The spaces between us

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1 year later (after the war and they have kids)

It was a extremely warm day in which the whole friend groups decided to meet again at a post Hogwarts mixer. The party included none other that Hermione, Pansy, Cho, Lavender, Neville,Crable and Goyle who showed up first. Then soon after was Ginny, Luna, Harry, Michael, Meghan, Astoria and Draco. Everyone was starting to chat and have fun. Hermione hugged Harry before asking him where Ron was. Harry shrugged and pulled out his muggle phone to call his best mate. While calling Ron, Blaise Zabini walks in. He smiles as he approaches Neville. "It's been a long time" he says as he smiles. Neville soon realized who was talking to him and hugged Zabini tightly. They started a chat that was really nice. After 5 minutes go by Ronald finally shows up. Things were going smoothly for about 2 hours until everyone was starting to get drunk.

In the backroom Ronald and Blaise were making out. It was really steamy as if they were reliving a Hogwarts memory. As Ron's hands groped Zabini's ass. Blaise deepened the kiss yanking the red hair closer to him. By the end of the night they weren't in their own houses. So in the morning they were shocked. "Damn it happened again just like in Hogwarts " Blaise says rubbing his eyes. Ron just stared at the beautiful person in front of him. Blaise smirked as he sat on Ron's lap. Ron blushed just like old times. And just like the moment came it ended. "I have to go I'm sorry about this " Blaise said before getting his clothes and leaving.
Ron was absolutely on cloud 9 until he realized that they wouldn't be together. He signed because it was just that close. He was just that close.

3 years earlier

*Ron was at a coffee shop getting his filter coffee when he bumped into someone. He instantly apologized but as he looked up he began to tear up. It was Blaise Zabini. He was well built and had his hair grown out a bit. It really fit his face. He was wearing a mask and doctor coat. Ron suddenly felt sick. How long has it been since I've last seen him, actually since we last talked Ron thought. He felt the need to apologize but nothing came out. They both looked at each other for a few minutes until Blaise walked to the counter to order his coffee. Ron rushed out the coffee shop. He brushed off his black shirt and skinny jeans. Ron had a half shaved mohawk style hair. It made him look so f-ing good. He turned to get one last look in the coffee shop before he left.

Zabini was sitting with his daughter. A daughter who he assumed was home schooled. She looked just like him. She had caramel skin and everything. The only difference was the eyes. Blueish brown. Ron wanted to leave but he just needed one last look. So he looked at his old lover. He was happy that he had a child but sad it wasn't with him. He felt tears threatening to fall so he left for his job at the ministry.

Blaise took his daughter to the Hogwarts platform and left her with Draco his best mate. He had some business to attend in the ministry. He was a doctor so he was use to people calling him to be a personal doctor every now and again. He eventually got to the person who needed him. Her name was Trisha Kapoor. She was about 4 years older than him but looked so much younger. Once he finished she points him into another direction. He walked until he saw Ronald Wesley. This time Ron said something to him. "Zabini I mean Blaise can we talk " Ron asked with a skeptical look. Zabini's heart leaped as he walked over to his exlover. "Sure" he said quick and simple. They walked over to a private room and started talking. It oddly was good until the unspoken question was asked. "Why didn't we ever try again " Ronald asked.

Blaise was flustered but answered honestly. "Remember back in Hogwarts when I asked you and you said we shouldn't date. Because you weren't good enough" Blaise asked with pain. Ronald grimaced at that. He knew he deserved it. "Well it's pretty obvious you didn't want me so I was hurt naturally and now I have some trust issues" Blaise says. Ronald looked upset and mostly pissed at himself. " I only said that because I thought I was doing the right thing for you" Ron says with a few tears. Blaise quickly wipes them away. "Shouldn't that have been my decision too" Blaise whispered. Ron nods in agreement.

"Let's start over and I promise I won't make decisions by myself " Ron states. Blaise looks up and smiles. "Great that's a date" Blaise says before walking away. Ron was blushing like a madman.

The couple was walking in the park with a pug. "Lavender do you remember when you came out to me" asked Cho Chang. Lavender laughs nodding her head remembering that good time. "It was when you kissed me and we fought. I was mad but had butterflies " Lavender says. Cho smiles. "I actually liked you for a really long time and you used to be homophobic " Cho said sadly. Lavender lifts her chin up. "I know and I'm sorry once Ginny knocked some sense into me I couldn't deny I was more internally homophobic " Lavender states. "I hated the fact that I could be interested in females and tried praying and everything. But it never changed but I knew you were the one when you hugged me and forgave me for being a prick" Lavender says. Just know that when we had that double date with Hermonie and Pansy I was happy that we could do that and not be or feel judged " Cho said. Lavender smiles and picks her up kissing her face as she spins them around. "Cho I have a question for you " Lavender says. Cho's smile turned into a frown. "Nothing bad of course " Lavender states. Cho then starts grinning. "You are perfect and the love of my life without you I would be stuck Cho Chang with this ring will you marry me?" Asked Lavender. Cho smiles and crys yes many times.

The couple soon start giving out wedding invitations. They ask Hermione for help since her and Pansy got married. Things were finally falling into place with everyone and a happy future was ahead. For the most part.

14 years in the present the kids are in there 4th year. Blaise has had a small private funeral even though he doesn't have his daughters body. She messed with the past too much that she had unknowingly easred herself from existence from that year on. Only a very small few people remember her.

Ronald and Blaise decided to date and the hopes that they can mind past tramas with each other. Taking it one day at a time.

In azkaban the inmates were plotting. Lucius Malfoy had escaped and was actually being a decent person in Ireland. He learned to use muggle technology to see his grandson. But inside of azkaban Alice was restless. Trapped inside a bubble and had no magic. She was gonna get a kiss from a dementor. She raked her hair and closed her eyes ready to admit defeat and wait out the days until it happens. She just wanted revenge for being turned into a never ending kid.

In Alice's mind

She laid her head back listening to the noise of her fellow inmates. But suddenly she heard a new strange voice. "Let's blow this popsicle stand and get revenge " the voice called. She opened her eyes and soon a tunnel was there. She hurried inside and escaped. "Now wasn't that fun" said her secret Son Ryan Brown. "Oh mommy baby " she laughed as he held her hand. "Well let's go I want to show you my girlfriend " Ryan says. She looks at him curious. "Her name is Lila Zabini " Ryan say. Her eyes widened. "Nope I'm stuck in a loop" she says. Ryan rolls his eyes. "Are you coming or not mother" Ryan says. "Sure but you're in charge now" Alice brown say. "Great let's get.........."

[ bonus info: Alice Brown had a son who died at age 5 and her boyfriend the father of the son died a few days after. She has a melt down because of it and swears to cause Chaos to other families. ]

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