fake love

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A/n: no before you read no bts references as much as it's a banger no

Lavender realized that things with Ron have been going shakey. She was literally doing everything to make him happy. He only ever gave her a half smile. And then that's when he left to help his friends. He looked her in eyes and smiled. "I'm fine just remember that  you should be nice to people" Ron said. She nodded her head as he left to his friends. He was helping Dean who was with Harry and Hermione. Long story short Ron ended up falling off a really tall ladder and ended in the hospital wing. Of course Lavender was there along with Harry ,Hermione and Neville. Ron was just on the break of being unconscious. He moved his hand. Lavender moved towards him. She rubbed his head. He tensed up. This time she noticed. He softly spoke.

"Harry and Hermione I'm so sorry". Lavender was angry and upset. She left with tears on her face. Hermione knew she shouldn't but she did. She smirked which turned into a smile. Harry on the other hand laughed a little which ended with a smile too. The loyal friends of Ron sat by his side until he got better.


Lavender was upset. She was crying to her friend Cho Chang. Cho tried everything to make her friend feel better. Cho never wanted her to be upset about such small things like this. In fact Cho wanted to be more special to her friend. She sat closer to her and raked her fingers throuh her friends hair. She gently took her hand and kissed it. "I promise if you want to be happy take some time to get over him and I'll be here to talk with you anytime" cho said.

Blaise heard Ron was in the hospital wing and was worried. Draco told him to relax. Then the sudden realization hit him. Blaise, no Draco almost shouts. Blaise looks confused until it hits him too. "Draco I can explain" Blaise said. Yet draco wasn't having any of it. "No Blaise that awful Wesley Ron, the one who is dating Lavender the clingy psycho girl" Draco said. Blaise runs his hands through his hair. "I honestly don't want to talk about this" he said. Pansy jumps in. "Blaise if you need I can help you get back at him and pretend to date you" she says. Blaise shakes his head. "No then what about the Granger lover" he says in a teasing voice. She blushes. "Blaise why do you say such things, obviously she is out of my league" Pansy pouts. Blaise sets her straight ( lol not suppose to be a pun). "Pansy you have more of a chance than both me and Draco" Blaise said serious. She lights up but then looks heartbroken by what he has said. "Draco,Blaise I'm so sorry for you huns" she says. Draco lightly punches Blaise. "Dude why'd you tell Pansy" Draco laughed. They all ended up laughing. Blaise laughs as he says "Well what are friends for"?

A/n: I will try to update twice until my birthday on the 26 so I hope you enjoy it.

[Updated edit]

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