tied down

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The next day came surprisingly faster than expected. Blaise was walking with his friends and he was smiling. But that quickly faded away as he saw Ron. The guy he was in fact smitten for. He didn't know why this was happening to him. Maybe he killed someone in his past life or he stole from a needy kid but whatever it was was catching up with him now. Draco noticed his change in demeanor almost instantly.

Blaise pov

I feel Draco grab my hand. I smile a half smile towards him. Suddenly I feel as if I'm being mentally ripped apart by eyes. I look for those eyes only to see Potter eyeing me for dear life. So I decided to tease him for a bit. I whisper to Draco my plan and he agrees to it. I lowkey pull him closer to me. I look over and smirk at Harry and he looks pissed off. Then I grab his other hand and hold it like I normally do ( but it's friendly). He looks about ready to blow. Then Hermione caught on and pointed her finger at us. I'm not gonna lie she be scary when she gets into her moods. I'm not  gonna lie she use to be one of the most batshit crazy people in our year. And nothing like how people said about Luna. I instantly stop and Draco starts laughing. Luckily only a few people were looking. I laugh with him as we sit at our table.

Pansy starts talking about our astronomy homework. And how we might get to see both the big dipper and little dipper. Maybe even some shooting stars. Honestly looking at the stars makes me get a sense of hope, like life isn't that bad and light won't always be here so cherish it. Pansy taps me as she sees me in a sorta daze. I yawn and show her my sketch from this morning. Her eyes light up when she sees it. It's a picture of our friend group. She passed it around to our group. First to Crable then Goyle lastly Draco. They all smile. Crable jokes about how Pansy is taller than Goyle and we laugh. It seems like we all only ever laugh with each other. That fun was just for a moment. One moment I wished lasted longer.

Suddenly a group of Ravenclaw boys and a few Gryffindor girls walked over to us. They had nasty faces and they were our regulars when it came to Slytherin hate pride groups.

No one's pov

Blaise and his friends leave their table and the great hall. But they were being followed by them still. They stop and as preusual confront them. "What's with you following us" Pansy yells. The Gryffindor girls laugh. Crable and Goyle yell at the Ravenclaw boys. One Gryffindor girl and Ravenclaw boy pushes Draco. That's when Blaise jumps in. Things are never good when they physically hit one of the friends.

A few moments after fighting with magic and fist.

Blaise takes Draco to the common room while Crable and Pansy goes to the library. They were only hurt with minor injuries nothing to complain about. After all they have gone through much worse. Blaise prepares his clothes for when he meets his letter buddy. He hopes that things turn out well.

Snapes pov

A/n:(Oh yes I did add his pov)

"These children have been interesting foor starters but I feel like something bad is gonna happen Dumbledore" I said. As usual he just says some weird comments that I honestly can't fully decipher. "Trust me it's just only begun let's see what they do to make our future better" said Dumbledore. I sigh and agree. I walk out the classroom. I need to check on my godson and see how he's holding up. Yes he's a strong willed boy but I really don't want him to turn into a replica of his father. Obviously he is much better than him he just doesn't know it yet.
Draco walks into my classroom. "You wanted to see me professor" he asks with a slight smirk. "Oh yes come inside" I said. I slightly look up. He really has grown up and he is excellent at potions unlike that Potter boy. So Draco how has things been for you are your grades up to par" I asked him. "Well I can't seem to beat Granger so I'm stuck in 2nd place behind her" he responds. "Hmm I see so is anything new or something happened to you" I ask with some concern. He scratches his head.

"Okay so tell me about it later if you're uncomfortable now" I said. He agrees. "Oh here before you leave take this" I said as I throw him a ring. "It's for silent communication with me just put it on and think I'll respond to you" I answer.

No one's pov

Our Zabini was still heartbroken. His mind on autopilot and his heart on the battle field. And he is the only person who seems to be getting battle scars. Well except for Cho Chang that is.

Cho's pov
(Past interaction)

I was walking hand and hand with Lavender into the great hall. She was smiling but it didn't seem like her normal smile. "Um Lavs why are you smiling like that" I ask. She stops in her tracks. She doesn't look me in my eyes. "Well I'm gonna get my answer this time because I have a plan" she said. I look at her. I start walking forward. "Lavs what does that mean" I ask with concern in my voice. "Nothing don't even worry about it" she said sweetly. "No Lavs I don't want you doing something you will regret later in time" I yell. She pouts rolling her eyes then it turns dark. She pushes me down. Not trying to do it too hard but it ends up that way. I fall onto my arm and it starts to bleed. "Oh cho I'm sorry I'm so sorry" she panics after realizing what she did. "No don't come anywhere near me" I yell. "I can't believe I use to like you with all my heart" I cry out. I get up and stumble away with her yelling for me. I remember turning around and seeing her cry. I almost run back to her, but I need to reevaluate my heart.

I go into my room and cry. I start thinking back to the time I told her I wanted to be a animal doctor and she told me she wanted to be a teacher or manager for anything. I guess it crushes you when you realize that your crush isn't what they seem to be. But I still can't give her up no matter what and I hate that. The fact that she makes me hate myself for still loving her even though the shit she puts me through. I guess that's one way loves got me tied up.

A/n: don't give Cho just put Lavender into her place. Or you did just confess so let's see. Anyway I hope you enjoy it ✌🌈

[Updated edit]

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