Blue period

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Surely he wasn't second guessing. But then what was this feeling?

It had officially been one week and Ronald was ready to ask her, Lavender Brown out. It was convenient because they were moving into their 5th year. He wouldn't have to see her until then. Things would be alright.

Zabini caught Luna flirting with Longbottom on more than one occasion. But Longbottom just never got the memo. So doing an unslytherin like thing Blaise talked to Lovegood and is now helping her with Neville. Blaise was no naive fool he also could tell that Longbottom liked him. And he wasn't offended or anything it's just that red head Wesley boy made him second guess everything and everyone. "So Lovegood you should be more subtle about it" Blaise said. Luna shook her head up and down. She was sparkling because Zabini was being nice to her when most people in general were convinced she was crazy off her wits. Blaise wrote her a list of things to do and she would be perfectly happy towards the end. What suprising seemed like a chance to humiliate Luna, Blaise didn't take it. "Well Zabini actually can I call you Blaise, we can hangout sometimes what do you think" Luna asked. Blaise thought about it then he answered. "Only when we have free time to meet because you don't seem as loony as they say you are" Zabini answered her honestly. Luna smiled and waved before walking away.


Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking around hanging out. Harry and Ron started bombarding our brightest witch with questions. "How do you know if you have messed up completely" asked Harry. "How can you sort out friendship and romantic feelings" asked Ron. "How come people are difficult to understand" asked Harry." Can you help with our potions homework" asked Ron. Before they could keep asking her questions she had to stop them." Now listen something's you have to figure out for yourselves, now for homework I'll help you later now I'm gonna read my favorite book" Hermione said. Ron and Harry burst out laughing and agreed to stop asking all at once. It had felt like awhile since they all bothered each other without getting interrupted by dangerous people and things.

Pansy wanted to avoid Ginny because she was becoming more scary than cute. So she decided to prioritize Hermonie instead. It almost seemed surreal for her. Hermione and her became temporary study partners and she was okay with her touching her hands alot. Parkinson wasn't an out pansexual but was actually rather a closeted case. But when Hermione was around she seemed to lose her sense of self control almost. Pansy had to clear her mind and walking to her common room was a great way. Blaise and Draco were inside and joking around. Crable and Goyle were listening intensely to them because why not listen to the 2 most popular Slytherin boys. It seemed weird to Pansy that Crable was smart but acted stupid because people liked him like that. Or the fact that Goyle was sorta secretly in love with a Ravenclaw name Lorna. But smiling to herself she walked over to them and joined her close little friends group.

The next day came quite slow and it seemed too long to bare. In potions class is where things are starting off. Snape was yelling at a few Gryffindors about something. When he finally said we are doing a color changing potions today. It is very powerful and not dangerous but he expects almost everyone to have it done perfect. As the class was with their partners and getting started it seemed to be going good. That is until Neville spilled something into his potion which fizzled green. Then Blaise and Ron tried to move before it exploded or something but couldn't move fast enough. Harry and Draco arguing when the potion exploded into all two potions. Which then caused half the class to turn the color blue.

Things were looking down for the unlucky boys. And it was only getting worse when they realized that they turned the colors that they felt. Neville was bright pink, Blaise was boiling red, Ron was slight red from laughing at Blaise, Harry was green like he was gonna be sick and Draco was violet turning into a faint red color. The half of the class that wasn't colored laughed but as soon as Snape yelled they shut up. It was only gonna be a long year for them sense it was the last day until they went into their 5th year.

[Updated edit]

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