second guessing

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While our beautiful coco skin Blaise Zabini was in the midst of healing his fever our red head Wesley boy Ron was having a war inside his head.

Everything he was already thinking about plus what Luna and Hermione were spouting to him made things no better. He wanted to try getting to know his heart. Plus Lavender always seemed to have liked him. He wasn't a coy dense person like his bestfriend Harry, but unlike him he wasn't 90% or even 100% sure how he is feeling. I mean even his sister came to terms with herself. She likes Luna but is in a tragic love story sorta affair with Harry. Dean Thomas is a confirmed gay and is happy dating Ravenclaw guys but is currently dating their Gryffindor friend Seamus Finnigan. And what put the icing on everything is the fact that Ron wasn't appalled by Draco and Harry becoming an item. He was more confused and slightly relieved at that. He hated how he only told Harry bad things about Draco before Harry could make his own mind up about him.

Like Ron's parents have a grudge against the Malfoys but personally he has seen how Luscious treats his only son. It wasn't on purpose it just so happens he was passing by and hid once he saw the "situation" go down. But it's not to say Ron has pity on him it's just empathy more so. But don't get me wrong Ron still thinks that Malfoy is a git but he just see's him in a way that he hasn't known before.

Anyway Ron gets his casual clothes on and looks for Brown. He had a sinking feeling every step he got to his location. Then he started thinking. 'What does she have that Zabini doesn't have? Well for one she is a girl. For 2 she is in Gryffindor. For 3 he paused'. He doesn't actually know her if he thinks about it. She is kinda just a person who sometimes follows him. They have classes together but he never noticed she is in them. He started thinking why is he asking her out? But as soon Goyle walks by with a Slytherin girl who is pretty much basically attached to him he knew. Now don't get him wrong the Slytherin girl was very cute but Goyle looked uncomfortable. Maybe he doesn't like her or he might not like girls? Ron raked his hair in frustration. He was really going mad.

He turned blueish gray from worrying. He then proceeded to go on. But in his heart he knew it wasn't the right decision. But how could he know if anything would go his way or in his favor. After all he's just an ordinary wizard boy.

( that play on Hannah Montana song reference lol )

What could possibly be better than giving her a try. Plus his family would be proud that he is with a nice girl right? Anyone who isn't from Slytherin house would do. But he couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and betrayal that he might be doing not only to Blaise but to his letter buddy.
Ronald was stopped dead in his tracks with Hermonie giving him a curious eye. He knew better than to try and hide stuff from her, but it didn't hurt to try at least. She slowly circled him and put a hand to his head. He then blushed a faint pink. What the heck is she doing he thought. When she finally spoke she asked him "what he was going to do". He looked down. That was a sure fire way to tell on yourself in front of our curly bushy hair Hermione. He then said he" wanted to see some classmates".

Which wasn't a total lie because she is his classmate. Hermione gave him another suspicious look and then asked him a question to futher her answer. "So Ronald which classmate are you trying to see" asked our brilliant witch. Ron felt slight intimidation from her saying his full name like that. But non the less he looked her in the eyes and said "Lavender Brown". Now Hermione was not a mean person but she just had a distaste and slightly major problem with that Lavender brown girl. So when he said her name she cringed. That act did not go unnoticed by our adorable red head Ron. He crossed his arms and huffed. Hermione noticed and started to talk. "Look Ron it's just are you sure about this, you know no one is expecting you to do anything you know you don't want or like" said Hermione.

Ron said yes very confident but on the inside he was shaking. Before Hermione left she told Ron something important." Just know what others say is not as important than what you feel, I'm honestly very sure your family will understand and still love you" said Hermione. "And if it makes you feel any better you don't always have to know why just live with no judgment and keep an open mind, you're smarter than what you show just don't make a decision you are gonna regret that hurts you and others" said Hermione. Then she patted his back and kissed his check then walked away. Ron knew that he can trust his other bestfriend but he wanted to see if something could come from this. No regrets but a guilty conscience will soon be left with our young red head.

Bonus part

Draco was sitting in the library reading a book about all the Latin and Italian words when something blocked his light. Trying to ignore it but not being able to he looked up. Harry Potter was drinking water in front of him. He rolled his eyes a bit then bit his lip. "Well Potter what do you want now "Draco said more sassy than he intended too. However all Potter did was smile and sit down beside him. Luckily for Draco he was sitting so far from others that no one would notice this encounter.  He looked at Saint Potter and Harry was staring back but with more passion. Draco decided it was best to look at his book before he turned the color he was feeling. Harry softly grabbed Draco hand. Draco turned a bright pink and cursed his body for the betrayal. Harry using all the courage he could muster up asked Draco the question. "Draco how do you feel about me" asked Harry.

Draco looked at the book shelf. He moved his long beautiful slender fingers into his hair than answered. "Well Potter you are quite an unpredictable, unstable and well quite frankly your too kind. Yet I'm not really sure what I feel or think about you" said Draco. Harry looked sad and he turned light blue. Draco than continued." But if you want to know when you do stupid things I find it cute and endearing, you make my heart feel faint when you are around but when you get really close to me my heart beats so fast I feel like the world can hear it" said Draco. Harry looked up shocked but Draco wasn't done. "Also I'm confused myself f*ck I hate you right? Plus my family never liked your family and the way I live is too different. I couldn't even if I wanted to see if I have feelings. We are so different like you are fire and I'm gasoline it's only combustible" said Draco. He then turned to Harry. He stood up and kissed his check and ruffled his hair before running out the library the color of tomatoes. Harry was also red by the end. He was gonna think about what Draco said and meant. This was gonna be a exciting chase. But in the famous words of every exciting person who has ever liked or loved someone "I love a chase".

[Updated edit]

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