you can't hold my heart

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When Zabini was in his room with Pansy and Draco he explained what happened.

Blaise pov

"Okay guys so I'm gonna explain in the short version of what happened" I said.  They both nodded. "Okay so you both know that it's Ron I developed strong feelings for, but he treated me like an embarrassment and that hurt me a lot" I said. Draco was the first to get fired up. "I'm gonna kill him and wear him as a jacket" he said in a scary tone. Pansy smacks him. I slightly laughed amused. "You dingus you can't believe me, what would your precious Potter think" she says mocking him. Draco jumps on her and then that starts a tickle fight. After a few minutes Pansy has to leave. She wouldn't tell us why but said that if it went good she would tell us more. So when she left it was just me and Draco. We already did our homework and so we lay on my bed.

We talked about what we would do if we ever could escape and become muggles. Draco wanted to work at the library or be a doctor. But me I want to be a bodyguard or artist. It's funny because me and Draco are great at drawing. I close my eyes and soon I'm asleep next to my bestfriend Draco. Life is easier with someone who understands.

No one pov

Draco laid with Zabini and they fell asleep. It was peaceful really. Then Pansy came back later to see the boys sleep. So she set the clock and laid with them. She stroked Blaise hair and kissed his forehead. She rubbed Draco's hair and kissed his check. Then she fell asleep next to her bestfriends.
Crable and Goyle the next day sat by Pansy. She was getting help from one while feeding the other. She was in the mood to be mother for the day. Soon a half sleep Slytherin Blaise Zabini walked over towards them. Goyle starts rubbing his back trying to help wake him up. While Crable goes to wake up Draco Malfoy. They all get dressed and energized. They walk to the great hall like the best popular group in the movies. They were practically shining.

They sat in their regular seats and started talking. The ravenclaw girl named Lorna was looking over at the Slytherin table at Goyle. He smirked and waved at her. She blushes. Pansy almost choked on her toast. " did that happen" she whispered yelled. Draco, Blaise and Crable look at her with interest. "Look that girl is flirting with Goyle and she is a Ravenclaw at that" said Pansy in suprise. Blaise laughs and explains. "Oh they have been snogging for a few weeks now Pans and she apparently approached him first" he said in amusement. Draco burst out laughing which leads to them all laughing.

From the Gryffindor table you can clearly see Harry pouting. He wanted Draco to smile and laugh with him too. Hermione was smiling no more like beaming from ear to ear. She was obviously having a good day. And then there was Ron. He wasn't.

That previous night when Hermione left with Lavender they went to Ron. He was just leaving the infirmary. Lavender was left with him as Hermonie went to clear her head and eventually go to bed. "So Ronald let's talk" said Lavender. Ron sighed. Lavender spoke. "Do you still like me Ron or did you ever even like me" she asked. Ron was taken aback. He had to think. "Lavender I did like you no I do like you it's just maybe we can only be friends" Ron said with care. "I mean I don't want to lead you on and use you or even hurt you more than I know I'm doing now" he said. "But I only dated you to be sure of something and I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, you deserve better" Ron said. Lavender was staring at him. She started to cry. "I guess this means we are breaking up hun ,well it's not over until I know the whole story" she said with anger and passion. "Im sorry but that is the whole truth" Ron say softly with caution. Ron gently touched her shoulder and kissed her cheek then left.

Things just felt bad and he didn't know how to make it better. He realized he liked Blaise but didn't want his friends to find out about it. I mean he's not ashamed of liking a guy it's just........ 

Blaise pov

Sitting with my friends has been the highlight of my low life. They are the dream team if you think about it. I look over at Draco laughing. I'm suddenly sure love is real. My love for my friends is the strongest kinda love I have going on in my life. I'm suddenly tapped by Draco on my arm. I look over at him. "Are you okay Blaise" Draco asked. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just really happy you guys are my friends" I said. Draco smiled and Pansy held my hand. Crable and Goyle smile and look at me with sincerity. "I'm cold I'm gonna get my sweater I'll be back" I said.

Everyone agreed and Draco even decided to come with me. As we are walking someone bumps into me. It's Ronald Wesley carrying something behind his back. "Oh um my bad Wesley" I said going to walk away. He suddenly grabs my arm. "Let's hangout later in the library later and we can meet outside by the black lake" he said to me with that pretty smile that stole my heart. "Okay later" I smiled back. Draco however wasn't pleased about this not one bit. He gave Ron the stink eye before grabbing me to leave. When we went into the common room it's like I came back to my senses. "Draco what the heck did I just do" I asked in panic. Draco laughed but hugged me. "You are in way deeper than I thought" he said.

I couldn't agree more. "Are you sure you can go through with the plan to act calm and avoid him as much as possible" Draco asked. "I'm not sure because it's easier said than done" Blaise said unsure. Draco shook his head. Draco ran into his room and got 2 sweatshirts and threw one to me. "Thanks blondie" I joke. He smirks at me and links our arms. "I can't wait to see how you are in the future Zabini" said Draco. So I decided to joke with him. "Well for starters I'm gonna be your husband and I'm gonna have 2 kids with you" I laugh. "One girl and one boy, you are gonna be working with Hermonie in the ministry while I become an artist or something" I said as my laughter grows. Draco starts laughing too. "Yeah and Pansy and Granger are gonna be married with a kid who is a daughter, and Crable and Goyle are gonna be our kids uncle's" he laughs. We are funny. Things like these just never happen. We exit out the common to tell our friends what we came up with.

[Updated edit]

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