Future (bonus1)

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It is 10 years later after the Hogwarts battle and eighth year of hogwarts and it is the prettiest summer ever. Everyone has become adults and things are different. Everyone is living their separate lives sorta.

Harry was walking down the platform with his sons talking to them about important things. Now listen I will be happy about your achievements as long as you don't fight too often okay Harry said. His 3 sons laugh. Albus his youngest son was slightly worried but not about what his dad had said. "What's the matter Albus" said Harry. "Nothing dad I'm just looking for my friend that's all" said Albus. Soon he sees Rose his cousin. She has technically 3 parents. That's because Hermonie and Pansy had Ron help give sperm so that they could have a kid. Rose ran to Albus and gave him the biggest hug. "Are we waiting for Scorpius" asked Rose. "Yeah we are" said Albus.

Hermonie and Pansy walked over to Harry and started talking. Soon Luna and Neville came over to them. Their daughter Lunar Longbottom came to talk with Rose. Luna named her daughter after what her dear friend use to call her. Soon Ginny came into the adults conversation. "Hey everyone how has things been" she asked as she kissed Harry's forehead. Everyone was smiling and talking about life. Suddenly Scorpius ran over to Rose, Lunar and Albus. "Let's get going on the train" said Lunar and Albus in unison. As the kids left to the train Harry turns to look at the parent. It was none other than.........


Ron was at a coffee shop getting his filter coffee when he bumped into someone. He instantly apologized but as he looked up he began to tear up. It was Blaise Zabini. He was well built and had his hair grown out a bit. It really fit his face. He was wearing a mask and doctor coat. Ron suddenly felt sick. 'How long has it been since I've last seen him, actually since we last talked' Ron thought. He felt the need to apologize but nothing came out. They both looked at each other for a few minutes until Blaise walked to the counter to order his coffee. Ron rushed out the coffee shop. He brushed off his black shirt and skinny jeans. Ron had a half shaved mohawk style hair. It made him look so f-ing good. He turned to get one last look in the coffee shop before he left.

But what he saw broke his heart just a bit. Zabini was sitting with his daughter. No wife just his daughter who he assumed was home schooled. She looked just like him. She had caramel skin and everything. The only difference was the eyes. Blueish brown. Ron spun on his feet back to his job at the ministry leaving Zabini to his life.

Also with

Cho Chang was in the animal clinic doing her job. She was very good with pets and loved each and every one she had to take care of. She moved her longer now fully electric brown hair out of her face. She just got done with giving the cats their shots. When suddenly her girlfriend opened the doors. "Are you ready to go" she said to Cho. "Yeah just give me a few minutes to check out Lavs" said Cho with a loving voice. "Okay don't forget I have a suprise for you bunny" said Lavender with full admiration in her voice.

A/n: this is a chapter of a little bit of their future. Obviously the end of the story will have how everything fully plays out so no worries. I wouldn't leave you guessing how I got this.🤭😘✌

[Updated edit]

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