she asked. "Oh that was an old classmate from my school" he answered. "Oh is he the guy that you have so many drawings of daddy" she asked. "Um let's hurry and get you to Hogwarts Express before you miss it" he said.

Hogwarts train

"Hey Lunar is it really okay to eat your candy" asked Rose. "Yeah go ahead" she smiled nicely with a faint blush. "Oh stop flirting" said Albus. Scorpius laughs.  Suddenly the compartment opens. "Um can I sit here with you the others are full" asked Lila. "Sure" said Rose. So she sits down. "Hey don't I know you" said Scorpius. "I think so maybe, maybe not" responded Lila. "Oh I do your dad is doctor Zabini isn't he" asked Scorpius. "Oh yeah he is friends with your dad right" asked Lila.


Harry looked at the parent who was none other than Draco Malfoy. He was shocked. Just like every other time he sees him. "Hello Harry long time no see" said Draco. Pansy hugs him really tightly. "How has things been" she asked. "It's been going great I've been away from my parents for about 6 years now so" he said. She smiled at him. "Oh where is Blaise" she asked. "He's busy at his job but do vist sometime you might see him" said Draco. "Now where is Goyle" asked Draco. "Oh he's with his wife
Lorna that Ravenclaw remember she is a muggle teacher now I think" said Pansy. "Oh what happened to Crable" she asked. "He just got out the hospital and is dating a physical instructor" Draco beamed. Pansy started jumping with joy. The others were invested into their conversation too. "Um Draco can I talk with you" asked Harry. Draco agreed and they walked off.

with Ronald

Ronald was sitting at his desk in his office. Thoughts of Zabini filled his mind. What went wrong and where did things go bad? Maybe if something factored out it would have been different. Ronald already knew that Blaise became a doctor and that him and Draco were closer than others. But somehow he still wanted to be apart of his world. Yet the past is the past you can only move forward from there. It's been awhile though. He remembers the last time they met. The way the kiss felt the things they did and the regrets they both had. He sighs and throws his head down on his desk. Maybe I should call him or something he thought. But it was my fault, I didn't mean to make it seem like.......

Also with Blaise

Blaise was on his way back home. He was a doctor at both a muggle hospital and a wizard hospital. He only picked this job because it was his mothers boyfriend who was his absolute favorite person named  Joshua Cuton's final request. No he didn't die but he had to go overseas for his job. Blaise actually liked it. It was fun because Draco and him got to share a starters apartment together for about 2 and a half years. Now they are both living across the street from each other. So they never get too far because after all their friendship is f-ing forever. But anyway how he wishes that he never did anything with Ronald Wesley. He should have known better. Better than to let his self be dragged along by his heart. But his heart still yearns for him even like it did back then.

Maybe I should call him Blaise thought. No I should call Leah and talk about her next visiting day with Lila. After all she is still her technical mother, even if she tends to be a deadbeat sometimes. I still chose to donate my sperm to her. He sighed and got out his phone. Here goes nothing.

A/n: I'm not sure how many I'm gonna put of the future but I do want to continue putting in these so it helps with the ending.

[Updated edit]

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