what do you want from me

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Astoria was walking in the halls of Hogwarts when she bumped into Harry. She wasn't actually happy but she had decided that all is fair in love and war. So she stood up and dusted herself off before putting her hand out.

"Hello potter it's a pleasure to finally meet your aquatince" said Astoria. Harry looked at her with slight hesitation before shaking her hand. "Oh  um the pleasure is all mine" Harry answered back. He had a feeling that he saw her before or like he heard about her. And then that is when he realized she was Draco's new alleged girlfriend. He was internally conflicted. Should he ignore her or just be friendly with her? Astoria seems to have noticed his personal inner fighting because she speaks.

"Oh so I'm not gonna pretend to be chummy with you if you are feeling confused about me" Astoria said. Harry looked at her and lightens up a bit. "No it's just I never spoke with you and it's pretty awkward " Harry explains. "It is awkward but amusing "Astoria says laughing. "Yeah maybe "Harry answered back.


*Ginny pov *

"Hey Lorna, Cho and Lavender what are you girls up to" I asked. Cho smiles at me before running and giving me a tightly squeezed hug. Then Lavender started to talk. "We're talking about the gossip that Reta Skeeter has been spreading around it might peek your intrest " Lavender says with a genuine smile. And almost immediately it peeked my intrest. "What has she been scooping on now" I say as if I'm bored. But I'm really not I'm kinda interested. "Well apparently it's that Harry is in love with you "said Lorna. In that moment I didn't realize my face had lit up. But no one noticed or said anything about it. And for a good 20 minutes we talked about Harry. Nothing bad of course but just about the potential love interest thing and how he acts.
"Oh yeah Lorna aren't you dating a slytherin guy" asked Lavender in slightly excitment. Lorna blushes and looks away. "Lor I didn't know you were dating anyone especially not a slytherin, how sly are you" I said in a supportive yet teasing manner. "Oh okay I'll spill, it was just.... I really him. His name is Crable he is so smart and is a amazing kisser" Lorna gushed. "Ha ha eww tmi my friend. But if you like him then he must be a great guy" said Cho. We all start laughing. "Well he's not. He is an excellent ,amazing and caring MAN" Lorna said putting emphasis on the man part. We all start laughing again and it feels like we are sorta sisters. "Oh my gosh did you sleep with him " asked Lavender. Cho smacks Lavs on the arm and hushes her. I slightly laugh because it is pretty amusing. "No he said he wanted to wait until marriage, because he is a sweet and loving guy" Lorna said with dreamy eyes. I smile at them. "He basically has the same ideals as you. I'm glad you met him " I said to Lorna as I hug her. " Thanks gin, oh I have to go I'm needed with another ravenclaw to study. See ya later girlies" said Lorna. We wave her off as we continue to talk. It's been quite awhile since I was doing something other than quidditch and school. Hanging out with close friends is a gift.

End of Ginny's pov

A/n:This is short but I hope you liked the fact that I added Ginny's pov. Author out✌

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