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"So everything happened but let's focus on now and the future, be mad at me for not leaving because it was pretty stupid of me but " Ron spoke. "Give me a chance and I'll give you a chance, so what do you say " Ronald asked.
A/n: I hope this fanfiction isn't too long heh but if it is sorry not sorry

"So let's eat shall we" Pansy says with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. Hermione smirks and grabs some food on her plate. "We shall" Hermione says.
So both the girls begin eating and talking. Things are going smoothly and they even start playing truth or dare limited version. Basically it's like the original version but with some limitations so that nothing too important is out. And then it was time for a suprise from Hermione to Pansy. "Let's dance Parkinson" said Hermonie. Pansy looked nervous. "Are you sure I mean I would love too but what about all the steps the lead has to take" Pansy says. Hermione smiles and smoothly grabs her hand. "Don't worry all you have to do is trust me" Hermione says with that same beautiful twinkle in her eyes. Pansy smiles back and sighed. "I can't say I never did" she says with love. And they dance with such grace it put other couples to shame.

(A/n: Okay now I love this song and the show so don't judge me it's the song they dancing to)

Anyway they were dancing great with Hermonie taking lead. She only stepped on Pansy feet 3 times. And as Hermione spun Pansy and dipped her they kissed. It was instantly sparks and butterflies. The kiss was so heartfelt and beautiful that they almost didn't know what to do. But they soon pulled away for air. They were panting and Pansy wiped off the hanging string of saliva. "That was amazing Granger but I'd think it would be better if we did it again " Pansy said blushing. "No need for last names anymore, but I was just thinking the exact same thing " Hermione said with delight.

Draco walked into the common room and Goyle was laughing with some of their fellow slytherin peers. So Draco decided he would get some sleep. But that idea was ruined by the hawk that he knew all too well. It was the Malfoy hawk. He didn't really know how it had gotten here but he knew his father's will was always find his way. So he grabbed the letter that was on its talen as it flew out of his dorm and probably out the common room to peck fellow students. When he opened up the letter he felt cold as ice. He felt like shoto (from My Hero Academia) with an icy exterior and an overwhelming father that won't let you be your own person. He reread the letter once more before dropping it. The letter said.....

Blaise looked at Ron. It was the first time it seemed like he was 100% confident in what he said. " Well I guess I'm not perfect ethier so let's get to know each other "Blaise says. Ronald smiles his bright Wesley smile that outshines the rest of his family. Blaise heart started to beat faster. When suddenly his head started hurting. Blaise tried to ignore it but he fell to the ground on his knees. Hands on both sides of his head in pain. "Blaise are you okay " Ron tries. But Zabini was going in and out of consciousness. And then he fell on the ground completely. Ronald was confused and slightly scared. But he used a levitating spell on Zabini and brought him into the infirmary .

A/n: extra short chapter sorry but I hope you like it.

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