where the real trouble starts

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Hermione rubbed her face and went to go see Luna so they could go to the great hall together. On her way to get her she seen Ron talking to Luna about something. So she respectfully walked over to them to hear Luna say......

"Ron I know what it means to hold hands with a friend but I'm no fool, I know he's not "just" a friend" Luna said. Ron blushed slightly before completely trying to avoid and deny any and all feelings towards that beautiful Slytherin who possesses the last name Zabini. He throws her a please keep it to your self look and storms away. Hermonie walks closer and tries to pretend she heard nothing. But obviously her pretending wasn't the best. So Luna filled her in on the messing information. They both had questions about what lead up to the hand holding but for now they would leave it.

Luna sat with the Gryffindor table in her subtle way of flirting with Longbottom. Harry was sitting in his spot staring towards the Slytherin table and the door in case Malfoy were to walk in any minute. Honestly the relationship between them was something unimaginable and yet so rare and tragic. It's almost like watching a muggle movie in which a volcano meets a tornado and wipes everyone and everything around it out of existence. Then lastly we have Blaise slightly pretending to read a book so he can stare at our red head Wesley boy. And Ron who is stuffing his mouth is obviously sneaking glances at our coco brown save the puppies with cute coco fur Zabini.

:) sorry I sorta fan girl when I think about Zabini, Malfoy, Lovegood and Longbottom:)

Just then draco walks over to the Slytherin table and gets his usual meal to eat. He doesn't even bat an eye to look at Potter but can't help his heart beating knowing that he is staring at him.

~He was really in for it now. Saint Potter messing with his heart yet again, making his heart speed up and being so dense. Draco was not the dense fool he figured out that Potter was his.......

Draco found out one rainy night when he was sitting in the astronomy room reading over his letter buddies sloppy but strangely cute letter.

(Bold Harry  italic Draco)

To my newest friend,
I can't say we are accatince anymore so I shall say it's a stepping stone for us. I realized that the more I talk with you the more you might see the good in slytherin and when we meet we might be able to break down barriers like we talked about before. Baby steps in the words of some muggle borns they say it's an expression of some sort.

Hey it's the gryffindor,
I really appreciate you being so kind at first I thought it was gonna be fire and flames but I am glad we understand one another. Being friends with me might cause a scandal but it's for the greater good.  When you meet me just know everything is not what it seems. I try to put effort into my looks.
Your special my slytherin pal

That is when his search and conclusions narrowed down. He knew only one person that people would care about making a scandal and it was Saint Potter, the boy who lived. Draco never really understood his feelings for him. Was it admiration? Was it a crush? Was it infatuation? Or was it even pure hate? He wasn't sure and being a Malfoy you always had to be sure.
In the Slytherin hall after finishing his apple and thoughts Draco walked extra slowly towards the great hall. And when he got in he wasted no time eating and trying his best to ignore Potter's stares. He wasn't ready yet heck he barely understands his own feelings.

 He asked Blaise and he could only help so much. But something did stick with him that Zabini said. 'In the words of any person no matter muggle or wizard born when you know you just know, if your heart beats fast or fingers feel tingly or even if you feel different around them you know'. So Draco was determined to get his feelings together.

Ronald finished eating and talking with just a few more minutes left to go he needed to clear his head. How was he becoming so affected by a Slytherin and Malfoys lackey at that. Well scratch that lackey part, more like Malfoys friend. He hated to think about it but he had butterflies in his stomach. He's not sure what this new feeling is but he wants, no needs it to stop. Then Ron remembers Lavender Brown. She was fairly cute and she was very female. He decided he would ask her out. But why was he getting a sinking feeling in his gut about asking her out. Surely he wasn't second guessing. But then what was this feeling?

[Updated edit]

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