my mind

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Ronald and Blaise were as far apart now as the sea to the land. But that couldn't have made them more right for each other. And they both deep down knew that. It's particularly the reason that they just couldn't stay away. No matter how hard they tried, it was kinda like destiny or fate if you believe in that.

So after Hermione gave our Ronald the talk he decided to go on a nice walk through the school. He took the time to really look around at the armed knights  as he walked passed them. Then the little cracks on the wall of the castle that he probably wouldn't have saw if he wasn't paying attention to the beautiful details of the school. Heck he even took in the details of the portraits and broom closets. And to his delight he finally was 100% sure about something.  He never wanted to make Zabini mad or to hurt him in any way. "Gosh I'm a soft boy" Ron whispered to himself. Then he walked into the empty charms room. Surprised to see Blaise Zabini sleeping with his head on the desk. Ron decides to softly and slowly walk closer to him. Bending down he could see just how much more handsome Zabini was up close. All the beautiful lines on his face, the peaceful look he had that he usually didn't wear. Ron felt a light tingling in his hands and then it spread to his stomach. Was this indeed what hermonie was telling him about. The feeling of developing a connection with someone. But certainly Zabini was too far out of his league right?
Just as Ron was thinking with his mind, his right hand was moving on it's own. kinda like it subconsciously knew just what to do as he slightly moved it over Zabini's cheek. Then when he realized what he did he felt the tingling spread all through him. So he inched closer to Zabini. Face only 5 inches apart as he fought with his mind and body.

Blaise pov

After me and Goyle got done talking about things and getting a better understanding of each other I left. I decided that I could catch some sleep inside of the charms classroom because it's one of my favorite of the classes.   (A/n: I'd love to go to the charms class comment if you would too.)
So I sat in the front of the class and carefully fell asleep. But soon maybe a few minutes passed and I had the creepy feeling that I was being watched. Then that's when I felt a hand slightly touching my face. My immediate response would have been to wake up and Fatality the fool but I didn't.
(a/n: mortal combatant anyone? No, okay then tough crowd.)
For some reason the way the hand touched me made me feel weirdly safe so I let I continue. But then it just stopped. And I was suddenly hit with worries that I didn't even know I could have. So I decided to risk it and when I opened my eyes my lips had as fast as light felt heavy. I was in complete and utter shock. Ronald Wesley was kissing me and he also seemed shocked in suprise. It was awkward because we just sorta stood there lips together touching. Not moving at all. And as soon as the atmosphere was there it changed just as fast. And like a rush I'm not sure who started moving first, but all I know is that I didn't want it to stop.  Lips moving hungry and fierce yet longing and loving. My hands moving him closer. But the desk was blocking his way. Yet we didn't want to stop. It was like kissing was our secret language and it was rare we could use it. Just as I was sure I couldn't be more surprised he started to poke his tongue at my mouth. He was freaking begging for entrance and I would gladly let him. So sliding his mouth open into mine we sorta french kissed.
As if coming back to my senses I pull apart for air. "R-Ronald, w-what the h-heck was t-that " I said panting. He blushes bright red at me. " I-I'm pretty sure that I like you Blaise Zabini " said Ron. To say I  was in shock would be correct and why the heck am I studdering I think. And as I go to respond all I can say is "w-what, why........."

Draco POV

"Well I wanted to start by saying that I indeed do like you " I said. The way that Harry's starling green eyes light up was so cute but I hate what I know I'll have to do. It's the beginning of the end between us. And the worst part is I don't have a choice I could die or my family if I don't go through with this. So I'm doing this for our greater good, plus I know how stubborn potter is. "Yet " I continued. And harry's looks started to deflate. "You are not gonna date me potter, because I'm not good enough for you " I said to him. I slightly turn away as to not face him. "What in the bloody hell are you even saying we both like each other so stop saying things that aren't true " yelled harry enraged. Draco knew that even though he really wanted to make it work he wasn't in a position to mess up his 2nd most important crushes life.
In a way he was helping harry and he just hoped that he could forgive him like blaise had said. "Harry it's true very soon I-I'll be getting the dark mark and you dating me would not only put you in danger but me as well " said draco drained and upset. Harry was taken aback by what was said. So much in fact that he backed up an uncomfortable amount of distance. "Why would you willing be getting the mark, I thought you were different Malfoy " harry said with venom. "You know that the physco is trying to kill me" harry yelled. Draco was really upset. "Just date that wesley girl Ginny and be happy and partly safe" draco tried. But harry wasn't having any of this. He wanted answers and he wasn't leaving until he got them. "Malfoy tell me what made you decide to go and even think about working under that mad man" harry begged in a accusing voice. "You are so stupid potter I told you that we are different, we were enemies and it's just complicated" said draco enraged. "Plus our family lives are different, you may be able to escape from your demons but I can't " draco all but yelled as he choked sobbed. "Unlike you purebloods have nothing that you other people have" draco cried out. Harry looked beyond pissed. "Oh so money and power is just nothing to your kind then" asked harry with pure venom. Draco moved closer to harry. Then he pushed him. "You'll never understand this potter maybe because you have no parents or simply being that you are a idiot " draco said. "But the one thing muggle witches and wizards also halfbloods mostly have that purebloods don't have, well it's easy a good role model and common love" draco whispered yelled into harry's ears. "The ability to have someone love you and give you a choice and that let's you choose, I don't have a choice it's been decided ever since I was born " draco yells with pure heart and passion.
"Yeah you are trapped with you know who in fate now but you were always gonna have a choice, a family that loves you and friends that care about you even  if your family isn't by blood"draco spat out with pure jealousy. Then he walked away but not before looking back and saying his last words.
"We are as different as the sun and the moon and our lives will never allow us to be together let's just accept fate and stay away from each other " draco said before leaving.

No one's pov
After replaying the events of that night back in his mind draco decided to cut out stuff and tell Pansy small parts. She was overwhelmed by hearing what happened. She pulled draco closer into her and rubbed his back. "Are you sure you did the right thing draco " asked Parkinson. " I'm not sure but all I know is that I need him safe and if he hates me than I have to accept that " draco says as tears start spilling from his eyes. Grayish eyes turning red. Unsure if he really did the right thing or if it was stupid draco was fighting his mind vs his heart. "Plus Pansy this is just L.O.V.E he says laying his body down and trying to sleep on Parkinson's lap.  L.O.V.E she asks herself confused. Then she remembers that they came up with acronyms for the word love. "You poor thing I'll help you heal trust me and blaise okay " said Parkinson. Draco nods his head and rolls over.
Then they both hear a knock on the door. "Who the bloody fuck is it" said Pansy extremely mad to be interrupted. That is until her anger turned into concern. "What are you up to " asked Pansy. Draco looks towards the person. And his face turns to straight disappointment. "Why hello......"

A/n: Guess who it's gonna be if you can. Mu ha ha ha *evil laughs* until next time😈🤣😂

P.S: pretty soon I'm gonna do an author explaining thing so just be prepared.

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